Choosing a repository

What you need to consider when depositing your research data

1. Check your funder requirements:

Your funder(s) may mandate which repository you should use and they may also have other criteria about period of storage or the use of embargoes.

2. Check with the journal you are submitting to:

Some journals maintain a list of approved repositories they will accept, or have specific policies regarding data archiving you might need to comply with.

3. Check for discipline specific repositories:

Where possible, deposit your data in a discipline specific repository. This repository is more likely to have the best metadata schema for your datasets and will be where other researchers in your field expect to find them.  If you are not sure, or the re3data registry of data repositories can be searched. Make sure you choose a repository with a trust certification.


Search the re3data registry

Criteria for a Trusted repository

OpenAIRE Guide on "How to find a trustworthy repository for your data"

4. If you still have not identified a repository after checking all of the above, archive your data with the University

Research data from any University of Edinburgh research project may be deposited with the Research Data Service:

  • Edinburgh DataShare is our open access data repository for data items under 100 GB. Depositing is free of charge.  DataShare is a trustworthy repository, holding the CoreTrustSeal certification.
  • If your research project data totals over 100 GB or must be restricted-access only, Edinburgh DataVault may be suitable, with capacity to handle multi-terabyte datasets. A fee will be charged where a project has deposited over 100 GB.

These repositories are not restricted to any discipline and are available for all researchers to use.

Information on the DataShare and DataVault repositories

If you have any further questions, please contact us through the link above.