DataShare Privacy Notice

How personally identifying information collected by the DataShare system is processed

About this notice

This privacy notice provides information about how the University of Edinburgh collects and uses your personal information in relation to Edinburgh DataShare.

What information may we collect about you?

We collect, store and use the following categories of personal data:

  • your details such as name, UUN and e-mail address when you register an account
  • research data
  • your IP address

How is your personal data collected?

You give us your personal data through the information collected about you in order to create an account on Edinburgh DataShare and respond to an email relating to an enquiry etc. We capture this information as it is necessary to provide the service.

As a visitor to we collect, store and use your IP address. We capture the IP address of every visitor to We do this so that we can monitor service user engagement. The IP data is collected on our behalf by Google Analytics.

How will we use the information about you?

The information you provide to Edinburgh DataShare will be used by the University of Edinburgh to:

  • manage your account
  • maintain accurate and up-to-date records
  • process any complaint you submit
  • maintain or develop systems and processes
  • meet legislative, statutory, contractual and audit requirements
  • improve service levels
  • update you on service changes, improvements and downtimes
  • archiving of research data

We will hold the personal data you provided us until such time where the repository system is shut down or replaced. We hold IP address information for three years from the date of visit.

If you have any questions please contact the Research Data Service using the Contact Us button at the top of this page.