Why use DataVault

Decide if DataVault is the right place for your data

The purpose of the DataVault is to provide you (PIs/data owners) with a long-term, low-cost, immutable, and safe storage solution for your research data, which is no longer active or not intended for publication.

The service provides:

  • Secure data storage on the University’s archival storage platform

  • Full encryption for sensitive data

  • Restricted access (the current data owner or nominated individuals only)

  • Permanent dataset identifier DOI (if required)

  • Data discoverability through linkage to a Pure record

The service enables you to:

  • Comply with funder and University requirements to preserve research data for the long-term
  • Confidently store your data for retrieval at a future date

Who can deposit and retrieve data?

  • You must be a University of Edinburgh Researcher with an active University login

  • You must be the vault owner (usually the Principal Investigator) or a named delegate

  • The DataVault will not ordinarily be available for storing student-generated research data.

How long will the data be stored?

  • You will specify the period for which the data must be kept before being reviewed for deletion.

Next steps

  • View our 'Getting started' DataVault video: How-to videos.
  • Learn more about DataVault features from our blog post.
