Exam papers online

There is a wide variety of study space available for all students in all of the University's libraries.

The University offers a range of different environments to study in: Study spaces provided by Information Services

Decorative graphic image for Dissertation and Thesis Festival. Image of student at a laptop.

The Dissertation and Thesis Festival offers a week of events to help you discover resources for your research and develop your research or digital skills.

Dissertation and Thesis Festival

Library Wellbeing Collection

The Library supports wellbeing through buying, promoting and providing access to a range of relevant print and electronic resources.


Leisure Reading Collection (Libby)

Current students and staff can dip in to the Library's Leisure Reading Collection which includes popular fiction and non-fiction e-books and audiobooks by a wide range of authors covering many genres.  

We offer equipment, advice, training and support to help you make (almost) anything.

Digitisation Services

The University Library offers a number of digitisation and scanning services.

Library Image

Our people, projects and strategies.