E-book Collections A to L

The main e-book collections, titles begin with A to L, to which the Library provides access.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Over 250 engineering reference sources; 5,000 interactive graphs and downloadable tables and charts; personalization tools; instructional videos. Includes Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook, Marks Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers.


Access information:

Access on and off campus.

The ACLS platform is experiencing technical difficulties. Currently no files can be downloaded from the platform. While most ebooks can still be searched and read online using the Read button, a number of titles (particularly in ACLS Humanities Ebook) will not display at all due to the presence of a specific resource type that cannot load. 20/1/25.

Description:ACLS Humanities E-Book (HEB) is a digital collection of over 6,300 books in the humanities and related social sciences. These titles are presented in collaboration with more than 125 publishers. Books in the HEB collection have been recommended and reviewed by scholars and constituent learned societies of the American Council of Learned Societies. 




Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: With over 3,500 titles, BAR Publishing offers the largest series of academic archaeology titles in the world, covering all geographic regions and time periods. The collection encompasses all periods from prehistory, through classical archaeology, to 20th century archaeology around the globe. These are presented in data rich monographs, edited collections of paper, excavation and site reports and conference proceedings.
Coverage: Access covers items published from 2020 onwards




Bloomsbury E-book Collections

Access Information: Access on or off campus.
Description: Bloomsbury eBook Collections delivers instant access to Bloomsbury’s research publications with unlimited user access and the facility to download and print chapter PDFs without DRM restriction. Collections available include: Anthropology, Biblical Studies, Christian Doctrines, Christology, Education, Film & Media, International Critical Commentary, Law (Hart Publishing), Literary Studies, Middle East, Political Theory and Philosophy, Politics and International Relations, Religious Studies and Second Language Acquisition.



Books of Modern China (1840-1949)

Access information:

Access on and off campus


Digital archive from Shanghai Library collections of over 120,000 books published in China between 1840-1949, covering the following categories: politics, economics, law, literature, lifestyle, contemporary biographies, children’s books, school textbooks, as well as communist publications.


Access information: Access on and off campus. Individual titles are available via DiscoverEd.

Via the first link, 413 e-books in the following subject areas; Animal Production and Husbandry collection; Human Health and Nutrition collection, Veterinary Medicine collection.  Copyright year varies from 2000-2022.  A userguide which lists the DRM restrictions can be found here

Via the second link, Subject areas include;  Agriculture, Animal and Vet Science,  Food and Environmental Sciences and Public Health. Most of these books have copyright year 2000-2020.


Access information: Access on and off campus. Individual titles are also available via DiscoverEd.
Description: This collection provides access to over 50,000 Cambridge University Press e-books across all disciplines. Each title is listed in DiscoverEd and further titles will be added to the collection on a monthly basis. 


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Cross search the complete collection of Cambridge Companions. Full text is available for all publications. The Collections comprises the Companions to Literature and the Classics, the Companions to Music and the Companions to Philosophy, Religion and Culture.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: A unique historical reference compendium which provides access to the full text of the Cambridge Histories series. Contains over 300 volumes.
  Subjects covered include American, British and Economic history, Language and Linguistics, Literary Studies, Philosophy, Music and Political Social theory.
  Books can be browsed by, title, chapter or author or search across volumes.
Note: Access is to all titles published to 2014, then individual purchases. All available titles are listed in DiscoverEd.


Access information: Access on and off campus. Individual titles are also available via DiscoverEd.

This collection comprises 1300+ high quality textbooks published by Cambridge University Press.  The collection offers a wide range of current and pedagogically robust textbooks designed to support the needs of lecturers and their students across a broad range of subject areas – further details (including a title list) are available here

The new Higher Education platform has a two stage log-in process, and requires readers to register for a personal Cambridge Core account – instructions can be found here for students, and here for course instructors.


Access information: Access on and off campus

The Casalini full text platform (Torrossa) provides access to several thousand scholarly books and primary literary works from Italian and Spanish academic publishers since 2000 for University of Edinburgh users. As of July 2022, the collection consists of 2,463 Italian e-books (including a digital library called  Biblioteca Italiana Zanichelli of 1,171 titles of Italian literary works – added in July 2022) and about 14,500 Italian book chapters and journal articles,  772  Spanish e-books and 2,450 Spanish book chapters and journal articles, as well as a small number of e-books, chapters and articles in English, French, Portuguese, German and Catalan. The database is full text searchable. Bibliographic records of the individual e-books are findable in DiscoverEd, but titles of book chapters and journal articles from this database are not yet indexed in DiscoverEd.


Access information: Available on campus and off campus.
Description: This is a digital library of some 710,000 Chinese e-books covering all subjects of learning. The Library has purchased no more than 1,189 e-books from this database. All the titles, whether purchased or not, can be searched and contents displayed. Purchased items can be read in full text in their entirety while other items are available as full text for the first 17 pages.
  We will continue to purchase more items on user recommendation. If you see anything important to you, click on ‘tuijian’ (recommend) and the whole book will be available within a week.  Chinese e-books from this database are not yet listed in DiscoverEd.


Access information: Access on and off campus.

For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.

Description: The digital edition of the great encyclopedic compendium of the most important classics of China. The original printed copy was completed in 1726, consisting of 6 series and 6109 titles and covering nearly every subject in pre-18th century China such as astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, literature, politics, economy, art, education, agriculture, medicine. Contents are displayed in both text and image formats, and are fully searchable in traditional Chinese characters.
  The compendium is the biggest of its kind in the world (only exceeded in scope by another Chinese encyclopedia, the 15th century Yong Le Da Dian most of which had been destroyed during wars). Ideal for quickly looking up most topics relating to pre-18th century China.



De Gruyter E-books Collection

Access information:Access on and off campus. There is an access issue to books published by Berghahn and Reinner, plus their imprints such as Kumarian. This is under investigation 21/1/25.
Description:This collection provides access to 80,000 plus e-books across the following disciplines: Arts; Architecture & Design; Asian & Pacific Studies; Business & Economics; Chemistry; Classical & Ancient Near Eastern Studies; Cultural Studies; Geosciences; German Studies; Engineering; History; Iberian and Latin American Studies; Industrial Studies; Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies; Jewish Studies; Law; Library Studies; Life Science; Linguistics & Semiotics; Literary Studies; Materials Sciences; Mathematics; Medicine; Medieval Studies; Philosophy; Physics; Social Sciences; Theology & Religion; Urban Studies.
Note:Excluded publishers: Bristol University Press & Policy Press, Duke University Press, Stanford University Press, University of Chicago Press and Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt.



Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese and Japanese Ancient Books

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese & Japanese Ancient Books (雕龍中日古籍全文資料庫) contains about 30,000 ancient books which cover a wide range of subjects including history, religion, philosophy, literature, politics, economics, medicine and local gazetteers. The page display can be in scanned images, in transcribed texts, or in both side by side. The huge number of books are sourced from 21  large series titles which can be searched or browsed. These 21 series are: Daozang (道藏, 1513 book titles / 5878 vols), Daozang jiyao (道藏辑要, 299/2553), Sibu congkan (四部叢刊, 472/13685), Xu Sibu congkan (續四部叢刊, 364/15328), Yongle dadian (永樂大典, 813/813), Gujin Tushu Jicheng (古今圖書集成, 33/10012), Dunhuang shiliao(敦煌史料,2952/2955). Qingdai shiliao (清代史料, 113/10832), Zhongguo difangzhi (中國地方誌, 2137/52022), Zhongguo difangzhi xuji (中國地方誌續集,1939/37477), Zhongguo difangzhi sanji (中國地方誌三集,2090/18309), Riben gudian shujiku (日本古典書籍庫, 618/7400), Siku quanshu (四庫全書, 3541/92074), Xuxiu Siku quanshu (續修四庫全書, 5550/104703), Siku cunmu (四庫存目,4350/65551), Siku wei shou shu (四庫未收書,167/2479), Siku jin hui shu (四庫禁毀書,620/13342), Liufu wencang (六府文藏, 7717/149576), Zhongguo minjian wenxue (中國民間文學,203/538), Qingdai keju zhujuan (清代科舉硃卷, 1071/7792), Yi jia ku (醫家庫,1033/9362). 


Access information: Access on and off campus.

The database features the entire corpus of Barth's works in German, currently comprising 45 volumes of theological writings, lectures, letters, sermons, and interviews.

As additional print volumes of the Gesamtausgabe become available, they will be added, and also included is Barth's magnum opus, the 14-volume Kirchliche Dogmatik.

During the second phase of the project, the exhaustive German-language content will be supplemented with English translations of Barth's most important works. Alexander Street also will add digitized photographs, audio files, and other archival content.



Digitalia Hispanica

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 

Description: Digitalia Hispánica is a database of over 50,000 e-books and about 200 e-journals published in Spanish from some of the most renowned academic publishers in Spain and Latin America such as Anthropos, Biblioteca Nueva, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Ocho y Medio, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. The collection covers a wide range of subject topics mostly in the Social Sciences and Humanities areas, but with some titles in Science and Technology. E-book publications range from the early 20th century to the most recent releases of publishers like Silex, Trotta or Biblioteca Nueva. The collection of e-journals is also wide range and impressive. Some representative titles include Quimera, Archivos de la Filmoteca, and the historical journals from Spain such as Cuadernos de Ruedo Ibérico, El Viejo Topo, Ajoblanco and many others. New content is being made available in the database on an ongoing basis. All the individual titles of the e-books and e-journals are indexed and searchable in our Library catalogue DiscoverEd.



e-Duke Books Scholarly Collection 

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Duke UP books are now hosted on the De Gruyter platform as well as the Duke UP platform. The link above gives users the choice of platform via a Co-access page - please note we do not have access to Duke UP books on the De Gruyter platform so ALWAYS choose the Duke UP link. 19/11/20.


Access to all titles in humanities and social sciences published by Duke University Press.  Individual titles are added to DiscoverEd - see the list at Duke University Press (3rd tab).  2016-2024 published content is purchased and all pre 2016 content is on subscription.



Early English Books Online - ProQuest website


Access information: Access on and off campus.

Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700. Most books are in English (134,417), but there are also hundreds of books in other European languages including Latin (9060), French (678), Welsh (205), Ancient Greek (147), Greek (112), Italian (95), Scots (88), German (63), Spanish (32), Hebrew (12), Scottish Gaelic (8), Portuguese (7), Arabic (6), and other Roman languages (795).

Users can explore complete, digitized images of all the works listed in these key bibliographic records of English literature: The Short-Title Catalogue (Pollard & Redgrave, 1475-1640); The Short-Title Catalogue II (Wing, 1641-1700); The Thomason Tracts; and the Early English Books Tract Supplements, as well as original almanacs, pamphlets, musical scores, prayer books and other primary sources.

Cross-searchable with Early European Books on the Early Modern Books platform.

Cross searchable with Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) 65,000 texts from the British Library 19th Century collection and the UK Medical Heritage Library (UKMHL) on the JISC Historical Texts platform. The JISC Historical Texts platform does not contain any annual updates.


Coverage: 1470-1700. Approximately 200-500 new titles are added to EEBO every year (on the ProQuest platform).
Userguide: https://proquest.libguides.com/eebopqp 



Early European Books Online

Access information:Access on and off campus. 

Early European Books traces the history of printing in Europe from its origins through to the close of the seventeenth century, offering full-colour, high-resolution facsimile images of rare and hard-to-access printed sources.

Cross searchable with Early English Books Online on the Early Modern Books platform.

Early European Books is divided into 24 collections:

  • Collection 1 contains 2500 titles (P); Collection 2 contains 2700 titles(P);
  • Collection 3 contains 10,000 titles(P); Collection 4 contains 9200 titles(P);
  • Collection 5 contains 5500 titles (S);  Collection 6 contains 3500 titles(S);
  • Collection 7 contains 7400 titles (S); Collection 8 contains 5300 titles(S);
  • Collection 9 contains 3300 titles (S); Collection 10 contains 2600 titles(S);
  • Collection 11 contains 2200 titles (S); Collection 12 contains 1200 titles(S);
  • Collection 13 contains 5000 titles (S); Collection 14 contains 1100 titles(S);
  • Collection 15 contains 3000 titles (S); Collection 16 contains 1350 titles(S);
  • Collection 17 contains 1180 titles (S); Collection 18 contains 900 titles(S);
  • Collection 19 contains 1043 titles (S); Collection 20 contains 900 titles (S);
  • Collection 21 contains 5,100 titles (S); Collection 22 contains 556 titles (S).
  • Collection 23 contains 1900 titles (S); Collection 24 contains 266 titles (S)
  • Collection 25 contains 1190 titles (S)

Early European Books Online is a mix of perpetually licensed content, marked (P) above and subscribed content, marked (S) above.

Coverage:Over 77,000 e-books. The University of Edinburgh has access to Collections 1 - 25 and the Wellcome Trust collection. Further details can be found at http://proquest.libguides.com/eeb


Ebook Central (formerly EBL)

Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:Ebook Central is an e-book library service that offers access to over 285,000 titles produced by a wide range of key academic publishers. Offering content across all subject areas, Ebook Central focuses on recent titles. Ebook Central features content from hundreds of major academic publishers worldwide, including Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge Univerisity Press, Elsevier, John Wiley, Springer, Taylor & Francis, many university presses. New titles are can be added to our Ebook Central collection in response to academic or student recommendations.
 The e-books within Ebook Central can be accessed by several users simultaneously. You may copy a percentage of an Ebook Central e-book online. Within the Ebook Central platform, default printing is restricted to 40% of an e-book, and copying 20% - either for online or offline reading (individual e-books may have different policies depending on the publisher). Books may be downloaded using Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) to a PC, laptop or PDA for offline use. Download for iPads, iPhones or Android devices is possible via the free Bluefire Reader app. Downloaded  e-books can also be transferred to any portable e-book reader that supports Adobe Digital Editions (ADE).
Note:There is a userguide at http://proquest.libguides.com/ebookcentral/home
Note:Additional help with downloading and printing limits can be found at https://proquest.libguides.com/ebookcentral/download
Note:Link to purchase request forms
Removals:Subscription content is subject to removals twice per year, the library is notified in advance and would seek to purchase in perpetuity any titles which are in high demand. See list at https://www.docs.is.ed.ac.uk/docs/Libraries/Main/E-Resources/E-Books/Academic_Complete_Removals_Dec_2024.xlsx 
Note:At the end of January 2025, ProQuest will change the default reading format from PDF to EPUB. This change will make reading easier for screen reader users but because EPUB format reflows according to your screen size, specific page numbers will change across devices and chapters/sections should be used for references instead.




E-Books for National Central Library of Taiwan for Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) Partner Institutions

Access information: Access on and off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.
Description: Database of e-books provided by the National Central Library of Taiwan for Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) partner institutions. E-books are searchable by full text, author, publisher, publication year, and ISBN. Once a title is selected, the full text can be viewed online. The interface language can be changed from "語言" at the top of the screen (English and other languages available).



Access information:Access on and off campus. A password is needed for alumni access. See Electronic resources: usernames page.

An e-book service which provides access to academic books from the world's leading publishers, across all disciplines and subjects. The Library has a tailored collection of titles available via the Ebsco platform, and each title can be accessed via a link from DiscoverEd or directly via the platform. New titles are can be added to our Ebsco collection in response to academic recommendation.

To access, click on "EBSCOhost integrated search", then scroll through the alphabetical list of databases to click on "eBook Collection (EBSCOhost).

Userguides;Ebsco LibGuide at http://ebsco.libguides.com/ebooks/home and e-book download guide at https://connect.ebsco.com/s/article/Downloading-EBSCO-eBooks-Tutorial?language=en_US


Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: Contains over 180,000 titles (200,000 volumes) published during the 18th Century, covering a range of subjects including history, literature, religion, law, fine arts, and science. The full text of the collection is searchable, from books and directories, Bibles, sheet music and sermons to advertisements.
Coverage: 18th Century.


Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:The collection includes over 40,000 e-books covering the following subject areas - Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences and Social Sciences.


Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: Collection of 60,000 images of original manuscripts and printed material with accompanying thematic essays. The content comes from library and archive collections worldwide, and can used to support teaching and learning. Full details of how to incorporate images into course materials are provided.
Coverage: 1492-1962.


Access Information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Gunsho Ruiju is a collection of old Japanese books published from the ancient times to early Edo era. Subjects cover history, literature, religion, language, customs, art, music, cultivated arts, education, morality, legal codes, politics, economy, society and many other topics. Many textual sources are only available in this collection. This is an important primary resource for the study of classical Japanese culture.
Coverage: The collection consists of three parts: Gunsho Ruiju, Zoku Gunsho Ruiju, and Zoku Zoku Gunsho Ruiju. The number of volumes for each part is as follows: Gunsho Ruiju: 133 volumes, 1276 digitally compiled books and sources. Zoku Gunsho Ruiju: 86 volumes, 2,128 digitally compiled books and sources. Zoku Zoku Gunsho Ruiju: 17 volumes, 350 digitally compiled books and sources.
Note: Website also offers English translation of some of the content.
  A more detailed description of content


Access information: Freely available
Description: Gutenberg-e is a collection of e-books, covering a range of subjects and which include hyperlinks to supplementary literature, images, music, video, and links to related web sites. Gutenberg-e is a collaborative project between the American Historical Association and Columbia University Press.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: A repository of digital content from US research libraries including content digitised via the Google Books project and Internet Archive digitisation initiatives.  Over 5 million e-books in the public domain are freely available.
Note: E-Books are in the public domain are free to read online but may have restrictions on download outwith the USA.



Historical Texts

Access information: Access on and off campus. Access to Historical Texts will CEASE at the end of the current subscription period on 31 July 2024 - JISC are shutting down the service due to costs and availability elsewhere.

Historical Texts brings together four historically significant collections into a single database search platform: Early English Books Online (EEBO), Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), 65,000 texts from the British Library 19th Century Collection and the UK Medical Heritage Library collection (UKMHL). For descriptions of and alternative access to EEBO and ECCO, see their separate entries in this Database A-Z list. The British Library 19th Century Collection offers over 65,000 recently digitised editions during 1789-1914, many of which are previously rare and inaccessible titles. The UK Medical Heritage Library collection (1800-1900’s) contains the images and full text of over 66,000 19th century European medical publications. The UKMHL visualisations are available on a separate platform

Coverage: 1473 to early 1910s



Human Kinetics Library

Access information:

Access on and off campus


A collection of over 150 e-books and 200 videos from the Human Kinetics Library core collection.

Topics covered include: Active Ageing, Biomechanics, Cognition and Mental Health, Disability in Sport, Kinesiology and Exercise Science, Sport Management, Marketing and Finance, and more.  Specific sports and activities covered include: Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Dance, Football (Soccer), Hiking and Backpacking, Martial Arts and Self-Defence, Water Sports and Activities, and more.

Further notes:

Users can create a personal account in order to save items to view later, organise saved items into folders, email and export citations, save searches and set up search alerts.


Access information: On and off campus
Description: E-book collection from ICE (the Institution of Civil Engineers) covering construction materials, contracts, Eurocodes, ground engineering, management, structures and buildings, waste and wastewater, etc.
  Most titles are available, with "S" in title list indicating access is available.


Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:The collection includes over 400 titles, across a range of subjects, including bioengineering, power & energy, and communication technologies.


Access information:On-campus access. Access available off campus via VPN.
Description:More than twenty online books published by the Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Coverage:Full-text from 2010 onwards.


Access information: Access on campus and off campus.
Description: The Library has purchased 56 Japanese e-books which are accessible on the EBSCOhost e-Book Collection platform. The current selected titles focus on Japanese language and grammar. The texts are in PDF format. The collection will grow as we add more Japanese e-books into the database.



Access information:
Access on and off campus.

KinoDen is a Japanese academic e-book service for libraries from KinoKuniya.

Use 検索 to search for e-books by keyword. To view the collection of KinoDen e-books held by the University of Edinburgh Library, select the ‘holdings only’ (所蔵のみ) in the ‘holdings’ (所蔵形態) drop-down menu on the search results page. 

You can also preview unpurchased titles by selecting ‘include unheld’ (未所蔵を含める). If you see the 未所蔵 label on an e-book, then the Library does not have access to the full text. Students can request KinoDen e-books by using the Request a Book service for students. When completing the Student Request a Book purchase request form, please indicate in the additional comments text box that you are requesting a KinoDen e-book and please provide the e-book’s Product ID from its record on KinoDen. If you have any questions about requesting KinoDen e-books, please contact the Academic Support Librarian for East Asian Studies. 

Watch this video to learn how to use KinoDen:

How to use KinoDen


Access information: Access on campus and off campus.
Description: Knovel platform includes technical reference information and interactive tools for targeted Materials/Property search across engineering disciplines.  Over 3,500 books are available during academic year 2017/18. 


Access information: Access on and off campus
Description: Access to over 12, 000 e-books in the Arab Leaders, Historians and Philosophers Collection, the Modern Arab Renaissance Collection and the Modern Egyptian Collection. Content is in Arabic. Search interface can be switched between English and Arabic, and both include a virtual Arabic keyboard for easy text input.


Access Information: Access on and off campus.
Description: The Digital Loeb Classical Library contains more than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek and English texts aiming to be a virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin Literature, epic and lyric poetry, history, travel, philosophy and oratory, medical writers and mathematicians, and the Church Fathers who make particular use of pagan culture. Readers can browse, search, bookmark, annotate and use a Greek keyboard.