Databases S

Search for a database through the search box or view databases beginning with the letter S below.

Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: Full-text of technical papers, material specifications, standards, books and journals available for download, covering all fields related to mobility engineering – e.g.  aerospace, automotive industries, design engineering, energy sources, fluids, fuels, propulsion, safety engineering, tests and testing, transportation, etc. Includes the SAE Cybersecurity Knowledge Hub for information related to the cyber-physical security of end to end product design, risk mitigation, training and standards.  


Access Information: Access on and off campus

Content from SAGE publisher (some unique to SRM) on the steps involved in a research project. Full range of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods for the social and behavioural sciences, as well as many methods commonly used in the hard sciences.

Topics: Key concepts in research, Philosophy of research, Research ethics, Planning research, Research design, Data collection, Data quality and data management, Qualitative data analysis, Quantitative data analysis,  Writing and disseminating research.


1000+ books, case studies, datasets, encyclopaedias and journal articles, as well as features, such as the Methods Map visual browse tool using a custom taxonomy of 700+ methods terms.  Over 900 videos.  



SAGE Research Methods Cases

Access Information:Access on and off campus
Description:Research Methods content is often theoretical and abstract and can be difficult to apply to real world scenarios. SAGE Research Methods Cases offers hundreds of case studies of actual research projects from many different disciplines to show how methods are applied. These cases add colour and context to the more theoretical material found in Sage Research Methods and underscore the nuances and decisions researchers face when designing projects. We subscribe to Cases 1, 2 and Medicine & Health.


Access Information: Access on and off campus

SAGE Research Methods Video has over 900 videos, including hours of tutorials, interviews, video case studies and mini-documentaries covering the entire research process. Find videos made with expert researchers from leading research institutions, your favorite SAGE authors, great teachers and more.

Topics: Key concepts in research, Philosophy of research, Research ethics, Planning research, Research design, Data collection, Data quality and data management, Qualitative data analysis, Quantitative data analysis,  Writing and disseminating research.




San Francisco Chronicle

Access information: Access on and off campus. 

NOT EARTHQUAKES, NOT FIRES, not even the murder of one of its owners by a minister could stop the independent and often irreverent presses of the San Francisco Chronicle. Founded by two teenage brothers in 1865 when the West was still wild, this newspaper lets researchers travel back in time to experience the completion of the transcontinental railroad, the Klondike gold rush, the San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906, America’s entry into World War I, and many other events that shaped both the City by the Bay and the United States. During its first five decades, the San Francisco Chronicle presented issues from a young, perspective, giving researchers a window through which to study westward expansion,  Chinese immigration, machine politics, urban planning, war, public policy, and more. Mark Twain, Bret Harte, Jack London, and Rex Beach are among the writers who contributed to the San Francisco Chronicle’s pages — some without benefit of a byline — during the early years. To trace San Francisco’s history from a muddy frontier town full of pistol-packing pioneers and corrupt politicians, through its entry into the Roaring ‘20s, start here.



Saskatoon Star Phoenix

Access information: Access on and off campus. 

Beginning with the name The Saskatoon Phoenix in 1902, this newspaper underwent many owners and names before officially becoming The Star Phoenix in 1928. The Star Phoenix is the only daily newspaper that serves Saskatoon, the largest city in Saskatchewan. Coverage of The Star Phoenix includes local news about how the city of Saskatoon developed to become the hub of Saskatchewan and received its nickname, The Hub City. The Star Phoenix coverage includes how the city was affected by the Great Depression and the Great War and was able to grow even after these downfalls. This daily newspaper has won the Canadian Journalism Foundation (CJF) Jackman Award for Excellence in Journalism.

Coverage: 1902-2009


SCAD (replaced by Summaries of EU Legislation)

See entry for Summaries of EU Legislation.




SciELO Citation Index via Web of Science

Access information:

Freely available.

Access to SciELO Citation Index require a University Login.


Open access collections of peer reviewed academic journals, published by institutions from Ibero-American countries and South Africa.

The SciELO Citation Index via Web of Science provides another method of searching for the content on the SciELO platform - against each search result, there is a button which will link you out to the full text on the SciELO platform.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
  Not working? Try clearing your cookies.
  Or, use Alternative login (with the VPN service if off campus) and choose Web of Science Core Collection from "All Databases" drop down menu.
Description: Part of Web of Science Core Collection. Details of articles, meeting reports, letters, editorials etc. from 7,100 of the most important international science, engineering and medicine journals.
Coverage: 1900 onwards.



Science of Synthesis

Access information: Access on campus and off campus.

Critical reviews of synthetic methodologies in organic and organometallic chemistry. Text, structure and reaction searching available. Also, browsing by functional group.

Includes full-text descriptions of synthetic methods with practical experimental procedures applicable in the lab with elaboration on scope and limitations. Search functions are designed to allow rapid lead generation and route optimisation.

Coverage: 1880s onwards
Additional Information:

Underlying sources include Houben–Weyl Methoden der Organischen Chemie.

Further support from the supplier.





Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: ScienceDirect provides access to 1200 journals published by Elsevier Science B.V., with full text of articles available from 1995 onwards for titles to which the University subscribes.



SciFindern - (both University and personal login required)

Not letting you in?

  • Have you registered for your personal SciFinder username/password?
    • An existing SciFinder personal registration will work for SciFindern
  • CAS retired SciFinder classic platform on 1st July 2022. Use the new SciFindern platform linked to above.
  • Going direct, rather than using the link above, requires IP authentication as well as personal registration and therefore connection to the VPN may be necessary.

How to register for a personal SciFinder account (required)

Access information:

Requires personal registration. How to register for SciFinder

Direct access possible with your personal login details plus a University registered IP address

VPN service

 After 20 minutes of inactivity sessions will be closed automatically.
Description:Bibliographic information and abstracts of articles published from more than 50,000 journals. Covers chemistry (all aspects), chemical structures and patents, chemical engineering, biochemistry, biotechnology, genetics. Information on more than 268 million chemical substances.
 Search by chemical structure or text. Full reaction searching allows you to specify reaction sites and map atoms in the reactants. Also, information on patents, chemical suppliers and regulations. Cited reference searching is possible.
Coverage:From 1800s onwards
Additional information:Further support from the supplier for SciFindern




Access information:

Access on and off campus.


A reference manager which allows you to save references directly from the web, highlight and add notes to PDFs and web pages, and suggests articles based on your saved references. 



SCOAP3 Repository

Access information: Free access on and off-campus from SCOAP3 consortium.
Description: Full-text, open access articles from 10 (as of July 2014) High Energy Physics journals.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources.  Contains over 19 million author profiles, 99,000 institutional profiles, 7000 publishers, 94 million records, 2.4 billion cited references, covers over 29,000 journals and 330,000 books from health, life, physical and social sciences and the humanities. Over 43 million patents from WIPO, EPO, USPTO, JPO & UK Intellectual Property Office:
Coverage: For some subject areas, from 1788 onwards.  
User guide:
Note: The University of Edinburgh's Affiliation ID is 60027272 (used for configuring Papers 3 for Mac to work with Scopus).
Note: If you would like to register to receive personalised searches, alerts etc then select "Other Institution login", then add "Edinburgh" to the search box to find the University of Edinburgh log in link, select the Shibboleth option if requested.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Scottish business information provided by the National Library of Scotland’s Scottish Business Information Service.
  Users can register for access to the following business resources: COBRA, Frost & Sullivan , Global Reference Solution.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: A collection of Scottish history books compiled by Tanner Ritchie under licence from Birlinn. There are currently 136 books available but more are still to be added. This new online resource will provide access to Birlinn's entire collection of Scottish history titles (including the John Donald catalogue and titles originally published by Tuckwell Press).
Notes: To navigate content, please use the up and down arrows in the top left hand corner of the book window. Use the print functionality to download up to 10 pages at a time.


Access information: Available via LexisLibrary. Select the ‘Source’ tab and select title from the A-Z list. Also available from Factiva. Click on Source and select title from A-Z list or search for title. Cookies must be enabled on your browser.
Description: Full text of Scotsman, Scotland on Sunday, Evening News. Scotsman and Evening News available online on day of publication, Scotland on Sunday available on the day after publication. Some articles by freelancers, some features and some supplements may not be available.
Coverage: LexisLibrary: Scotsman: From 1st Jan 1993.Scotland on Sunday: From 1st Jan 1993.Evening News: From 16th Oct 1997.
  Factiva: Scotsman : 29th August 1981 (Includes: Abstracts from 29 August 1981 to 15 October 1992. Selected Coverage from 29 August 1981 to 12 November 1996). Scotland on Sunday 17th Jan 1993 (Selected coverage from 17 January 1993 to 23 November 1996). Evening News: From 2nd April 1998.
Additional information: For historic content consult The Historical Scotsman (see below).
  For more information on finding newspaper articles see the Library's guide:  Newspaper content



The Historical Scotsman [Scotsman archive]

Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:Archive coverage of the Scotsman newspaper. See Scotsman entry for information on finding more recent content. The Scotsman and Scotland on Sunday also available to consult on Microfilm in the Main Library.
Coverage:1817 to 1950.
Additional information:For more information on finding newspaper articles see the Library's guide:  Newspaper content




Access Information:Access via username and password - please see Electronic resources: usernames page for details. Click "SIgn In" from various points on the site.
Description:The University has an agreement with Scottish Building Contracts Committee (SBCC) to allow matriculated students and staff free access to the SBCC contracts online service. SBCC provides contractual documentation you would need for your building and construction work in Scotland.
Additional information:Please note – we do have the right to free access to this resource so IGNORE stated costs and simply proceed to create a document by clicking the “Download Contract for Educational Use” link. If you have problems accessing this resource please contact your Academic Support Librarian or email



Scottish nationalist leaflets, 1844-1973

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


From British Online Archives many of the pamphlets included in this collection were printed by the Scottish National Party and its predecessors. Authors include Archie Lamont, Hugh MacDiarmid, and William Mitchell. These items contain research and policy proposals for how an independent Scotland might manage financially. They also contain both a pamphlet of nationalist songs and a history of the nationalist movement which was printed in 1853. The idea of using of oil wealth to support an independent Scotland can be traced back to the 1970s. Questions about how the European Union might affect independence also date back to these papers.


Access information:Access on and off-campus. Choose Shibboleth Log In or UK Federation.
Description:1.5 million text records of historic monuments and of artefacts held in museums, galleries and archives, plus 500,000 related multimedia resources; video or sound clips, animations, graphics, plans, virtual reality objects and in particular, colour photographic images.
 Access to the text records and thumbnail images is freely available. Access to full resources is available under licence only, the terms of which restrict use of the material for no profit, no proliferation use in education.



Screen Studies Collection by ProQuest

Access information: Available on and off campus.
Description: A comprehensive survey of current publications related to film scholarship alongside detailed and expansive filmographies. This collection includes the specialist index FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Database and the detailed and complementary filmographies created by the American Film Institute and the British Film Institute; AFI Catalog and Film Index International. Please see individual databse entries for more detailed descriptions of each database.



Secret Files from World Wars to Cold War

Access information:

Access on and off campus


This collection provides full-text searchable, digital access to 4,500 primary source British government secret intelligence and foreign policy files spanning 1873 to 1953, with a particular focus from 1936 onwards. Spanning four key 20th century conflicts, the material enables research into intelligence, foreign policy, international relations, and military history in the period of Appeasement, the Second World War, and the early years of the Cold War.

Representing the complete digitisation of material up to 1953 from across nine file series from The National Archives UK, Secret Files from World Wars to Cold War provides a unique three-tiered intelligence insight into world history over the critical years of the 1930s to 1950s through its juxtaposition of Cabinet Office Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee papers with MI6 operations case files and decoded signals intelligence from Bletchley Park. Together, these files provide new insights into key 20th century events, international relations and conflicts across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America and beyond, and enable an almost day-by-day, in-depth study of the Second World War. Teaching resources include:

  • File Series Descriptions.
  • an extensive list of Key People and Key Organisations men.



Security Issues Online


Access Information: Access on and off campus.
Description: A curated multimedia collection on key issues affecting our world today— borders and migrations, human rights violations, security, revolution and protest, and environmental issues.  Contains 575,000 pages including rare, previously-unpublished archival material, 900 hours of video, 3,000 photographs.  


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Sellier European Law Publishers has compiled a range of books in the field of European Union law, international commercial law and private international law. The authors and editors who publish with s.elp are well-known academics and practitioners from many different European countries. The collection includes all publications on the unique Common Frame of Reference, the complete series of the Principles of European Law and all volumes of the Yearbook of Private International Law.



Service Newspapers of World War Two

Access information:

Access on and off campus


Service Newspapers of World War Two contains an extensive range of both rare and well-known wartime publications for soldiers serving in major theatres around the world. Publications are included from many key nations involved in the conflict, such as the US, Canada, New Zealand, India, and the countries of Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Both Allied and Axis publications are presented, offering a broad view of the war and the experiences of those on its front lines.



Session Cases online from 1821 - Cancelled 28/2/20 - content is available in Westlaw and LexisLibrary

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: The Electronic Session Cases from Justis, with coverage starting in 1821, offer all decisions reported in full, from the Court of Session and High Court of Justiciary in Scotland. In addition, selected cases decided at first instance and all decisions on Scottish appeals to the Privy Council, the House of Lords / the new Supreme Court are included.
  These reports are available as printable PDFs that replicate the pagination of the hard copies.
Coverage: Coverage starts in 1821. The database also includes:
  Fraser's Court of Session Cases from 1898 to 1905
  Rettie's Session Cases from 1873 to 1897
  Macpherson's from 1862 to 1872
  Dunlop's from 1838 to 1861
  Shaw's from 1821 to 1837.



Sex and Sexuality

Access information:Access on and off-campus

Sex & Sexuality covers a broad range of topics and is drawn from leading archives around the world. From papers of leading sexologists to LGBTQI+ personal histories, the collection is an essential resource for the study of human sexuality, its complexities and its history. Module I is sourced solely from the renowned Kinsey Institute Library and Special Collections.

The Library has access to:

Module I: Research Collections from The Kinsey Institute Library & Special Collections

Module II: Self-Expression, Community and Identity


Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: The SHAFR Guide Online: An Annotated Bibliography of U.S. Foreign Relations since 1600 is a near-comprehensive, 2.1 million-word online annotated bibliography of historical work covering the entire span of U.S. foreign relations. It aims to jump-start the research of both students from high school to graduate school as well as the most advanced scholars. The SHAFR Guide Online should be the first place to which researchers turn when establishing a bibliography, whether it be about US-Latin American relations in the 19th century, World War II, or US-China/East Asia relations since the Vietnam War



The Shakespeare Collection

Access information: Access on and off campus.

The Shakespeare Collection is a newly added resource (as of Nov 2020) within Gale Primary Sources – Archives Unbound which is also in Databases A-Z. The Collection contextualizes the legacy of this great poet and playwright, containing a selection of over 200 prompt books (annotated working texts of stage managers and company prompters) from the 17th to 20th centuries, the extensive diaries of Shakespeare enthusiast Gordon Crosse documenting 500 UK performances from 1890 to 1953, the First Folio and Quartos, editions and adaptations of Shakespeare’s works from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, more than 80 works Shakespeare is thought to have been familiar with, as well as works composed by Shakespeare's contemporaries. Containing 225 monographs and 764 manuscripts.

Coverage: 1517-1975




Shakespeare's Globe Archive

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


This collection of documents offers insights into the performance practice in the particular space of the reconstructed Globe Theatre. It details the way in which the theatre was constructed as a place of radical experiment. It documents over 200 performances through prompt books, wardrobe notes, programmes, publicity material, annual reports, show reports, photographs and architectural plans.



Shen Bao Digital Archive

Access information:

 Access on and off campus


The Shen Bao newspaper (1872-1949) was the most influential and longest lasting commercial Chinese newspaper published in Shanghai before the establishment of the People’s Republic. The digital archive presents the complete collection of all issues, containing 2 million articles. The database is full-text searchable and the articles can be displayed with in text and image formats. 



The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives 1960 – 1974

Access information:

Access on and off campus.  


This digital archive brings the 1960s alive through diaries, letters, autobiographies and other memoirs, written and oral histories, manifestos, government documents, memorabilia, and scholarly commentary. With 125,000 pages of text and 50 hours of video at completion, this searchable collection is the definitive electronic resource for students and scholars researching this important period in American history, culture, and politics.



Slavery and the Law

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This collection of petitions on race, slavery and free blacks submitted to state legislatures and county courthouses 1775-1867 reveal amazing candor. Collected by Loren Schweninger from hundreds of courthouses and historical societies, the petitions document the realities of slavery at the most immediate local level. The collection includes the State Slavery Statutes collection, a comprehensive record of the laws governing American slavery from 1789-1865.



Slavery in Antebellum Southern Industries

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Industry never rivaled agriculture as an employer of slave labor in the Old South, but because of the kinds of records industrial enterprises kept, and because of the survival of superb collections in depositories like the Duke University Library, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of Virginia, and Virginia Historical Society, a window is opened on the slave's world that no other type of primary documentary evidence affords. Slavery in Antebellum Southern Industries presents some of the richest, most valuable, and most complete collections in the entire documentary record of American slavery, focusing on the industrial uses of slave labor. The materials selected include company records; business and personal correspondence; documents pertaining to the purchase, hire, medical care, and provisioning of slave laborers; descriptions of production processes; and journals recounting costs and income. The work ledgers in these collections record slave earnings and expenditures and provide extraordinary insight into slave life. The collections document slavery in such enterprises as gold, silver, copper, and lead mining; iron manufacturing, machine shop work, lumbering, quarrying, brickmaking, tobacco manufacturing, shipbuilding, and heavy construction; and building of railroads and canals.



Slavery: supporters and abolitionists, 1675-1865

Access information:

Access on campus or off campus. For off campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.


Containing over 28,000 digitised pages this database contains a wide range of documents concerning the African slave trade during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. The papers focus primarily on Jamaica and the West Indies, but also cover the experience of other nations and regions. Through a combination of statistics, correspondence, pamphlets, and memoirs, they offer insights into the commercial and colonial dimensions of slavery and the views of its advocates and opponents.



Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Law and Order in 19th Century America, 1636-1880

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: This module documents the international and domestic traffic in slaves in Britain’s New World colonies and the United States, providing important primary source material on the business aspect of the slave trade. In addition to records on the slave trade, this module also includes letters received by the Attorney General on law and order in 19th century America. These letters cover the slave trade, general slavery matters including runaway slaves and rights of slaves, and other legal issues.




Access information:

Access on and off-campus.


Icelandic–English dictionary, Icelandic monolingual dictionary, plus other language combinations and specialised dictionaries


SocIndex with Fulltext

see entry for Sociology Source Ultimate



Social Care Online (1980-2022)

Access information: Free access on and off-campus.
Description: UK social care academic literature but also legislation, government documents, practice and guidance, research briefings and UK grey (informally-published) literature, reports. Produced by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).
Additional Information:

No updates after December 2022 and the site will close in January 2024.

Social Care Online’s bibliographic data will be subsumed in the subscription-based abstracting and indexing database, Social Policy & Practice.



Access information: Access on and off campus.
  Not working? Try clearing your cookies.
  Or, use Alternative login (with the VPN service if off campus) and choose Web of Science Core Collection from "All Databases" drop down menu.
Description: Part of Web of Science Core Collection. Indexes 2,100 core journals in all areas of the social sciences, plus relevant items from 3,500 scientific and technical journals. Contains over 2.3 million records.
Coverage: 1990 onwards.



Social Services Abstracts

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Bibliographic coverage of current research focussed on social work, human service and related areas, including social welfare, social policy and human development.
Coverage: From 1979 with monthly updates.



Social Work Online

Access information:

Access on and off campus.  


Social Work Online is a multimedia resource that combines video—compelling documentaries and client demonstrations—with relevant text content to illustrate the complex and challenging realities social work students will face as practitioners. 



Socialist Party of America Papers, 1897-1976

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Of the many socialist organizations born during the late 19th and 20th centuries, the Socialist Party of America was perhaps the most well-known. With the Socialist Party of America Papers, students will find valuable primary sources for the study of the labor movement, civil rights, anti-war activities and the history of the “American left.” The Socialist Party of America Papers provide an exceptional historical overview of the Socialist Party of America as it struggled to gain support and realize its goals. Documents in the collection include correspondence, position papers, memoranda, financial records, pamphlets and broadsides, and leaflets. This outstanding collection is a must for historical research into American Socialism, labor and leftist thought in the 20th Century.



Socialist and Radical Periodicals

Access information:

Access on and off-campus.


The backfiles of more than 25 periodicals reflecting the 20th/21st–century history of a variety of movements and ideologies on the political left. These titles include Marxist, socialist, communist, social democratic, and Fabianist publications, addressing key topics and events such as labour history / workers' rights, international socialism, anti-Nazi movements, Red Scares, class struggles, campaigns / legislation, and youth radicalism.



Society Digimap

Access information: Access on and off campus. Users are required to register and agree the data licence. Follow instructions provided

Society Digimap allows you  to explore a range of demographic data, providing a wealth of census and socio-economic information for Great Britain. The processing required to visualise Census and other demographic datasets can be a barrier to use for many people interested in the value of the datasets. By providing these datasets as layers to visualise along with high quality Ordnance Survey data, the rich information can offer valuable insights without the need to learn how to use a GIS.

The mapping facility, Society Roam is available. A full data download application is under development, which will offer the ability to download both the census data and the corresponding boundaries together. 



Sociological Abstracts

Access information:

Access on and off campus.

Description: Primary resource for accessing the latest research in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Draws information from an international selection of over 2,600 journals and other serials publications, plus conference papers, books, and dissertations.
  Records added after 1952 contain in-depth and non-evaluative abstracts of journal articles.



Sociology Source Ultimate

Access information: Access on and off campus.

This fulltext database features more than 2.1 million records with subject headings from a 20,000+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. Sociology Source Ultimate contains full text for more than 1000 journals dating back to 1908. This database also includes full text for more than 1000 books and monographs, and full text for over 40,000 conference papers.  Sociology Source Ultimate features more than 26,000 author profiles covering the most cited and most influential authors in the database, who are experts in their field.

Coverage: 1908-present.  Coverage of topics ranges from gender identity, marriage and family, to demographics, political sociology, religion and socio-cultural anthropology.



South Africa:  The Making of U.S. Policy 1962-1989 

Access information: Access on and off campus. 

This collection provides more than 2,500 primary source documents offering a contemporaneous record of shifting U.S. responses to historical events in South Africa from 1962 to 1989. As such they illuminate a range of challenging areas of policy, from human rights to the use of sanctions. The documents address four central aspects of U.S. policy toward South Africa: arms embargoes, nuclear collaboration, economic sanctions, and regional conflict. They span the period from the arrest of Nelson Mandela to his release and examine the implementation and  enforcement of U.N.-sponsored sanctions against the apartheid regime.

Coverage: 1962-1989.



South Asia Commons

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


The South Asia Commons (formerly South Asia Archive) is a specialist digital platform providing global electronic access to culturally and historically significant literary material produced from within, and about, the South Asian region.  Contains millions of pages of digitized primary and secondary material in a mix of English and vernacular languages dating back to the start of the 18th Century, up to the mid-20th Century.  Contains Journals, Reports, Books,  Legislation documents and Indian Film Booklets.


Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: This one-of-a-kind collection provides online access to a select group of South Asian newspapers from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Featuring English-, Gujarati- and Bengali-language papers published in India, in the regions of the Subcontinent that now comprise Pakistan, and in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). South Asian Newspapers offers extensive coverage of the people, issues and events that shaped the Indian Subcontinent between 1864 and 1922.



South China Morning Post

Access information: Access on and off campus. 

Give international reserachers new insights into Hong Kong’s unique political and social history during the 20th century with online access to the South China Morning Post. This premier English-language title is known for its authoritative, influential, and independent reporting on all of Asia as well as its perspective of the rest of the world. This premier English-language historical newspaper from China advances research in the following areas, and more:

  • Chinese Revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty, China’s last imperial dynasty.
  • Spread of the bubonic plague and adoption of the Peak Reservation Ordinance.
  • Battle of Hong Kong in December, 1941, which led to the Japanese occupation during World War II.
  • Reestablishment of the British colonial government after the end of the war.
  • Communist Revolution in China in 1949.
  • Industrialization and economic growth of Hong Kong.

In addition to the article content, this rare archive provides the big picture with full-image views of every page, cover to cover. And, every part of every page is searchable, including advertisements, editorials, cartoons, and classified ads that illuminate history as much as the articles.



Southern Life and African American History, Plantations Records Part 1

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: The Plantation Records in this module document the far-reaching impact of plantations on both the American South and the nation. Plantation Records are both business records and personal papers because the plantation was both the business and the home for plantation owners. Business records include ledger books, payroll books, cotton ginning books, work rules, account books, and receipts. Personal papers include family correspondence between friends and relatives, diaries, and wills. Southern Plantation Records illuminate business operations and labour routines, family affairs, roles of women, racial attitudes, relations between masters and slaves, social and cultural life, shared values and tensions and anxieties that were inseparable from a slave society.



Southern Life and African American History, Plantations Records Part 2

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: The records presented in this module come from the University of Virginia and Duke University. Major collections from the holdings of the University of Virginia include the Tayloe Family Papers, Ambler Family Papers, Cocke Family Papers, Gilliam Family Papers, Barbour Family Papers, and Randolph Family Papers. Major collections from the Duke University holdings document plantation life in the Alabama, as well as South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland. 



Southern Life and African American History, 1775-1915, Plantation Records, Part 3

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: This module represents the third installment of ProQuest’s digitization of its important collection of Records of Southern Plantations. Part 3 consists of collections selected from the holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. These collections represent rice, cotton, and sugar plantations in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansas. Major collections include Cameron Family Papers, and Pettigrew Family Papers. The Cameron Family Papers chart the rise of a plantation family beginning in 1770, when the family ran a country store along an Indian trail in central North Carolina. The Cameron Family Papers document plantation management by women during the men's absences. The Pettigrew Family Papers recount the history of an influential coastal North Carolina family of planters, ministers, intellectuals, military officers, and politicians. The candor of the Pettigrew letters on slavery has been of value to historians for many years. Part 3 also includes several collections of cotton factors' records, notably the records of Maunsell White from Louisiana, and the Gordon family from Savannah, Georgia. As the financial fulcrum of the cotton trade, the factor served as the planters' banker, supplier and sales agent. Records from Mississippi plantations include a number of diaries documenting daily life. Other topics covered in Part 3 are the lives of the enslaved people, Southern politics, and the settlement of the Southern frontier in Arkansas and Mississippi.



Southern Life and African American History, 1775-1915, Plantation Records, Part 4

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This module, the fourth installment of Plantation Records in History Vault, focuses on plantations in North Carolina and Virginia while also covering Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama. Major series of records in this module document tobacco and cotton plantations in the Tidewater, Coastal Plains, and Piedmont regions of North Carolina. Throughout these collections, the lives of enslaved people and the work performed by them is documented in extensive lists of enslaved people, purchase of and sale agreements for enslaved people, plantation diaries, account books, correspondence, and financial and legal papers. Many of the collections also include records of plantation overseers. One of the major collections in this module is the Papers of the Hairston and Wilson families, related families of tobacco planters and merchants from Southside Virginia and Piedmont North Carolina. The records in this module on Tennessee and Kentucky focus on cotton, tobacco, and mixed farming enterprises, while Alabama records focus on the Mobile area and include records of plantations as well as commission merchants.



Southern Women and their Families in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Holdings of the Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Seen through women’s eyes, nineteenth century southern social history takes on new dimensions. Subjects that were of only passing interest when historians depended on documents created by men now move to center stage. Women’s letters dwell heavily on illness, pregnancy, and childbirth. From them we can learn what it is like to live in a society in which very few diseases are well understood, in which death is common in all age groups, and where infant mortality is an accepted fact of life. The years of the Civil War are particularly well documented since many women were convinced that they were living through momentous historical events of which they should make a record.



Sovetskaia kul’tura Digital Archive 

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Kul’tura (Culture) is an important Russian weekly newspaper previously published under the titles Rabochii i iskusstvo (1929-1930), Sovetskoe iskusstvo (1931-1941), Literatura i iskusstvo (1942-1944), Sovetskoe iskusstvo (1944-1952) and Sovetskaia kul’tura (1953-1991).

An indispensable source of information on the developing and ever changing attitudes towards arts and culture in the Soviet and Russian societies. Throughout the years the newspaper articles reviewed major events in Russian cultural life, in literature, theatre, cinematography and arts. In the Soviet period it published critical diatribes against dissident writers Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn, Aksyonov and others, infamous articles condemning modern art exhibitions, chastising avant-guard composers and abstract painters. In modern Russia its reviews and event listings often focus on the cultural life of Moscow and regions, it is known for its topical commentaries on popular culture and politics.

Further information about this database can be found at  

Additional information: Further information about this database can be found here.


Access Information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Cutting to the core of the U.S. intelligence mission during the Cold War, this collection contains more than 600 intelligence estimates and reports, representing nearly 14,000 pages of documentation, from the office of the Director of Central Intelligence, the National Intelligence Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defence Intelligence Agency, and other organizations. The set includes several hundred pages of debriefing transcripts and other documentation related to Colonel Oleg Penkovskii, the most important human source operated by the CIA during the Cold War, who later was charged with treason and executed by the Soviet Union. Also published here for the first time is the Pentagon's Top Secret 1,000-page internal history of the United States-Soviet Union arms race.


Access Information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Full-text of technical papers, material specifications, standards, books and journals available for download, covering all fields related to mobility engineering – e.g.  aerospace, automotive industries, design engineering, energy sources, fluids, fuels, propulsion, safety engineering, tests and testing, transportation, etc. Includes the SAE Cybersecurity Knowledge Hub for information related to the cyber-physical security of end to end product design, risk mitigation, training and standards.  


Access information: Access on campus, or off campus via the VPN.
Description: The most extensive resource available on optics and photonics literature, providing access to most SPIE Journals, Conference Proceedings and e-books.
Coverage: 1962 onwards.



SPORTDiscus with Full Text

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Covers serial and monographic literature in sport, recreation, exercise physiology, sports medicine, coaching, physical fitness, the psychology, history and sociology of sport, training, and conditioning. Full text is available for 550 titles.
Coverage: From 1949.
Additional information: NHS Staff and other authorised users: The Knowledge Network


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: The database indexes physical education literature, including peer-reviewed journals, report literature, conference proceedings, trade magazines, patents, articles from the popular press, and many other publications. The database is updated monthly.
Coverage: From 1970 onwards.


Access information: Access on and off campus.

The collection includes all Lecture Notes titles, plus English language e-books published from 2005 to date with the following exceptions: 

  • Energy Collection: perpetual access from 2015 onwards (this collection began in 2013 and we don't have access to 2013-14).
  • Intelligent Technologies and Robotics Collection: we only have lease access to this newer collection until our SHEDL contract is renewed in 2021.
  • Palgrave: Palgrave merged with Springer in 2016. We have perpetual access to Palgrave collections from 2016  onwards with the following exceptions:
    • History collection - no access to 2016 titles in this collection. Lease only from 2017 onwards.
    • Religion & Philosophy collections - no access to 2016 titles in this collection. Lease only from 2017 onwards.

Individual titles are listed in DiscoverEd, but it is also possible to search or browse the SpringerLink platform to access material.


Access Information: Access on and off campus. 

Provides access to numerical and graphical data on physical and chemical properties of materials and chemical systems. Data sources include the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the Linus Pauling Files and specialized databases on thermophysical properties, polymer thermodynamics, adsorption isotherms, and substance profiles.

Relevant to research in the fields of Chemistry, Engineering, Materials Science and Physics.


Access Information:

Access on and off campus. 

Also available at:

Description: Used primarily in the life sciences, protocols provide individual sets of instructions to allow scientists to recreate experiments in their own laboratories. These documents provide written procedural methods in the design and implementation of experiments that describe the safety, bias, procedures, equipment, statistical methods, reporting, and troubleshooting standards to be used in order to successfully conduct the experiment.
Coverage: SpringerProtocols contains more than 50,000 protocols, most of which come from the classic book series Methods in Molecular Biology.  Copyright years 1980-2012 and 2014-2022.


Access Information: Access on and off campus.  
Description: KATE CHOPIN. Tennessee Williams. Chuck Berry. Miles Davis. These are just some of the cultural icons of St. Louis featured in the city’s long-running newspaper, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. In addition, the publication includes coverage of all nine of the St. Louis Cardinals championships, an NBA title for the St. Louis Hawks in 1958 and the St. Louis Rams 2000 Super Bowl victory. The Post-Dispatch is also the nation’s first paper with a colour comics section. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch was noted for its investigative reporting and human interest stories. Created by Joseph Pulitzer of two pre-existing newspapers, the Post-Dispatch is the only St. Louis newspaper still in print. It was the incubator for several well-known writers, including Mark Twain, who wrote for the newspaper from 1874 to 1891. In addition to valuable coverage of pivotal regional events – the history of Anheuser-Busch, a massive smog problem, the completion of the landmark Gateway Arch – the daily publication provides a uniquely Midwestern perspective of local, national and international news. For researchers seeking authoritative insight on business, culture, African-American history, U.S. history, natural disasters, genealogy and much more, the digitized pages of this newspaper (1823-2003) are a valuable resource in a variety of fields, including history, political science, African-American studies, genealogy and more. As Joseph Pulitzer’s first newspaper, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is an especially important research tool for journalism scholars today.
Coverage: 1874-2003.


Access Information: Access on and off campus.  
Description: Winner of 12 Pulitzer Prizes, this is known as Florida’s most read newspaper and the most progressive newspaper of the region. Once owned by the Poynter family, it is best known for Nelson Poynter’s four decades of leadership and known as the St. Petersburg Times until 2012, when it became the Tampa Bay Times.
Coverage: 1886-2009.



Stalin Digital Archive

Access Information: Access on or off campus

The Stalin Digital Archive (SDA) contains primary and secondary source material related to Joseph Stalin's personal biography, his work in government, and his conduct of foreign affairs. A majority of these documents are scanned page images and corresponding bibliographic records in Russian created by the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI). The archive also contains full transcriptions of all of the volumes in Yale University Press's acclaimed Annals of Communism (AOC) series..

Coverage: Documents written by Stalin from 1889-1952, over 300 books from Stalin's personal library with his marginal notes. Stalin's biographical materials, correspondence, as well as 188 maps with Stalin's hand-written markings.





Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Access information: Open access
Description: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy organizes scholars from around the world in philosophy and related disciplines to create and maintain an up-to-date reference work. All entries and substantive updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public.


Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:This collection covers - the Tudors: Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, 1509 - 1603: State Papers Foreign, Ireland, Scotland, Borders and Registers of the Privy Council.


State Papers Online Part III: The Stuarts: James I to Anne, 1603-1714: State Papers Domestic

Access information:Access on and off campus.

State Papers Online, 1509-1714: Part III: The Stuarts: James I to Anne, 1603-1714: State Papers Domestic is a collection of English government documents originating primarily from the seventeenth century. The Stuarts' internal struggles come to life through a wealth of primary source documents from one of the most compelling and turbulent eras in Britain's social, political, and religious history. Among the more than one million pages of manuscripts, researchers will find accounts of the English Civil War, the execution of Charles I, and the invasion of William of Orange.

The Library already has access to State Papers Online Part II: The Tudors: Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, 1509-1603: State Papers Foreign: Ireland, Scotland, Borders and Registers of the Privy Council.



Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Statista is one of the world’s largest and most extensive statistics and market data platforms.  With a team of over 120 statisticians, database experts, analysts and editors, Statista provides students, faculty and researchers with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data and statistics from 22,500 sources and on 80,000 different topics (with a focus on the United Kingdom, the United States, and China ), giving access to more than 1.5 million statistics, forecasts, dossiers, reports and infographics  downloadable in all popular formats, including PowerPoint, Excel, PDF and PNG.  More than 20,000 Studies, over 3,000 Dossiers, and all major Industry Reports.  Detailed forecasts for more than 450 different industries from 40 advanced economies and developing countries. Campus License subscribers also have full academic publication rights to all statistics in this database

Coverage: Arts and Humanities, Health and Life Sciences, Science, Engineering and Technology  and Social Sciences.  Updated daily.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: A free version of the service may be used by clicking the "non-academic login" button. The two Statistical Accounts of Scotland, covering the 1790s and the 1830s, are among the best contemporary reports of life during the agricultural and industrial revolutions in Europe.


Access Information: Freely available

A range of official statistics about Scotland for information and re-use. Datasets can be explored by theme, organisation, or geography. You can search for datasets, places or postcodes. Or you can access the data programmatically using our APIs. Major publishers of data on this website include the Scottish Government, National Records of Scotland, and NHS.

Additional information:

Queries regarding this website can be directed to


Stephen S. Wise Papers: Rabbi, Scholar, Activist (1874-1949)

Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:The Stephen S. Wise Papers in ProQuest History Vault contain biographical information, family and personal correspondence, writings by Wise, and records of his activism. Notable topics covered in the files include religious issues, particularly relating to Reform Judaism; political issues such as civil rights, crime, education, elections, employment, housing, and Wise’s work with the American Jewish Congress; and international issues such as refugees, Zionism, Palestine and Israel, the League of Nations, and United Nations.



Access Information: Access on and off campus

Stockley’s Drug Interactions gives you access to drug interaction information.  It provides expertly authored advice on managing drug interactions, with over 4,500 detailed records, giving information on interactions, including to drug to drug, drug to herb, drug to food, and more.

Each record has a concise summary of clinical evidence, mechanism, importance and management of each interaction

Stockley’s Drug Interactions contains detailed, fully referenced and international information.


Access Information: Access on and off campus

Stockley’s Interactions Checker is an interactions checking tool, providing quick and easy access to interactions between drugs, foods and more.  The tool provides a simple snapshot of the severity, description and management guidance – whilst also linking you to the full record in Stockley’s Drug Interactions.

Stockley’s Interactions Checker allows an unlimited number of drugs to be searched at the same time and provides clear ratings on action, severity and evidence per interaction.  It searches and links to Stockley’s Drug Interactions, providing the guidance required to safely manage the selection of drugs.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Records include three important women’s rights organizations: the National Woman’s Party, the League of Women Voters, and the Women’s Action Alliance. Originally a committee of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, the National Woman’s Party was founded in 1913 when Alice Paul and her colleagues broke away from NAWSA. The Women’s Action Alliance, established in 1971 as a grass-roots organization, concerned itself with issues such as employment and employment discrimination, childcare, health care, and education. The League of Women Voters collection documents almost every facet of women’s involvement in U.S. politics from 1920 to 1974.


Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This digital resource documents the liberation struggles in Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, including archival materials, periodicals, oral histories, books, and photographs. Struggles for Freedom brings together materials from various archives and libraries throughout the world documenting colonial rule, dispersion of exiles, international intervention, and the worldwide networks that supported successive generations of resistance within the region.



The Stuart and Cumberland Papers (State Papers Online)

Access information:Access on and off campus
Description:This online archive brings together two distinct but historically related collections: The Stuart Papers, the papers of the exiled James II, and VII in Scotland, and his heirs; and the Cumberland Papers, the papers of William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, second son of George II and military commander of the British Army. Both collections have been digitised for the first time for this archive and the originals are held in the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle.


Access information: Access on and off campus.  This is an Open Access collection which may be withdrawn at any time without warning.
Description: Reveal Digital’s Student Activism collection aims to provide access to unique, yet essential, primary sources documenting the deep and broad history of student organizing in the United States. It is intended to serve as a scholarly bridge from the extensive history of student protest in the United States to the study of today’s vibrant, continually unfolding actions. Materials included are wide-ranging in nature: Circulars, leaflets, fliers, pamphlets, newsletters, campaign materials, protest literature, clippings, periodicals, bulletins, letters, press releases, ephemera; and meeting, demonstration, conference, and event documentation. And material covers the 20th to early 21st century.



Students for a Democratic Society, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This resource has key collections offering new opportunities for research on the 1960s through the lens of two influential anti-war organizations. In its heyday, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) emphasized participatory democracy, community building, and creating a political movement of impoverished people. As U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War escalated, SDS became involved in the anti-war movement, before splintering and disbanding by 1970. Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) organized major national protests, including Operation Dewey Canyon III (1971), which catapulted VVAW to a position of leadership within the antiwar movement. Following Dewey Canyon, an ideological split led to a decline in membership; however, VVAW survived to the end of the Vietnam War by focusing on veterans' benefits and, after 1987, on the Agent Orange health issue. In addition to the SDS and VVAW collections, this module contains documents of 10 other anti-Vietnam War organizations.
Coverage: 1958-1987.



Subculture Archives

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: From the world's leading collection of youth culture history the Museum of Youth Culture, The Subcultures Archive is an educational and cultural research resource of primary sources exploring 100 years of UK youth culture through the scenes, styles, and sounds that forged them. From Rave, Punk, Rockabilly to Grime


Access information: Freely available
Description: The “Summaries of EU legislation” website presents the main aspects of European Union (EU) legislation in a concise, easy-to-read and unbiased way. It provides approximately 3 000 summaries of European legislation, divided into 32 subject areas corresponding to the activities of the European Union.


Access information: Available on and off campus via LexisLibrary. Select the ‘Source’ tab and select title from the A-Z list. Also available on campus and via the VPN from Factiva. Click on Source and select title from A-Z list or search for title. Cookies must be enabled on your browser.
Description: Full text of the tabloid newspaper, The Sun, available online on day of publication. Some articles by freelancers, some features and some supplements may not be available. Sister paper, news of the World is also available via LexisLibrary and Factiva, see separate entry for details.
Coverage: LexisLibrary: from 1st Jan 2000.
  Factiva: From 1st Jan 1996.

Additional information

For further information on see newspaper entry.


Access information: Available on and off campus from LexisLibrary. Click on Source tab and select Sunday Express from A-Z list.
Description: Full text of published articles available within two days of publication. Note that some articles by freelancers, some features and some supplements may not be available. Daily Express available via Factiva.
Coverage: From 2nd Oct 1999.

Additional information

For further information on see newspaper entry.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: The Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum systematically collects newly published Greek inscriptions as well as publications on previously known documents. It presents complete Greek texts of all new inscriptions with a critical apparatus; it summarizes new readings, interpretations, and studies of known inscriptions, and occasionally presents the Greek text of these documents. The online edition includes all SEG volumes, and will incorporate all future volumes in the series. Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Online is automatically updated upon publication of the annual volume.



swMATH (softwareMATH)

Access information: Freely available.
Description: Database of information on mathematical software. Includes systematic linking of software packages with relevant mathematical publications (from ZentralblattMATH).
  Articles describe the background and technical details of a program or publications in which a piece of software is applied or used for research.


Access information: Freely available
Description: Approximately 5,000 photographs, primarily of China from 1917-1932 but including photographs of Korea, Japan, Hawaii, San Francisco and Russia.
  Maintained by Duke University Libraries, text and images in the collection are available for use in research, teaching, and private study but may not be used for any commercial purpose without prior permission.
Coverage: 5,000 photographs, 1917-1932.