This page lists material of MacCaig interest in other EUL collections, including manuscripts of poems sent by MacCaig to Hamish Henderson and Hugh MacDiarmid, critical materials on MacCaig by George Mackay Brown and Hugh MacDiarmid, and letters from MacCaig to George Mackay Brown, Helen Cruickshank, Hamish Henderson, Maurice Lindsay, Hugh MacDiarmid, Robert Nye, Sydney Goodsir Smith, and Fred Urquhart. Collections George Mackay Brown (Coll-50) Note on Norman MacCaig, January 1983 - MS (MS 2846/1/4)MacCaig mentioned in letters from Edwin Muir to Mackay Brown, 5 April 1955, 8 December 1956, 5 April, 5 December, & 14 December 1957 (Gen 767/7/25, 32, 36, 40-42) Helen Cruickshank (Coll-81) Letter, 27 November 1961, signed by MacCaig, Sydney Goodsir Smith, and Robin Richardson, inviting Cruickshank to subscribe to a portrait of Hugh MacDiarmid by R. H. Westwater (Gen 886/132)Letter from MacCaig, 17 January 1969, including TS of 'God in the Grass' (in JA 3810)Autograph inscription to Cruickshank in Rings on a Tree (JA 3810)Autograph inscription to Cruickshank in Surroundings (JA 3811)Mentioned in letters to Cruickshank from Hugh MacDiarmid (Gen 886/131, Gen 886/145, Gen 1929/21) David Daiches (Coll-694) Letter, 27 November 1961, signed by MacCaig, Sydney Goodsir Smith, and Robin Richardson, inviting Daiches to subscribe to a portrait of Hugh MacDiarmid by R. H. Westwater (E92.46)2 letters from MacCaig, 6 November and 13 December 1978 (E92.46) Duncan Glen (Coll-1067) 'The Poetry of Norman MacCaig: Introduction', 2 carbon TSS of essay by Hugh MacDiarmid published in Akros, vol. 3, no. 7 (1968) Hamish Henderson (Coll-1438) ‘Walking Home by the Canal’, MS of poem by MacCaig (E2013.07, Box 16, Folder 3)4 letters from MacCaig to Henderson, 1967-89 (E2013.07, Box 16, Folder 3)Copy of letter from Henderson to MacCaig, 13 March 1967 (E2013.07, Box 16, Folder 3) Maurice Lindsay (Coll-56) 11 letters from MacCaig, 1948-76 (Gen 2030/31/1-11)Radio Script of 'Poet's Choice' by MacCaig, Scottish Life and Letters, BBC Scottish Home Service, 27 September 1953 (Gen 2030/27)Radio script of debate between MacCaig and Hugh MacDiarmid, Scotland Today, BBC Scottish Home Service, 19 February 1964 (Gen 2030/28) Hugh MacDiarmid (Coll-18) Manuscripts by MacCaig ‘Hugh MacDiarmid’ (poem), TS (MS 3006)‘Poem’ (first line: ‘Pretty St. George in a china landscape’), TS (MS 2994)'To H.M. about to Go to China’ (poem), TS (MS 2994)Notes for talk(s) on MacDiarmid, MS (MS 2994) Letters from MacCaig 84 letters and 6 postcards from MacCaig, 1938-78 (MS 2953.7)Letter from MacCaig, 22 June 1949 (E97.61)*MacCaig is also mentioned in letters to MacDiarmid by: Mary Aitken (MS 2942.1), W. R. Aitken (MS 2942/2), Thurso Berwick (MS 2942/12), Kenneth Buthlay (MS 2942.20), Helen Cruickshank (MS 2946.9), Duncan Glen (MS 2948.9), Neil Gunn (MS 2948.9), Hamish Henderson (MS 2951.3), J. F. Hendry (MS 2951.4), William Johnstone (MS 2951.9), T. S. Law (MS 2953.2), Robert Lorimer (MS 2953.5), Alex McCrindle (MS 2953.11), Robert MacLellan (MS 2954.14), Alexander Scott (MS 2960.5), Tom Scott (MS 2960.6), and Sydney Goodsir Smith (MS 2960.16).) Writings by MacDiarmid on MacCaig Note on Norman MacCaig, 1959 - MS (Gen 2117/12)'The Poetry of Norman MacCaig' - MS (Gen 767/17) Robert Nye (Coll-54) Letter from MacCaig, 3 March 1985 (MS 2908) Photographs of Scottish Writers (Coll-1070) 3 photographs of MacCaig by Gordon Wright, 1971 (E89/45/2), 1977, with Sorley MacLean (E89/45/4), 1977, with Hugh MacDiarmid (E89/45/5)Records of Scottish International Review (Coll-232)Letter from MacCaig to Robert Tait, editor of Scottish International Review, 8 November 1967 (Gen 2159/3)Review of MacCaig's Rings on a Tree by Tom Buchan - TS (Gen 2159/1) Tom Scott (Coll-1077) Mentioned in letter to Scott from G. S. Fraser, 25 November 1959 (E95.02)Mentioned in undated letter to Scott from J. F. Hendry, ca. 1966 (E95.02)Mentioned in letters to Scott from Hugh MacDiarmid, 8 October 1963, 13 March 1965, and 11 February 1975 (E2001.34)Mentioned in letter to Scott from A. D. Mackie, 7 January 1965 (E95.02)Mentioned in letters to Scott from Alexander Scott, 4 August, 9 October, and 14 November 1967 (E95.02)Mentioned in letter to Scott from Charles Senior, 18 July 1969 (E95.02) Sydney Goodsir Smith (Coll-497) Letter from MacCaig, 1 February 1949, with poem 'The Great Auk and the Hippogriff' (E68/17) William Price Turner Letter from MacCaig to Turner, 11 August 1954 (E2001.20) Fred Urquhart (Coll-49) Letter from MacCaig to Urquhart, 15 August 1968 (MS 2832)Mentioned in letter from Alexander Reid to Urquhart [195-?] (MS 2833) Related Links Archives & Manuscripts Catalogue This article was published on 2024-08-13