Lindsay Materials on Other Scottish Authors

The Maurice Lindsay Papers (Coll-56) contain materials on or by a number of other Scottish writers represented in EUL Special Collections.


Of particular interest are manuscripts of poems and essays by Hugh MacDiarmid and an early typescript of Sydney Goodsir Smith's Under the Eildon Tree.


Marion Angus

  • Correspondence between Maurice Lindsay and Helen B. Cruickshank on their edition of Selected Poems of Marion Angus (1950) (Gen 2030/30/120)

John Davidson

  • Letter from George Bernard Shaw to Maurice Lindsay on Davidson's suicide, 7 February 1950 (Gen 2030/31/166)

Robert Garioch

  • Poems by Robert Garioch, TS portfolio (Gen 2030/31/229-230)

Neil M. Gunn

  • TS review by Neil M. Gunn of Lindsay's anthology Modern Scottish Poetry (1946) (Gen 2030/24b)

Eric Linklater

  • Script of questions for interview with Linklater, Borderline, Border Television, 25 May 1962 (Gen 2030/29)

Norman MacCaig

  • Radio script of 'Poet's Choice' by MacCaig, Scottish Life and Letters, BBC Scottish Home Service, 27 September 1953 (Gen 2030/27)
  • Radio script of debate between MacCaig and Hugh MacDiarmid, Scotland Today, BBC Scottish Home Service, 19 February 1964 (Gen 2030/28)

Hugh MacDiarmid

Materials on MacDiarmid

  • ‘Hugh MacDiarmid: The Greatest Scot’, TS article (Gen 2030/24b)
  • Script of questions for interview with MacDiarmid, Borderline, Border Television, March 1962 (Gen 2030/29)

Materials by MacDiarmid

  • 'Bonnie Birdie A' Aflocht' and 'When the Birds Come Back to Rhiannon', MS poems (Gen 2030/30/294-295)
  • 'Extracts from my Journals (Second Instalment)', MS (Gen 2030/30/292)
  • 'John Davidson: Influences and Influence', MS essay (Gen 2030/30/290)
  • 'Robert Burns', MS essay (Gen 2030/30/293)
  • 'William Soutar', MS essay (Gen 2030/30/289)
  • MS essay on the Scottish Renaissance movement (Gen 2030/30/291)
  • Radio script of tribute by MacDiarmid to W. E. Henley, Scottish Life and Letters, BBC Scottish Home Service, 14 September 1949 (Gen 2030/27)
  • Radio script of tribute by MacDiarmid to Robert Fergusson, Scottish Life and Letters, BBC Scottish Home Service, 8 September 1950 (Gen 2030/27)
  • Radio Script of 'Poet's Choice' by MacDiarmid, Scottish Life and Letters, BBC Scottish Home Service, 24 January 1954 (Gen 2030/27)
  • Radio script of tribute by MacDiarmid to John Davidson, BBC Scottish Home Service, 7 April 1957 (Gen 2030/27)
  • Radio script of debate between MacDiarmid and Norman MacCaig, Scotland Today, BBC Scottish Home Service, 19 February 1964 (Gen 2030/28)

Compton Mackenzie

  • Script of questions for interview with Mackenzie, Borderline, Border Television, 24 November 1961 (Gen 2030/29)

Edwin Morgan

  • Script of contribution by Morgan to Scotland Today, BBC Scottish Home Service, 19 February 1964 (Gen 2030/28)

Tom Scott

  • Script of contribution by Scott to Scotland Today, BBC Scottish Home Service, 19 February 1964 (Gen 2030/28)

Sydney Goodsir Smith

Smith Manuscripts

  • 'The Gangrel Rimer and the Absolutioun o Sanct Ann' (1945), TS poem (with MS corrections) (Gen 2030/31/200)
  • Under the Eildon Tree: XXIII Elegies for Deirdre (1947), carbon TS (with MS corrections) (Gen 2030/31/199)

Critical Materials

  • Review of Smith’s The Deevil’s Waltz (1946) by R. Crombie Saunders (Gen 2030/24b)
  • Script of radio review of Smith's poems by John Speirs, Arts Review, BBC Scottish Home Service, 3 March 1948 (Gen 2030/26b)

William Soutar

  • 'William Soutar', MS of essay by Hugh MacDiarmid published in Poetry Scotland, 2 (1945) (Gen 2030/30/289)
  • Letter from MacDiarmid to Lindsay on proofs of above essay, [1945] (Gen 203/30/287)

Lewis Spence

  • 'Romance in Little', MS of poem by Spence (Gen 2030/30/210)
  • Correspondence between Lindsay and The Scottish Daily Mail on Spence's article 'Away with this Farrago of Pidgin Doric', 5 October-1 November 1948 (Gen 2030/30/201-208)

Douglas Young

  • Edinburgh in the Age of Sir Walter Scott, MS of Chapter 1 (Gen 2030/31/314)
  • 'Rabbie in Plastics', carbon TS (1947) (Gen 2030/31/264-265)

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