How to submit the final version of your PhD thesis

At the end of the examination process all successful PhD and MPhil candidates are required to submit the final version of their thesis to the appropriate College Postgraduate Office.

Pure downtime: 10 February to 14 February

Please be aware that Pure will be unavailable from 10 February to 14 February, 2025, to facilitate a move to the Cloud.  

During this time there will be no access to the Pure application, however the Edinburgh Research Explorer will continue to be available. 

This downtime will affect any students needing to submit the final version of their thesis to Pure. We would ask that students avoid depositing their theses during the period 10 February to 14 February, 2025, and wait until Pure is operational again.  

However, if for some reason a student is unable to wait and must submit during the Pure downtime then they should email their thesis to, along with all the required information and documentation stipulated below. If the document is too large to email, please let us know and we’ll provide a OneDrive folder they can be temporarily uploaded to.  

Students will receive an email confirmation that their thesis has been received during this period.  


Submission of PhD theses is now electronic only - see the steps above.

Further help and information

Scholarly Communications Team

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