Databases D

Search for a database through the search box or view databases beginning with the letter D below.

Access information:

Access on and off campus. Available from LexisLibrary (exception: Daily Express) and Factiva (exceptions: Sunday Express and Sunday Star).

  For LexisLibrary access: Click on ‘News’ and select newspaper title from A-Z list.
Description: Full text of published content. Dailies usually available on same date as publication, Sundays within two days of publication. Some articles written by freelancers, some supplements and some features may not be available.
Coverage: Further information on coverage and update schedules are available for each newspaper via Factiva and LexisLibrary. Click the info icon next to the title.
Additional information: For more information on finding newspaper articles see Newspapers entry.


Access information: Access on and off campus
  For LexisLibrary access: Click on ‘News’ and select newspaper title from A-Z list.
Description: Full text of broadsheet newspaper the DailyTelegraph and Sunday Telegraph available online same day as publication. Some articles by freelancers, some features and some supplements may not be available.

LexisLibrary: From 30 October 2000.

Factiva: From 3 June 2000.

Additional information: For further information on finding newspaper articles see Newspapers entry.



Dance Online: Dance Studies Collection

Access information: Access on and off campus. 

The only collection of curated primary and secondary full-text materials to support informed performance, pedagogy, and scholarship in dance.

Dance Online: Dance Studies Collection presents the historical context of 20th and 21st century dance through 150,000 pages of exclusive photographs, correspondence, magazines, dance notation, and reference material that dissolve the distance between archive and scholar and draw dance students into the library.



DART Europe E-Theses

Access information: Freely available
Description: DART Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses. DART provides researchers with a single European portal for the discovery of electronic theses and dissertations. Useful for searching for theses in European countries that are not well covered by the ProQuest database.



The Database for the History of Contemporary Chinese Political Movements, 1949-

Access information:

Access on or off campus.


The database provides full-text primary source materials relating to the Chinese political movements after the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949: the Political Campaigns in the 1950s from Land Reform to Public-Private Cooperation (1949-1956), the Anti-Rightist Campaign (1957–), the Great Leap Forward and the Great Famine (1958-1964), and the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Sources include government documents, directives, bulletins, speeches by Mao Zedong and other officials, major newspaper and magazine editorials, and other types of documents. All the documents are in Chinese, but the database platform can be switched to English where document titles can be browsed in English.

Further details: For more information on this database, please visit the Chinese University Press website.



Database of Latin Dictionaries

Access information:

Access on and off campus. Select Database of Latin Dictionaries on the Brepolis Login Portal page.


An online database comprising a large number of Latin dictionaries, including Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources .  The database will continue to grow gradually and will com­prise three kinds of dictionaries: dictionaries to assist translation from Latin into modern languages, dictionaries providing semantic and etymological explanations in Latin of Latin words and historical Latin dictionaries.




Access information:

Access on and off campus.


DataVis is a materials properties database, currently covering approximately 200 materials and 65 properties, including cost. DataVis can be used to find a property value for a single material, or can be used to compare properties across multiple materials. Interactive visualization features allow display of property data in interactive dot-plots and scatterplots across a wide range of materials. Up to 5 properties can be explored together on a single page and interactive tools enable exploration of the data, such as comparing the range of each property both within and across material classifications. Visualizations can be saved as projects and shared with others. Sample DataVis student projects are available as active learning projects; these can be used as-is, or saved and customized. Other content can be included in projects by adding text content to the top of any page in a project or by adding related content links from the AccessEngineering database (see separate database entry). DataVis returns values in SI units but units can be changed; the source for the value is also provided. 

Note: If you receive an 'Error 400' message, please try clearing cookies or browser. The issue seems to occur in Chrome.



Dayton Daily News

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


KNOWN AS THE “Birthplace of Aviation,” Dayton has long been associated with the history of invention, patents, and manufacturing. The Wright brothers, the creators of the world’s first successful airplane, hailed from Dayton and the city was the epicenter of other manufacturing innovations, such as the development of the electronic cash register and the electrical starter motor in the early 20th century. Since 1898, the Dayton Daily News has reported on these developments and more as the evening paper for the residents of Dayton, Ohio, United States. Its pages offer researchers a fascinating glimpse into the history and economic, cultural, and social life of the Ohio, the U.S., and the world from the late 19th century onwards.

Coverage: 1898-1922.




Access information: Access on or off campus.

Korean language full text database of about 2,000 Korean scholarly journals in 12 different fields of society, literature, economics & business, medical science, humanities, theology, law & administration, arts, engineering, natural science, and education. All the back issues of each journal title are available. The database is fully searchable by article title, author, keyword, journal title and publisher.



Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Library

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Together with the Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Library Non-Biblical Texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Library Biblical Texts form the Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Library. This library contains the entire corpus of Dead Sea Scrolls texts. This online version presents a complete Hebrew transcription and English translation of the Biblical and Non-Biblical texts in the Dead Sea Scrolls corpus, together with high-resolution images.



Death Squads, Guerrilla War, Covert Operations, and Genocide: Guatemala and the U.S.     

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This collection contains 2,071 declassified documents describing U.S. relations with Guatemala during the decades of violent conflict sparked by the CIA-controlled coup in 1954. The documents include CIA operational records produced during the coup, National Security Council deliberations on consolidating a post-coup regime friendly to the United States, and extensive intelligence and embassy reporting on Guatemala's U.S.-trained security apparatus. The material includes detailed information on the human rights catastrophe that gripped Guatemala during its 30-year civil conflict. 



Access information:

Access on and off campus.

Description: Patent information from Derwent World Patent Index as well as patent citation information from Patents Citation Index. Chemical, Electrical & Electronic and Engineering Sections.
Coverage: Patent coverage from 1963; citations from 1973



Design & Applied Arts Index

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI) is the leading source of abstracts and bibliographic records for articles, news items, and reviews published in design and applied arts periodicals from 1973 onwards. An indispensable tool for students, researchers, and practitioners worldwide, DAAI covers both new designers and the development of design and the applied arts since the mid-19th century, surveying disciplines including ceramics, glass, jewellery, wood, metalsmithing, graphic design, fashion and clothing, textiles, furniture, interior design, architecture, computer aided design, Web design, computer-generated graphics, animation, product design, industrial design, garden design, and landscape architecture. DAAI contains more than 212,000 records, with around 1,200 new records added in each monthly update.
Coverage: DAAI covers journals published from 1973 to the present, although most articles date from 1987 onwards.



DETAIL Inspiration online design & architecture projects database

Access Information:

Access on and off campus.

Users will need to create an account using their university email address.

Please note: To register your account please use this URL:

AFTER successful registration please do not use the above URL. Instead use the general URL of this record appearing in the heading above.


This new image and reference database uses precise, relevant visual inspirations to support architects in their search for construction solutions. With more than 4000 projects from the last 34 years, DETAIL inspiration is a highly valuable source of research and inspiration for architects, giving access to reference photographs, sketches, technical product information, within a clearly structured search and selection system, with downloads available. 

Updated monthly. Over 150 projects added annually.

Note:Any material which you download from this resource may only be stored for the duration of the University Library’s subscription to this resource, thereafter it must be deleted. The permanent archiving of material is not permitted. For full terms and conditions associated with this resource please contact the appropriate Academic Support Librarian.



DETHERM: Thermophysical Properties Database

Access information: Access on and off campus. Off campus users will be asked to register their name and email address on initial login.
Description: Thermophysical properties of pure substances and mixtures. Thermodynamic properties, vapour pressures, transport properties, surface tensions, electrolyte data and phase equilibrium data for more than 60,000 pure compounds and 163,000 mixtures.
Coverage: Provides access to the following databases: Dortmunder Datenbank DDB, Electrolyte data collection ELDAR, Thermophysical database INFOTHERM, Thermophysical Parameter database COMDOR, Data collection C-DATA, Solubility Database CAPEC-SDB.
Additional Information:

Read more about the constituent databases.




Detroit Free Press

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: TEN PULITZER PRIZES. Four Emmy Awards. One hundred and sixty-eight years of coverage. The first issue of the Detroit Free Press came hot off the presses on May 5, 1831 as The Democratic Free Press and Michigan Intelligencer, before Michigan had even entered statehood. This historic newspaper was first in many ways: First U.S. newspaper to print a regular Sunday edition. First U.S. newspaper to publish court testimony. It sent reporters to Civil War battlefields to describe the action, set up a Washington bureau to report on politics, and was the first American newspaper published in Europe when it began a London edition in 1881. Scholars of labor relations, union history, and the automotive industry will find the Free Press a fundamental and must-have resource for insight on the birth of the Motor City, development of the United Automobile Workers (UAW) and auto manufacturing. Art and architecture. The race riots of 1943 and 1967. The Detroit Tigers. Stevie Wonder and The Supremes. In addition to these defining characteristics of Detroit, the Free Press also provides the scoop on national and international events from a regional perspective, as well as detailed coverage of daily life in the community.
Coverage: 1831-1999.




Deutsche Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts / 18th Century German Literature Online

Access information:

Access on and off campus. For off-campus access please use the University VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.


This database contains the scanned and digitized first editions and first published complete editions by more than 600 German-speaking authors of the 18th century. The approximately 2,700 works with almost 4,500 volumes reflect the broad spectrum of German literature from the early stages of the age of Enlightenment to the later part of the period.  18th Century German Literature Online contains the complete historical editions of leading representatives of the Enlightenment such as Bürger, Gottsched, Herder, Kant, Lessing, Mendelssohn, Moritz, Nicolai, Wieland and many more, the writings of the "Göttinger Hainbund" and works of the Swiss Enlightenment. Most notably however, it also contains the writings of hundreds of authors who were less well-known or are nowadays all but forgotten, but who nevertheless contributed to the literary Enlightenment in Germany with their lyrical, dramatic and epic works.




Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Dialnet is a bibliographic database that indexes scholarly journal articles, book chapters, theses and monographs published in Spain in any language, published in Spanish in any country or dealing with Hispanic topics. Subject coverage is diverse, from science, technology, law and business to art, history, language and literature. Dialnet is hosted by the University of La Rioja and includes over 5,000 journal titles and more than 2 million documents in total.



Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese and Japanese Ancient Books

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese & Japanese Ancient Books (雕龍中日古籍全文資料庫) contains about 30,000 ancient books which cover a wide range of subjects including history, religion, philosophy, literature, politics, economics, medicine and local gazetteers. The page display can be in scanned images, in transcribed texts, or in both side by side. The huge number of books are sourced from 21  large series titles which can be searched or browsed. These 21 series are: Daozang (道藏, 1513 book titles / 5878 vols), Daozang jiyao (道藏辑要, 299/2553), Sibu congkan (四部叢刊, 472/13685), Xu Sibu congkan (續四部叢刊, 364/15328), Yongle dadian (永樂大典, 813/813), Gujin Tushu Jicheng (古今圖書集成, 33/10012), Dunhuang shiliao(敦煌史料,2952/2955). Qingdai shiliao (清代史料, 113/10832), Zhongguo difangzhi (中國地方誌, 2137/52022), Zhongguo difangzhi xuji (中國地方誌續集,1939/37477), Zhongguo difangzhi sanji (中國地方誌三集,2090/18309), Riben gudian shujiku (日本古典書籍庫, 618/7400), Siku quanshu (四庫全書, 3541/92074), Xuxiu Siku quanshu (續修四庫全書, 5550/104703), Siku cunmu (四庫存目,4350/65551), Siku wei shou shu (四庫未收書,167/2479), Siku jin hui shu (四庫禁毀書,620/13342), Liufu wencang (六府文藏, 7717/149576), Zhongguo minjian wenxue (中國民間文學,203/538), Qingdai keju zhujuan (清代科舉硃卷, 1071/7792), Yi jia ku (醫家庫,1033/9362). 


Dictionary of National Biography

see entry for Oxford Dictionary of National Biography



Dictionary of Irish Biography

Access information: Freely available
Description: The Dictionary of Irish Biography is a collaborative project between Cambridge University Press and the Royal Irish Academy. Over 9,000 signed biographical articles describe and assess the careers of subjects in all fields of endeavour, including politics, law, religion, literature, journalism, architecture, painting, music, the stage, science, medicine, engineering, entertainment and sport.



Dictionary of Old English: A to I online

Access: Access on and off campus.
Description: The Dictionary of Old English (DOE) defines the vocabulary of the first six centuries (600 - 1150 A.D.) of the English language, and complements the Middle English Dictionary (which covers the period 1100 - 1500 A.D.) and the Oxford English Dictionary (which documents the development of the English language to the present).
  See also entry for Oxford English Dictionary.



Dictionary of the Scots Language

Access information: Freely available from DSL.
Description: Comprises the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (DOST) and the Scottish National Dictionary (SND).
Coverage: DOST contains information about Scots words in use from the twelfth to the end of the seventeenth centuries and SND contains information about Scots words in use from 1700 to the 1970s. There is a 2005 supplement.



Dictionnaire historique et critique

Access information Available on and off campus
Description: This is the online version of the 5th edition (1740) of Pierre Bayle's Dictionnaire historique et critique. It comprises four folio volumes (719, 915, 831 and 804 pages per volume). In addition to the text of the Dictionnaire proper (text and notes), the work includes numerous auxiliary pieces. This database is part of the ARTFL Project.



Digimap Collection

Access information:Access on and off campus. Users are required to register and agree the data licence. Follow instructions provided

Digimap is a collection of EDINA services that delivers maps and map data of Great Britain.  Maps can be viewed, annotated and printed and data can be downloaded for use in GIS or CAD software. Subscribed collections include:

For a complete description of each collection, please see the individual entries on the alphabetical databases pages.

Notes:Northern Ireland data will be removed on 31/7/20. Any Northern Ireland data stored must be deleted.



Digital Archive of Rare Books

Access information:

Access on and off campus


Digital archive of nearly 4,000 volumes (505 titles) of Chinese rare books out of the total collection of 25,880 volumes at the National Taiwan Normal University Library.  



Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

Access information: Access on and off campus
Description: The Digital Dictionary of Buddhism [DDB] is a compilation of Chinese terms, texts, temple, schools, persons, etc. found in Buddhist canonical sources. Entries range from short glossary entries, to full-length encyclopaedic articles.


Access information: Access on and off campus.

The database features the entire corpus of Barth's works in German, currently comprising 45 volumes of theological writings, lectures, letters, sermons, and interviews.

As additional print volumes of the Gesamtausgabe become available, they will be added, and also included is Barth's magnum opus, the 14-volume Kirchliche Dogmatik.

During the second phase of the project, the exhaustive German-language content will be supplemented with English translations of Barth's most important works. Alexander Street also will add digitized photographs, audio files, and other archival content.


Access information: Access on and off campus.

This resource consists of expertly curated, and meticulously indexed, declassified government documents covering U.S. policy toward critical world events – including their military, intelligence, diplomatic and human rights dimensions – from 1945 to the present. Each collection is assembled by foreign policy experts and features chronologies, glossaries, bibliographies, and scholarly overviews to provide unparalleled access to the defining international issues of our time.

The University's access includes the following databases:

For a complete description of each database, please see the individual entries on the alphabetical databases pages.



Digital Theatre Plus

Access information:

Access on and off campus. Enter UoE email address and select University of Edinburgh from the drop-down menu.


Digital Theatre+ provides access to 600+ theatre productions and 21,000 pages of supporting educational resources, with over 800 videos of quality live performances of classic, contemporary and international productions.



Digitalia Hispanica

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 

Description: Digitalia Hispánica is a database of over 50,000 e-books and about 200 e-journals published in Spanish from some of the most renowned academic publishers in Spain and Latin America such as Anthropos, Biblioteca Nueva, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Ocho y Medio, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. The collection covers a wide range of subject topics mostly in the Social Sciences and Humanities areas, but with some titles in Science and Technology. E-book publications range from the early 20th century to the most recent releases of publishers like Silex, Trotta or Biblioteca Nueva. The collection of e-journals is also wide range and impressive. Some representative titles include Quimera, Archivos de la Filmoteca, and the historical journals from Spain such as Cuadernos de Ruedo Ibérico, El Viejo Topo, Ajoblanco and many others. New content is being made available in the database on an ongoing basis. All the individual titles of the e-books and e-journals are indexed and searchable in our Library catalogue DiscoverEd.



Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement contains a comprehensive and international set of resources to enrich the research of disability in a wide range of disciplines from media studies to philosophy. 


Dissertations and Theses Full Text

see entry for ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text



Documents on British Policy Overseas

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Documents on British Policy Overseas offers researchers the opportunity to see beneath the surface of the major events of the twentieth century. Users can access contemporary accounts and follow the detailed exchanges that shaped British foreign policy from the origins of the First World War and beyond.



Donald Rumsfeld's Snowflakes, Part I: The Pentagon and U.S. Foreign Policy, 2001-2003

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


Donald Rumsfeld's "snowflakes" are a unique resource, coming directly from the Defence Secretary's desk. Part 1 provides unprecedented insight into the workings of the Pentagon during the early years of the Bush administration. Snowflakes offers glimpses into Rumsfeld's day-to-day concerns covering everything from relations with Russia, China, and other nations to the DOD's strategy and conduct in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to communications with the White House and battles with Pentagon bureaucracy.



Donald Rumsfeld's Snowflakes, Part II: The Pentagon and U.S. Foreign Policy, 2004-2006

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


Donald Rumsfeld's blizzard of "snowflakes" comes to an end with Part 2. These revealing memoranda illuminate the large and small issues confronting the Pentagon during the second term of the Bush administration and Rumsfeld’s daily administration of the U.S. Defense Department until his resignation. In addition to Rumsfeld’s musings about defense spending, government bureaucracy, political appointments, and office etiquette, the collection includes substantive responses to his inquiries from high-level civilian staff members and military commanders on significant national security topics, such as manpower needs in the prosecution of two wars, reconstruction and democratization in Iraq and Afghanistan, and modernization of the U.S. military.



Dong-A Ilbo

Access information: Access on or off campus. Off campus access requires VPN.

One of the major newspapers in South Korea, available in PDF format.

Coverage 1920 to present




Drama Online

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Drama Online is a digital library of the world’s most studied and critically-acclaimed plays, accompanied by a wealth of innovative teaching and performance tools, critical analysis, contextual information, references and practical texts. We have subscribed to following components:

  • Nick Hern Books Collection: Over 500 modern plays from specialist theatre publisher Nick Hern Books featuring pre-eminent playwrights including Howard Brenton, Jez Butterworth, and Caryl Churchill.
  • The RSC Live Collection: 17 films of live productions from the Royal Shakespeare Company from 2013 to the cutting-edge 2016-17 production of The Tempest starring Simon Russell-Beale
  • Shakespeare's Globe On Screen (2008-2015): 21 films recorded live on the Globe stage from leading actors including Mark Rylance, Stephen Fry, and Roger Allam’s Olivier Award-winning Falstaff in Henry IV
  • Shakespeare’s Globe on Screen 2 (2016-2018): Features landmark productions from the Globe Theatre’s most recent seasons, including the first production from the indoor Jacobean theatre, the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse in 2014
  • Shakespeare in the Present: A six hour acting masterclass with international coach Patsy Rodenburg, starring Joseph Fiennes
  • Stage on Screen: Critically acclaimed stage productions of four key set drama and literature texts: The Duchess of Malfi, Doctor Faustus, The School for Scandal, and Volpone.
  • Shakespeare’s Heroes and Villains: Steven Berkoff: A 90 minute masterclass from Steven Berkoff, world-renowned writer, director, and actor.
  • Maxine Peake as Hamlet: A landmark reinvention of Shakespeare’s Hamlet with Maxine Peake in the title role.
  • Oberon Books Collection: A unique collection of over 500 titles of play texts from ground-breaking British plays to the best of international drama and plays in translation.



Drug Monitoring Checker

Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:Evidence-based drug monitoring information to optimize the treatment of adult patients in primary and secondary care.




Access information: Access on and off campus

Duxiu provides the bibliographical and full text level search for several million Chinese resources including books, journal and newspaper articles, dissertations and conference proceedings. The table of contents and a small proportion of the body text can be read instantly by clicking on search results.

You can also obtain more or the whole of the full text content by using the online “document delivery service” on the database platform: at the document request window, fill in page range you want to have along with your email address then send your request. The delivery normally takes 3-5 minutes to arrive. You can request up to 50 pages or no more than 20% of any book per week, which ever is greater. Journal and newspaper articles can usually be received in full at one go.

Further information: Please refer to the User Guide for further help - Duxiu User Guide (PDF).




Access information:Access on and off campus. Check the IP access box then enter the 8 digit access key - find the 8 digit access key here.
Description:The Subject Catalogue of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in Rome.
Coverage:1956 - present