Book and other resource purchase requests

Academic staff may use the relevant online form for their College to request the purchase of books and other resources for Library collections to support research. Currently-registered students may make purchase suggestions for Library collections to support their University study and research by using the Request a Book Service (RaB) for students.

These forms can be used to request the purchase of research resources.  Course organisers who wish to request library materials for teaching should do this using the Resource Lists service. 

New subscription requests- if you would like to recommend a new library subscription (e.g. for a journal or database), please do not use these forms - contact your Academic Support Librarian in the first instance.


Professional Services staff - if you are not an academic member of staff but would like to suggest purchase of a resource for addition to the Library collections, please contact the Acquisitions Team via the IS Helpdesk (   Please note that we have an e-preference policy, so will acquire an e-book rather than a print copy where digital versions are available.   If you wish to purchase a  book or other resource as a working tool (rather than for adding to Library collections), you should purchase this via P&M/your departmental operational budget.


Students can use this service to request purchase of books and other resources to be added to the Library collections to support their University study and research.

CAHSS academic staff may use this form to request the purchase of books and other resources for Library collections to support research.

CMVM academic staff may use this form to request the purchase of books and other resources for Library collections to support research.

CSE academic staff may use this form to request the purchase of books and other resources for Library collections to support research.

For enquiries about the Resource Purchase Request service, please contact the Acquisitions Team via the IS Helpline

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