Search for a database through the search box or view databases beginning with the letter K below. HTML Kanopy Videos Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Kanopy is an online streaming service for films and documentaries. Content includes popular documentaries, Oscar winners and nominees, classic films, and independent films. Edinburgh University users can have full access to several dozen films which the Library has purchased for teaching. These films will be displayed after you login in and can be accessed from any device including computer, IOS and Android devices. Individual films available to us are also findable by title and author (as director) search in DiscoverEd. You can use the "Browse" button to view the catalogue of all the films which we haven't purchased yet. Requests for films for teaching purchases must be made via the Resource Lists service. HTML Kenya Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1907-1964 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The colony of Kenya was managed by the government departments who wrote these A1:F79 reports. They start when Kenya was a part of the East Africa Colony and continue until independence. The statistics for Kenya are included in Colonial Africa in official statistics, 1821-1953. These reports explain why those statistics are at the levels recorded. The contents pages at the front of each report list the departments which existed at that time. Comparing the contents pages reveals how the structure of the colonial government changed over time. HTML King's Fund Publications Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: London based King's Fund is an independent charitable foundation which undertakes, amongst other things, original research into the assessment of health policies. Some of its publications are freely available online. KinodenAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:KinoDen is a Japanese academic e-book service for libraries from KinoKuniya.Use 検索 to search for e-books by keyword. To view the collection of KinoDen e-books held by the University of Edinburgh Library, select the ‘holdings only’ (所蔵のみ) in the ‘holdings’ (所蔵形態) drop-down menu on the search results page. You can also preview unpurchased titles by selecting ‘include unheld’ (未所蔵を含める). If you see the 未所蔵 label on an e-book, then the Library does not have access to the full text. Students can request KinoDen e-books by using the Request a Book service for students. When completing the Student Request a Book purchase request form, please indicate in the additional comments text box that you are requesting a KinoDen e-book and please provide the e-book’s Product ID from its record on KinoDen. If you have any questions about requesting KinoDen e-books, please contact the Academic Support Librarian for East Asian Studies. Watch this video to learn how to use KinoDen:How to use KinoDen HTML The Kissinger Conversations, Supplement: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969–1977 Access: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection updates the National Security Archive's substantial body of documents focusing on Kissinger's roles in policymaking and diplomacy under presidents Nixon and Ford. The collection includes freshly declassified memoranda of telephone conversation (telcons) and transcripts of National Security Council and State Department meetings and overseas trips. Coverage: 1969-1977. HTML The Kissinger Conversations, Supplement II: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977 Access: Access on and off campus. Description: Henry Kissinger remains a larger-than-life figure in contemporary American culture as well as in U.S. foreign policy and decision-making circles. Rightly or wrongly, his tenure as national security advisor and secretary of state continues to be seen as a defining moment in the history of U.S. foreign relations. This compilation, comprising 980 records, updates the National Security Archive's substantial publications of documents focusing on Kissinger's roles in policymaking and diplomacy under presidents Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford. The collection, made up of newly released records based on appeals by the Archive, includes memoranda of telephone conversation (telcons) and records of meetings held at the State Department and the White House. Coverage: 1969-1977. HTML The Kissinger Telephone Conversations: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977 Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection documents Kissinger's conversations with top officials in the Nixon and Ford administrations, senior officials as well as noted journalists, ambassadors, and business leaders close to the White House. Topics range widely, including detente with Moscow, the Vietnam War, the Jordanian crisis (1970), rapprochement with China, the Middle East negotiations, U.S.- European relations, U.S-Japan relations, the Cyprus crisis, and the unfolding Watergate crisis. HTML The Kissinger Transcripts: a Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977 Access: Access on and off campus. Description: These documents cover Kissinger's time in office as National Security Adviser and then Secretary of State. Some three quarters of the 2,163 declassified documents in this collection were produced by Kissinger and his assistants on the National Security Council Staff. Even after Kissinger became Secretary of State, he relied on the NSC system for keeping meeting records, especially of the most sensitive matters such as relations with Beijing and Moscow, Middle East diplomacy, or meetings with the president. Coverage: 1969-1977 HTML Klapp-OnlineAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:Klapp-Online is the electronic version of the Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft = Bibliographie d'histoire littéraire française, which is a comprehensive bibliography of scholarly publications on French literary studies. It covers multilingual literary criticism published via journals, monographs, and conference proceedings, ranging in scope from the Middle Ages to twenty-first century French and francophone literary studies. The online searchable interface of the database covers publication years 1991 to present day with optical character recognition PDF versions of previous years (1991 to 1956) available for download. HTML Kluwer Arbitration Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Kluwer Arbitration contains a wealth of full text arbitration related material and primary sources, covering over 195 international jurisdictions. Content includes books, looseleaf publications, journals, Bilateral Investment Treaties, the text of almost 600 laws, rules for major institutions, and court decisions (including Chinese court decision summaries) HTML The Knowledge Network (was NHS e-library) Access information: Freely available to search and to read full-text of some content. Access to NHS Education for Scotland subscribed resources requires an NHSScotland OpenAthens account. NHSScotland OpenAthens accounts are available to those who help provide health and social care in Scotland in conjunction with the NHS and Scottish Local Authorities, including many in the third and independent sectors. Description: The knowledge management platform for health and social care in Scotland, developed and maintained by the Knowledge Services group at NHS Education for Scotland. It is the access route to collections of articles, books and journals, guidelines, policy documents, resources for patients and service users, evaluated websites and e-learning courses. HTML Korean Studies Information Service System (KISS) Access: Access on and off campus. Description: Full-text database of scholarly articles mainly in Korean, published in some 3,500 journals from 1,200 research institutions in Korea, covering a wide range of subjects in art, humanities, linguistics, social science, medicine, pharmacy, engineering, natural science, physical education, agricultural science, and oceanography. Userguide: KISS manual HTML The Korea Times Access: Access on and off campus. Description: The oldest and most influential English-language newspaper in Korea, The Korea Times is globally recognized for its coverage of international business, economic and financial news – historically through contemporary times – as well as its perspective on regional issues and events. From South Korea’s diplomatic relationship with its neighbours such as China, Russia and Japan, to the nuclear crisis in North Korea and relations between Korea and the U.S., The Korea Times provides a broad overview of issues over time. It offers deeper insight and analysis of such critical events as the April Revolution of 1960; the Vietnam War; the attempted assassination South Korean President Park Chung-hee; the Axe Murder Incident in 1976, in which two US Army officers were killed by North Korean soldiers in the DMZ; and the end of the Cold War. Contemporary coverage serves as a window into modern politics, society, economy, and culture in Korea, including the controversial rule of Kim Jong II and Kim Jong-un in North Korea. This diverse, easily-accessible source material is an invaluable tool for efficient research by users in history, international relations, Korean studies, economics and more. HTML Kotobarabia Arabic e-Library - Arab Leaders, Historians and Philosophers Collection Access information: Access on and off campus Description: This is an Arabic e-book collection containing approximately 5,000 titles from nearly 1,000 important Arab thinkers, philosophers, historians, politicians, and theologians in the Arab world. Topics cover feminism, modern medicine, political reforms, including the Orabi Revolution, education, arts, religion, and more. The collection includes works by the Four Imams of the Sunni Sect, the Al Azhar Modern Sheikhs; various authors of the Modern Arab Enlightenment, and rare works by the former Egyptian royal family. The database search platform is in English, with printable and downloadable features. Click here to cross search with Kotobarabia Arabic e-Library’s Modern Arabic Renaissance Collection and Modern Egyptian Collection. HTML Kotobarabia Arabic e-Library - Modern Arab Renaissance Collection Access information Access on and off campus. Description This exclusive electronic archive consists of over 3,000 books published from 1820-1914 across the Islamic World, with special focus on Egypt and Syria. Subject coverage includes sciences and humanities: philosophy, theology, literature, arts, history and politics. Content is in Arabic. Search interface can be switched between English and Arabic, and both include a virtual Arabic keyboard for easy text input. HTML Kotobarabia Arabic e-Library - Modern Egyptian Collection Access information Access on and off campus. Description Over 4,500 titles of publications including banned literature, fiction, non-fiction, scholarly and popular, written by Arab authors and in particular leading authors from Egypt. Over 80% of the titles are unavailable or very hard to acquire even in print form. The e-library is arranged into 31 categories. Content is in Arabic. Search interface can be switched between English and Arabic, and both include a virtual Arabic keyboard for easy text input. HTML KRpia Access: Access on and off campus. Description: Korean language e-book database on Koreanology (or Korean Studies) and liberal arts. The database also includes reference resources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, guidebooks, bibliographies, and historical records. This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML Kanopy Videos Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Kanopy is an online streaming service for films and documentaries. Content includes popular documentaries, Oscar winners and nominees, classic films, and independent films. Edinburgh University users can have full access to several dozen films which the Library has purchased for teaching. These films will be displayed after you login in and can be accessed from any device including computer, IOS and Android devices. Individual films available to us are also findable by title and author (as director) search in DiscoverEd. You can use the "Browse" button to view the catalogue of all the films which we haven't purchased yet. Requests for films for teaching purchases must be made via the Resource Lists service.
HTML Kenya Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1907-1964 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The colony of Kenya was managed by the government departments who wrote these A1:F79 reports. They start when Kenya was a part of the East Africa Colony and continue until independence. The statistics for Kenya are included in Colonial Africa in official statistics, 1821-1953. These reports explain why those statistics are at the levels recorded. The contents pages at the front of each report list the departments which existed at that time. Comparing the contents pages reveals how the structure of the colonial government changed over time.
HTML King's Fund Publications Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: London based King's Fund is an independent charitable foundation which undertakes, amongst other things, original research into the assessment of health policies. Some of its publications are freely available online.
HTML The Kissinger Conversations, Supplement: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969–1977 Access: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection updates the National Security Archive's substantial body of documents focusing on Kissinger's roles in policymaking and diplomacy under presidents Nixon and Ford. The collection includes freshly declassified memoranda of telephone conversation (telcons) and transcripts of National Security Council and State Department meetings and overseas trips. Coverage: 1969-1977.
HTML The Kissinger Conversations, Supplement II: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977 Access: Access on and off campus. Description: Henry Kissinger remains a larger-than-life figure in contemporary American culture as well as in U.S. foreign policy and decision-making circles. Rightly or wrongly, his tenure as national security advisor and secretary of state continues to be seen as a defining moment in the history of U.S. foreign relations. This compilation, comprising 980 records, updates the National Security Archive's substantial publications of documents focusing on Kissinger's roles in policymaking and diplomacy under presidents Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford. The collection, made up of newly released records based on appeals by the Archive, includes memoranda of telephone conversation (telcons) and records of meetings held at the State Department and the White House. Coverage: 1969-1977.
HTML The Kissinger Telephone Conversations: A Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977 Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: This collection documents Kissinger's conversations with top officials in the Nixon and Ford administrations, senior officials as well as noted journalists, ambassadors, and business leaders close to the White House. Topics range widely, including detente with Moscow, the Vietnam War, the Jordanian crisis (1970), rapprochement with China, the Middle East negotiations, U.S.- European relations, U.S-Japan relations, the Cyprus crisis, and the unfolding Watergate crisis.
HTML The Kissinger Transcripts: a Verbatim Record of U.S. Diplomacy, 1969-1977 Access: Access on and off campus. Description: These documents cover Kissinger's time in office as National Security Adviser and then Secretary of State. Some three quarters of the 2,163 declassified documents in this collection were produced by Kissinger and his assistants on the National Security Council Staff. Even after Kissinger became Secretary of State, he relied on the NSC system for keeping meeting records, especially of the most sensitive matters such as relations with Beijing and Moscow, Middle East diplomacy, or meetings with the president. Coverage: 1969-1977
HTML Klapp-OnlineAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:Klapp-Online is the electronic version of the Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft = Bibliographie d'histoire littéraire française, which is a comprehensive bibliography of scholarly publications on French literary studies. It covers multilingual literary criticism published via journals, monographs, and conference proceedings, ranging in scope from the Middle Ages to twenty-first century French and francophone literary studies. The online searchable interface of the database covers publication years 1991 to present day with optical character recognition PDF versions of previous years (1991 to 1956) available for download.
HTML Kluwer Arbitration Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Kluwer Arbitration contains a wealth of full text arbitration related material and primary sources, covering over 195 international jurisdictions. Content includes books, looseleaf publications, journals, Bilateral Investment Treaties, the text of almost 600 laws, rules for major institutions, and court decisions (including Chinese court decision summaries)
HTML The Knowledge Network (was NHS e-library) Access information: Freely available to search and to read full-text of some content. Access to NHS Education for Scotland subscribed resources requires an NHSScotland OpenAthens account. NHSScotland OpenAthens accounts are available to those who help provide health and social care in Scotland in conjunction with the NHS and Scottish Local Authorities, including many in the third and independent sectors. Description: The knowledge management platform for health and social care in Scotland, developed and maintained by the Knowledge Services group at NHS Education for Scotland. It is the access route to collections of articles, books and journals, guidelines, policy documents, resources for patients and service users, evaluated websites and e-learning courses.
HTML Korean Studies Information Service System (KISS) Access: Access on and off campus. Description: Full-text database of scholarly articles mainly in Korean, published in some 3,500 journals from 1,200 research institutions in Korea, covering a wide range of subjects in art, humanities, linguistics, social science, medicine, pharmacy, engineering, natural science, physical education, agricultural science, and oceanography. Userguide: KISS manual
HTML The Korea Times Access: Access on and off campus. Description: The oldest and most influential English-language newspaper in Korea, The Korea Times is globally recognized for its coverage of international business, economic and financial news – historically through contemporary times – as well as its perspective on regional issues and events. From South Korea’s diplomatic relationship with its neighbours such as China, Russia and Japan, to the nuclear crisis in North Korea and relations between Korea and the U.S., The Korea Times provides a broad overview of issues over time. It offers deeper insight and analysis of such critical events as the April Revolution of 1960; the Vietnam War; the attempted assassination South Korean President Park Chung-hee; the Axe Murder Incident in 1976, in which two US Army officers were killed by North Korean soldiers in the DMZ; and the end of the Cold War. Contemporary coverage serves as a window into modern politics, society, economy, and culture in Korea, including the controversial rule of Kim Jong II and Kim Jong-un in North Korea. This diverse, easily-accessible source material is an invaluable tool for efficient research by users in history, international relations, Korean studies, economics and more.
HTML Kotobarabia Arabic e-Library - Arab Leaders, Historians and Philosophers Collection Access information: Access on and off campus Description: This is an Arabic e-book collection containing approximately 5,000 titles from nearly 1,000 important Arab thinkers, philosophers, historians, politicians, and theologians in the Arab world. Topics cover feminism, modern medicine, political reforms, including the Orabi Revolution, education, arts, religion, and more. The collection includes works by the Four Imams of the Sunni Sect, the Al Azhar Modern Sheikhs; various authors of the Modern Arab Enlightenment, and rare works by the former Egyptian royal family. The database search platform is in English, with printable and downloadable features. Click here to cross search with Kotobarabia Arabic e-Library’s Modern Arabic Renaissance Collection and Modern Egyptian Collection.
HTML Kotobarabia Arabic e-Library - Modern Arab Renaissance Collection Access information Access on and off campus. Description This exclusive electronic archive consists of over 3,000 books published from 1820-1914 across the Islamic World, with special focus on Egypt and Syria. Subject coverage includes sciences and humanities: philosophy, theology, literature, arts, history and politics. Content is in Arabic. Search interface can be switched between English and Arabic, and both include a virtual Arabic keyboard for easy text input.
HTML Kotobarabia Arabic e-Library - Modern Egyptian Collection Access information Access on and off campus. Description Over 4,500 titles of publications including banned literature, fiction, non-fiction, scholarly and popular, written by Arab authors and in particular leading authors from Egypt. Over 80% of the titles are unavailable or very hard to acquire even in print form. The e-library is arranged into 31 categories. Content is in Arabic. Search interface can be switched between English and Arabic, and both include a virtual Arabic keyboard for easy text input.
HTML KRpia Access: Access on and off campus. Description: Korean language e-book database on Koreanology (or Korean Studies) and liberal arts. The database also includes reference resources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, guidebooks, bibliographies, and historical records.