Tom Scott Materials in Other EUL Collections

This page lists material of Tom Scott interest in other Edinburgh University Library Collections, including manuscripts of poetry and prose by Scott in our Hamish Henderson, Maurice Lindsay, Norman MacCaig, and Hugh MacDiarmid collections, and letters from Scott to Helen Cruickshank, Hamish Henderson, Norman MacCaig, and Hugh MacDiarmid.



George Mackay Brown (Coll-50)

  • Review by Brown of Scott's long poem The Dirty Business, for The Scotsman (18 December 1986) (MS 2845/1/23)

Helen Cruickshank (Coll-81)

  • Letter from Scott to Cruickshank, 14 November 1971, on Cruickshank's Collected Poems (Gen 1966/68-70)
  • Presentation copy of Scott's volume At the Shrine o the Unkent Sodger (1968) (JA 3376)

David Daiches (Coll-694)

  • Letter, 28 April 1953, and postcard, 25 August 1953, from Scott to Daiches (E92.46)

Hamish Henderson (Coll-1438)

  • ‘Morningside Cemetery: Burial of Stuart MacGregor’, TS of poem by Scott (E2013.07, Box 22, Folder 4)
  • 25 letters from Scott to Henderson, 1953-84 (E2013.07, Box 22, Folder 4)
  • Copies of 9 letters from Henderson to Scott, 1964-73 (E2013.07, Box 22, Folder 4)
  • Copy of unpublished letter from Scott to The Scotsman, 18 May 1973 (E2013.07, Box 22, Folder 4)
  • Copy of letter from Scott to Otto Schönfeldt, 1 December 1972 (E2013.07, Box 22, Folder 4)
  • Transcript of letter from Scott to The Scotsman supporting Henderson’s decision to turn down an O.B.E., 13 December 1983 (E2013.07, Box 2, Folder 4)

Maurice Lindsay (Coll-56)

  • Script of contribution by Scott to Scotland Today, BBC Scottish Home Service, 19 February 1964 (Gen 2030/28)

Norman MacCaig (Coll-69)

  • Letter from Scott to MacCaig, discussing MacDiarmid's In Memoriam James Joyce [1955] (E2006.40)
  • TS of Scott''s poem 'A Dregy for T. S. Eliot' included in anthology of Scottish verse edited by MacCaig for Poetry Review (ca. 1965) (Gen 767/28/13)

Hugh MacDiarmid (Coll-18)


  • 104 letters and 7 postcards from Scott to MacDiarmid, 1953-77 + 1 letter to Valda Grieve (MS 2960.6)

Scott is also mention in letters to MacDiarmid from William Cookson (MS2946.5), Duncan Glen (MS 2948.9), and John Herdman (MS 2962/4/62-63).

MSS of Poems by Tom Scott

  • ‘A Ballat o Lagos’ (1953), TS (MS 2960.6/9)
  • 'Dum Spiro Spero' (1943?), TS (MS 2983)
  • ‘Finale – A Gangrel’s Quair’ (1953), TS (MS 2960.6/11-12)
  • ‘Innominatus: Salvaged frae oor Proodest Galleon’ [Scots version of Sir Walter Scott’s ‘Breathes There the Man’], MS (MS 2960.6/4)
  • ‘Lament for the Faan’ (1953), TS (MS 2960.6/13)
  • ‘Lament for the Kingdom o Scotland’ (1953), TS (MS 2960.6/7-8)
  • ‘Ma War-Time Dearie’ (1953), TS (MS 2960.6/13)
  • ‘An Ode til New Jerusalem’, TS (MS 2976, unnumbered)
  • ‘On a Leddy Poet Wanting ti be Caaed Miss at her Literary Parties’, MS (MS 2960.6/4)
  • ‘On a Scottish Poet Who Says the Future’s in English’ (1965), 1 f. (MS 2960/6/55)
  • ‘The Paschal Caundyll’ (1954), TS (MS 2960.6/15-27)
  • ‘The Settler’s Prayer’, TS (MS 2960.6/10)
  • 'To X' (1943?), TS (MS 2983)

MSS of Prose by Tom Scott

  • Extract from unpublished study of MacDiarmid’s poetry (1966), TS (MS 2960.6/82-84)
  • Unpublished letter to The Scotsman, 11 September 1963 in reply to a letter by W. G. Henderson (MS 2960.6/40)
  • Unpublished letter to The Scotsman, 18 May 1973, in reply to a letter by Hamish Henderson (MS 2960/6/126)

Edwin Muir (Coll-445)

  • Scott mentioned in letters to Brown from Edwin Muir, 23 July and 22 September 1953, 2 November 1954, 15 August 1955 (Gen 767/7/11-13, 21-22, 26)

Photographs of Scottish Writers (Coll-1070)

  • Photograph of Tom Scott by Gordon Wright, 1979 ( (E89/45/5)

Records of Scottish International Review (Coll-232)

  • Letter from Scott to Robert Tait, editor of Scottish International Review, 11 October 1967 (Gen 2159/2)

Fred Urquhart (Coll-49)

  • Scott mentioned in letter from Norah Montgomerie to Urquhart, 24 April 1961 (MS 2832)
  • Mentioned in letter from Maurice Lindsay to Urquhart, 21 May 1976, and in copies of 3 letters from Urquhart to Lindsay, 15 May, 4 June 1976, and 7 November 1981 (MS 2838)