Databases T

Search for a database through the search box or view databases beginning with the letter T below.


Tanzania and Malawi in records from colonial missionaries, 1857-1965

Access information:

Access on or off campus


Containing over 54,000 digitised pages from Bodleian's Commonwealth and African manuscripts and archives, this database contains documents relating to the UMCA’s (Universities’ Mission to Central Africa) activities in Tanzania and Malawi during the period 1857-1965. The papers provide an insight into the spread of Christianity in Central Africa. Made up of 5 volumes it includes ‘Central Africa’ magazine, missionaries’ correspondence and journals as well as miscellaneous correspondence, press cuttings, books and conference papers.



Targeting Iraq: Planning, Invasion, and Occupation, Part I

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


Includes 2,000+ documents on one of the most significant U.S. foreign policy issues of our era. Records obtained from official U.S. and British sources encompass plans for regime change, war and occupation, and the controversy over WMD.  



Targeting Iraq, Part II: War and Occupation, 2002-2011

Access information: On and off campus.
Description This collection includes records from U.S. Central Command, the Army, State Department, Special Inspector General for Iraq, and other agencies covering the U.S. occupation of Iraq, 2004-2011. Topics addressed include military strategy; resistance and counter-resistance; al-Qaeda in Iraq; governance; negotiations of a constitution, oil law, and U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement; reconstruction; privatization; detention; prisoner abuse; ideological and sectarian conflict; contractors; corruption; intelligence failure; and information strategy.




The Tatler, 1901-1965

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


From 1901 to 1968 The Tatler was one of various publications owned by the Illustrated London News. It catered to an affluent and traditionalist audience, keeping them informed about the latest developments in British High Society. Focusing mainly on fashion, theatre and sports, The Tatler regaled readers with news and gossip about Britain's most prominent socialites, including aristocrats, athletes and actors. This collection yields valuable source material for researchers of British society in the early to mid-twentieth century, and of Britain's wealthy and powerful elite.


Access information: Access on or off campus.
Description: Education and teaching index drawn from more than 280 popular teacher and administrator trade journals, periodicals, and books.


Access information: Access on and off campus. 

The temperance and prohibition movement constituted an important element in American political life, social reform, and religion. Its significance as a vital force in American social history during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries deserves more thorough investigation. This module contains records and publications of the principal organizations which sought to reduce and ultimately to eliminate the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States. The two largest organizational collections in the module are the Anti-Saloon League of America (A.S.L.A.) and the records of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.) The papers of key leaders of the movement are included as well. This collection contains almost all known records of the major national temperance organizations.


Access information: Access on or off campus.
Description: Records obtained from official U.S. and British sources encompass plans for regime change, war and occupation, and the controversy over WMD.
Coverage: 1968-2002.


Access information: Available on and off campus via registration for a TES profile at - use your email address when you set up your profile to access the University of Edinburgh institutional subscription. 
Description: Online articles available via the TES Magazine website. Access is available for the latest news content from January 2023. TES Magazine includes exclusive news, analysis, teaching & learning guides and news from Scotland. Options available to save articles and receive daily or weekly newsletters via your TES profile.
Coverage: Full text from January 2023 onwards.



The Telegraph Historical Archive, 1855-2016

Access information:

Access on and off campus


The Telegraph Historical Archive is the fully searchable digital archive of what was once the world's largest-selling newspaper. Researchers and students can full-text search across 1 million pages of the newspaper's backfile from its first issue to the end of 2016, including issues of the Sunday Telegraph from 1961.


Access information: Access on or off campus.
Description: The definitive reference in the field of English language teaching, the TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching explores the theoretical and practical aspects of English language instruction by providing an essential, go-to reference resource for educators, professionals, researchers, and students world-wide. Over 750 entries written by leading practitioners and scholars from around the globe reflect the collaborative efforts of a truly international team of editors and advisory board members. The Encyclopedia is arranged thematically and entries are ordered A-Z within each of these themes. Fifteen key topic areas are covered, with each entry organized into three sections: framing the issue; making the case; pedagogical implications.


Access information: Available on and off campus
Description: The database is part of the ARTFL Project. It contains transcribed texts of 103 Old French and Middle French works from the 12th through 15th century



Textual History of the Bible Online

Access information:

Access on and off campus


The Textual History of the Bible Online (THBO) is unique in providing, for the first time, a cross-searchable platform with all available information regarding the textual history, textual character, translation techniques, manuscripts, and the importance of each textual witness for each book of the Hebrew Bible, including its deutero-canonical scriptures. In addition, it includes articles on the history of research, the editorial histories of the Hebrew Bible, as well as other aspects of text-critical research and its auxiliary fields, such as papyrology, codicology, and linguistics.


Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Experience the history of the theatre through 40,000 pages of monumental reference works, encyclopedias, images, flyers, playbills, postcards, scrapbooks, and other resources that offer a glimpse into the productions of the past.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Theatre in Video contains more than 250 definitive performances of the world's leading plays, together with more than 100 film documentaries, online in streaming video - more than 500 hours in all, representing hundreds of leading playwrights, actors and directors. This video resource is searchable by title, actor, playwright, and subject. It is also browsable by actor, director, playwright, genre, and dates. It is possible to bookmark specific scenes, monologues, and staging examples and then include those online links in learning and teaching material and in Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).


Access information:

On or off campus via library link and user created login. 

Description: The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) is based at the University of California, Irvine. Founded in 1972 the TLG has already collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present.
Note: Users may not under any circumstances download, print, make copies of and/or distribute TLG materials.
Note: First time users will be asked to register. Subsequent access requires both the University network access and the login you created. The register/login link is located at the top right corner of the TLG website.
Note: If you are using a PC which has SPIonic, choose this font from the drop down list in section B and click on 'Enter'. (The SPIonic font has been installed on all computing service PCs in open access computing labs).


Access information: Available on and off campus.
Description: The Thesaurus linguae Latinae is not only the largest Latin dictionary in the world, but also the first to cover all the Latin texts from the classical period up to about 600 A.D. 31 academies, and scholarly societies from 23 countries support the work of the Bayerische Akademie (Thesaurusburo Munchen). The two databases of Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) are linked by a common user interface, so that the Thesaurus and the Latin texts of the Bibliotheca Teubneriana can be accessed through one panel, which allows various and differentiated searches.



Thomas A. Edison Papers

Access information: Available on and off campus. 
Description: Thomas A. Edison Papers documents the life, work, and vision of Thomas Edison in laboratory notebooks, diaries, business  records, correspondence, and related materials. Inventor, businessman, scientist, industrialist, entrepreneur, engineer,  Thomas Alva Edison developed many of the technologies that have shaped the modem world. Perhaps more than anyone  else, Edison integrated the worlds of science, technology, business, and finance; and his work laid the foundation for the  age of electricity, recorded sound, and motion pictures.




Times Colonist

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: The Times Colonist is an English-language daily newspaper in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. It was formed by the merger in 1980 of the Victoria Daily Times, established in 1884, and the British Colonist (later the Daily Colonist), established in 1858 by Amor De Cosmos who was later British Columbia's second Premier. The British Colonist was B.C.'s first paper "of any permanence".
Coverage: 1884-2010.




Times Digital Archive

Supported browsers (also clear cache if having difficulties)

Access information:Access on and off-campus.
Description:The database offers access to every complete page of every issue of The Times (London), including every headline, article, editorial, birth and death notice, and advertisement. The newspaper can be viewed either at the article or full-page level, and is searchable across all the 7.6 million articles.
 For the full-text contents (not page images) of the last 20 years, please see entries for LexisLibrary or Factiva.
Coverage:From 1785 to 2019.





The Times/Sunday Times - available from LexisLibrary

Also available from Factiva

For historic content (1785-2011) see The Times Digital Archive.

Access information: Available on and off campus via LexisLibrary. Select the ‘Source’ tab and select title from the A-Z list. Available on campus and via the VPN from Factiva. Click on Source and select title from A-Z list or search for title. Cookies must be enabled on your browser.
Description: Full text of broadsheet newspapers available online on the day of publication. Some articles by freelancers, some features and some supplements may not be available.
Coverage: LexisLibrary; From 1st July 1985.
  Factiva: The Times: 2nd Jan 1981 Sunday Times: 4th Jan 1981 (For both: Selected coverage from 4 January 1981 to 6 July 1985, Abstracts from 4 January 1981 to 6 July 1985).




Times Higher Education

Access information:

Available on and off campus via registration for an individual account using  your email address.


Online articles and digital editions from the THE website, with the option of a weekly email alert when the new edition is available. THE app is available for download.

Access is available for the latest weekly edition, as well as full text  dating back to January 2013.  An archive of earlier articles can be searched.

Coverage: Latest weekly edition and full text from January 2013 onwards.
Note: Older content, back to 2000, is available from LexisLibrary




The Times of India

Access information: Access on and off campus.

The world's largest circulation English daily newspaper. Founded in 1838 to serve the British residents of West India, The Times of India now circulates more than 4 million copies, covering almost 8 million Readers.

Particularly valuable for its coverage of key historical events in India, including the rise of Gandhi's Civil Disobedience movement, the 1947 Independence and Partition through to the landmark date of 1998 when Pakistan became a nuclear power.

Coverage: 1838 - 1849 ; 1851 - 1859




Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive 1902-2019

Times Literary Supplement 2012 onwards via Factiva

Access information Access on and off campus. 
Description The TLS weekly is the essential companion for studying and researching literary activity and critical opinion makers of the 20th and 21st centuries. Since 1902, the TLS has scrutinized, applauded and dissected the work of leading writers and thinkers, offering comprehensive coverage of the most important publications, in every subject, in several languages, as well as reviewing current theatre, cinema, music, and exhibitions. The TLS Historical Archive offers the complete online fully-searchable edition from the first edition in 1902 up to 2011. It allows you to explore an archive of over 300,000 reviews, letters and poems, and to access previously unpublished, comprehensive biographical information about the contributors – many of whom originally wrote for the paper anonymously. Content from 2012 onwards can be searched and full text retrieved via FACTIVA, though this is no facsimile version for browsing. You can limit search in TLS only by selecting this publication within All Sources. Neither the historical archive nor the current content are covered by DiscoverEd search at the moment
Additional Information Supported browsers - also clear cache if having difficulties.  
Coverage: Content over 4 yrs old released on a monthly basis.




Toronto Star

Access information Access on and off campus. 
Description THE TORONTO STAR is Canada’s highest circulation newspaper and was unique among early North American newspapers in its consistent advocacy of ordinary people. It was an advocate of social causes such as the welfare state, old age pensions, unemployment insurance, and health care. It is generally considered to be the most leftwing of Canada’s major newspapers and a major influence on the development of Canadian social policy. Its early opposition of the Nazi regime saw the paper become the first North American paper to be banned in Germany by its government. The historical Toronto Star provides a great historical counter balance to The Globe and Mail.
Coverage: 1894-1964.




Trade and Globalization Studies Online

Access information:

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Trade and Globalization Studies Online examines the history of trade, trade policies, financial crises, emerging markets and technological innovations that unite the world in an ever-changing system of trade. The collection gathers books, case studies, archival materials and documentaries to provide historical context and insights. Users can explore the societal impact of global trade by browsing on global themes, events and areas, subjects, and much more.





Access information:

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TradeLawGuide provides comprehensive research tools that facilitate methodical research of international trade law, including WTO law and regional trade agreements (RTAs).

Its primary document collection consists of the WTO agreements and instruments, jurisprudence, dispute settlement procedural documents, negotiating history and the agreements and codes from the pre-WTO GATT regime. A suite of citators provides comprehensive substantive jurisprudence references to WTO, pre-WTO and Vienna Convention provisions as well as cross-references within the jurisprudence. Researchers can quickly pinpoint the most recent developments for a provision or research its complete jurisprudential and negotiating history. Additional resources, such as the Annotated Agreements, Treaty Interpretation, Terms & Phrases, Subject Navigator, and Dispute Settlement Body Minutes (for policy issues arising in jurisprudence) provide value-added content to facilitate dynamic and thorough research.

In addition, TradeLawGuide provides a fully searchable database of regional trade agreements (RTAs), providing researchers with ready access to the texts of bilateral and plurilateral agreements currently in force throughout the world. Researchers have one-click access to the full legal text of agreements as well as shortcuts to the key sections, such as the rules of origin, tariff elimination schedules, market access commitments, reservations (non-conforming measures), and side instruments. A comparison tool for selecting and reviewing the text in two or more agreements at the same time allows researchers to efficiently assess similarities and differences between RTAs.



Translated Texts for Historians E-Library

Access information:

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The University's access to content from Translated texts for historians is limited to c.76 volumes published between 1987 and 2018. A green full access indicator applies to the volumes we have access to.

Description:Translated Texts for Historians book series makes available historical sources from 300-800 AD translated into English, in many cases for the first time.
 The geographic range covers Syria, Arabia, Armenia, Georgia and Egypt in the East; North Africa; major cities of the Roman Empire (Antioch, Alexandria and Constantinople); and Spain, Gaul, Italy, Britain and Ireland in the West.
 Types of writing include histories, chronicles, letters, annals, formularies, compendia, political speeches, military and theological handbooks, poems, documentary sources, records of church councils, biblical and theological commentaries, sermons, church histories, Christian treatises, Christian and pagan panegyric and polemic, Neoplatonic texts, Lives of saints, bishops and popes.




Translation Studies Bibliography

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB) is an annotated bibliography of Translation and Interpreting Studies. The database was first launched in 2004 and is updated regularly, with an official new release once a year. The latest release contains 28,000 annotated records. Categories of publications include: journal articles, monographs, (articles from) collective volumes, reference materials, dissertations and unpublished manuscripts. The bibliography is enhanced by a thesaurus and provides CrossRef DOIs (digital object identifiers), where available, for easier interlinking.
Note: Translation Studies Abstracts & Bibliography of Translation Studies Online were incorporated into this database during 2015.




Treasury of Linguistic Maps Online

Access information:

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Treasury of Linguistic Maps presents linguistic maps selected from various atlases and other publications that have been published over the years by De Gruyter Mouton and other De Gruyter imprints. For the first time, this material is made available and searchable in one place and in a new, improved format. All maps have been scanned in high-resolution for maximum quality and enriched with detailed metadata. Thanks to specific search functionalities (e.g. category/subdiscipline, language described in the map, geographical location, period described), Treasury of Linguistic Maps is a unique and indispensable resource for visualized information on various topics in linguistics. Many of these maps have not been digitally available before, and some are difficult to find even in printed form. The map interface allows zooming in on details, printing, and PDF export.

The initial release version contains 2,000 enriched maps. Following the launch year there will be two updates a year with about 1,200 maps added each year. The updates will feature both rediscoveries from De Gruyter's archives and material from new publications.



Trench Journals and Unit Magazines of the First World War

Access information: Access on and off campus.

An archival research resource containing a vast collection of rare magazines by and for servicemen and women of all nations during the First World War. Over 1,500 periodicals written and illustrated by serving members of the armed forces and associated welfare organisations published between 1914 and the end of 1919 are included. Magazines have been scanned cover-to-cover, in full colour or greyscale, and with granular indexing of all articles and specialist indexing of Publications.

Coverage: 1914 - 1919





Access information: Available from British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC). Choose University of Edinburgh from drop-down menu.
Description: Comprehensive online listings service for UK television and radio designed for educational users . Carries complete schedules for around 300 UK channels, including regional variations as well as Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Irish and Asian-language stations or programmes.
  The information is archived and continuously improved, so the database is a tool to help teachers and students identify both forthcoming and already broadcast audio-visual material to support their work.



Access information: Access on and off-campus

Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care. Trip has been online since 1997 and in that time has developed into the internet’s premier source of evidence-based content. As well as research evidence we also allow clinicians to search across other content types including images, videos, patient information leaflets, educational courses and news.

Trip Pro includes the following additional features and functionality:

  • 100,000+ extra systematic reviews
  • Medical images and videos
  • Links to millions of full-text articles
  • Export facility to reference management software
  • Advanced search




Access information:

Access on or off campus


Trismegistos is a conglomerate of databases, with Texts, Collections, Archives, People, Places, and Authors as main sections. This resource deals with texts from the ancient western world, dated between roughly 800 BC and AD 800. The eventual goal of this resource is to provide information about all texts for which there is physical evidence dated to that period but there is still a long way to go and the resource is still growing. Trismegistos was once limited to Egypt only and for some sections that is still its current limitation, for other sections the ancient western world in general is covered, or at least that expansion is underway. This resource is the result of collaboration between the universities of Leuven and Cologne, along with the support of other individual projects.

Additional information: More information about what you can expect to find in the various sections in Trismegistos can be found at




TV Rain Video Archive

Access information:

Access on and off campus. For off campus, please use the VPN - Access to the University network via the VPN.

Our subscription agent advises that new programming has been suspended as of March 3, 2022, but access remains available to the archived programming.07/03/2022


TV Rain is Russia’s only independent television channel. The TV Rain Video Archive holds thousands of TV programmes, reports and interviews about today’s Russia. 



TVTimes Project 1955-1985

Access information: Available from British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC). Choose University of Edinburgh from drop-down menu.
Description: Fully searchable database of the programmes listed in television listing magazine TVTimes.
Coverage: September 1955 to March 1985.



Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Twentieth Century North American Drama contains 2,050+ plays from the United States and Canada. In addition to providing a comprehensive full-text resource for students in the performing arts, the collection offers a unique window into the economic, historical, social, and political psyche of two countries. Scholars and students who use the database will have a new way to study the signal events of the twentieth century—including the Depression, the role of women, the Cold War, and more—through the plays and performances of writers who lived through these decades.



Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Volume I, Christianity

Access information: Access on and off-campus.

Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Christianity is a multivolume, cross-searchable online collection that brings together the seminal works and archival materials related to key worldwide religious thinkers from the early 1900s until the turn of the 21st century.  150,000 pages of scholarship from influential theologians in the Christian tradition, including extensive representation of feminist theologians and other previously marginalized and lesser-known voices.




Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Volume II, Islam

Access information: Access on and off-campus. 

Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Islam  provides an extensive research database focusing on modern Islamic theology and tradition. The online text resource will contain 100,000 pages at completion, detailing Islam’s evolution from the late 19th century by examining printed works, rare documents, and important articles by Muslim writers, both non-Western and Western voices.




Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Volume III, Judaism

Access information: Access on and off-campus. 

A digital collection of unpublished primary sources and difficult-to-find texts and authors to support of scholars and students of Judaism and Religious Studies. The content includes the themes of Jewish Mysticism, Rabbinic Judaism, Midrash, Talmud, Jewish Law and Ethics, Holocaust Studies, Jewish Identity and Zionism.




Twentieth Century Religious Thought: Volume IV, Eastern Religions

Access information: Access on and off-campus. 

A digital collection of critical texts and primary sources that span the breadth of Eastern religious thought, from the 19th to 21st century  Explore the doctrines of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Jainism, and the topics of the afterlife, dharma, incarnation, karma, Maya, meditation, mindfulness, reincarnation, sacred texts, and Zen.