Other Manuscripts

This page lists manuscripts of autobiographical writings, fiction, and radio scripts in Edinburgh University Library's Hugh MacDiarmid Papers.


1. Autobiographical Writings

The MacDiarmid Papers include an incomplete manuscript of MacDiarmid's autobiography:

  • Lucky Poet (1943), 122 ff., TS and MS (Gen 908/1)

2. Short Stories

They also include two of MacDiarmid's rare works of fiction:

  • ‘An Epoch-Making Event’, 7 ff., pen (Gen 767/24)
  • ‘The Stranger’, 10 ff., pencil, with MS note by John Gawsworth (Gen 767/1(a)/i)

3. Radio Scripts

  • ‘Burns: The International View’, incomplete transcript of contribution to BBC Scottish Home Service broadcast, 1959, 4 ff. (MS 3008)
  • ‘The Future of Scottish Poetry’, transcript of talk broadcast by the BBC, 26 March 1936, 7 ff. (MS 2975)
  • ‘Impavidi Progrediamur’, transcript of poem broadcast by the BBC Third Programme, 19 December 1956, 27 ff., (MS 2975)
  • 'Norman Douglas’, transcript of talk broadcast by the BBC Scottish Home Service, 16 February 1953, 10 ff. (MS 2975)
  • ‘On the Shoulder of Cardon’, 5 ff., transcript of talk broadcast on Scottish Life and Letters, BBC Scottish Home Service, 1952 (MS 2975)
  • ‘Poet’s Choice’, transcript of contribution to Scottish Life and Letters, BBC Scottish Home Service, 24 January 1954, 7 ff. (MS 2964/115-21)
  • 'Tribute to Charles Murray', transcript of BBC radio talk, [1941?], 4 ff. (MS 2964/270-73 and MS 2964/274-77)

Further Details

Please note that these pages are still in development and that fuller information will appear in due course. For further details of MacDiarmid manuscripts, see the online Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue and the manual Index to Manuscripts held in the Centre for Research Collections, Edinburgh University Library.