Edinburgh Open Research

Find out more about the services and resources provided by the Library Open Research team and Open Research practices. Explore key services with respect to data management, open-access publication, and participatory research, along with useful tools to support Open Research in practice.

Open Research Conference 2025

“Open Research: What’s Stopping You?” CALL FOR PAPERS

The Call for Contributions for the Open Research Conference, 2025 are open. We are keen to have submissions for talks (15mins), lightning talks (5mins), and posters. This time we will be thinking about what factors are holding us back from embracing Open Research more fully. We are keen to hear from all corners; whether you are an early career researcher, a technician, professional services staff or established PI - we encourage you to submit a contribution and share your stories and your strategies.


DEADLINE for Submissions: 12th February

Notification of Acceptance: 7th March 

Conference Date: 4th June 2025

Topics may include:

  • Are technological advances, such as AI, a help or a hinderance to Open Research good practice?;
  • Addressing the moral and ethical challenges to achieving Open Research, especially in qualitative sciences or when working with vulnerable, marginalised, or indigenous groups;
  • How do we move forward in the face of ongoing financial challenges and the seemingly intractable “publish or perish” approach to reward and recognition?
  • I faced these challenges and won! Case studies of successful Open Research at individual, group, discipline, or institutional level;
  • The applicability of different open research practices to different disciplines and research types. What works?

We look forward to reading your submissions!

Open Research Newsletter

The Edinburgh Open Research Newsletter is a bi-monthly newsletter containing news, opinion pieces, events, and more from the Open Research Team. If you have anything you would like to have included in a future issue please email the editor Kerry Miller (kerry.miller@ed.ac.uk)

Current Issue

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Previous Issues can be found here in the archive

Key Services & Resources

Edinburgh Diamond is a service provided by Edinburgh University Library that supports the publication of academic and student-led Open Access books and journals.

The University’s Research Staff Hub has more information on Open Research tools at the University of Edinburgh

Learn more about Edinburgh ReproducibiliTea the Edinburgh Open Research Initiative, two grassroots efforts to promote and sustain an Open Research culture at the University.

Additional Resources

There are numerous additional internal and external resources to support you on your Open Research journey.  We are frequently reviewing the services on offer at the University that promote OpenAccess work, and welcome suggestions for new tools that may be of use to researchers at the University.

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Stay in Touch

Our monthly newsletter summarises current work the Library Open Research team is doing, introduces you to our wonderful colleagues along with important resources for conducting Open Research, and will keep you up to date with the latest Open Research events and activities taking place at the University and beyond. 

Sign up to the Open Research Newsletter for news and updates [External Site]