Handwriting Guide

A guide to Alexander Carmichael's handwriting style and idiosyncrasies

Here you will find illustrations of the usual letter-forms as well as common words and abbreviations in both Gaelic and English to be met with in the field and transcript notebooks. Usually Carmichael would records material in pencil at dictation speed. Although for the most part not exceptionally difficult to read, the pages look messy and disordered, with the unfortunate effect of deterring generations of researchers from tackling the riches they store. It is hoped that this guide will make Carmichael's hand somewhat less forbidding, and encourages further investigation into the fascinating treasures which lie within the notebooks. Examples of entire pages in Gaelic and English, with transcriptions, have been included so that progress may be gauged.


Please note: this guide is currently being migrated from the old project website.  We hope to have it available soon.

Number forms

Examples of problems present in Alexander Carmichael's handwriting style and the recording medium (paper, ink etc.), which present challenges to the researcher. These include cross-writing and staining.