Programme 6 (Edinburgh)

Programme 6 is an early intervention referral ‘social prescription’ for people living in Edinburgh presenting with mental health difficulties.

Programme 6 in-person for Edinburgh Residents

A choice of 6 week programmes consisting of heritage and nature-based small group workshops.  You can download our Autumn 2024 (Oct - Nov) programme below:


Referral partners include: GPs, Counselling Services, The Advice Place, Chaplaincy and Student Wellbeing and Support Teams. 

Download Referral Form here:

Prescribe Culture Lead, Ruthanne Baxter, is always happy to speak to any referral partner and/or anyone who has been referred to Programme 6, to talk through some of the background and details in advance of starting a programme, to support accessibility, help reduce any anxiety and increase understanding and confidence.

Please don’t hesitate to email Ruthanne on to arrange a time to chat.

Programme 6 gave me calming activities, a much more productive and helpful way to distract myself and relax than I had before. It is a useful addition to other forms of support

Student on Programme 6 Pilot

Programme 6 has given me a new interest and something positive to focus on.

Student on Programme 6 Pilot

As a student from China it made me slow down and know Edinburgh and the UK better in an innovative way, through heritage. During the Prescribe Culture Programme 6 sessions, I was peaceful, less anxious, less stressed, and happier.

Student on Programme 6 Pilot