
Publications based on or relating to the Carmichael Watson Collection

  • ap Rheinallt, Tristan, Obair Gun Duais? Alasdair MacGilleMhìcheil a' tional ainmean Gàidhlig eun / A Thankless Task? Alexander Carmichael and his collection of Gaelic bird names (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2011)
  • Black, Donald [Dòmhnall MacGilleDhuibh]. 'Alexander Carmichael: The Influence', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 40-44.
  • Black, Ronald (ed.), An Tuil: Anthology of 20th Century Gaelic Verse (Edinburgh: Polygon, 1999), pp. 2-7, 709-12. [Ora nam Buadh/The Invocation of Graces].
  • -------. 'I Thought He Made It All Up: Context and Controversy', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 57-81.  [see also MacilleDhuibh, Raghnall].
  • Bruford, Alan. '"Deirdire" and Alexander Carmichael's Treatment of Oral Sources', Scottish Gaelic Studies, XIV(1) (1983), pp. 1-24.
  • Campbell, John Gregorson. The Gaelic Otherworld, ed. Ronald Black (Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2005), pp. xix, xx, 301, 317, 322, 360
  • Campbell, John Lorne. 'The Text of Carmina Gadelica', Éigse: A Journal of Irish Studies, VIII (1955-57), p. 261.
  • -------. 'Notes on Hamish Robertson's "Studies in Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica"', Scottish Gaelic Studies, XIII(I) (1978), pp. 1-17.
  • -------. 'Carmina Gadelica: George Henderson's Corrections and Suggestions', Scottish Gaelic Studies, XIII(II) (1981, pp. 183-218.
  • -------. Notes on Alexander Carmichael's "Carmina Gadelica" ([Edinburgh?]: privately printed from Scottish Gaelic Studies, 1982).
  • Camshron, Alasdair [Bàrd Thurnaig]. 'Marbhrann do'n t-Ollamh Alasdair MacGhille-Mhicheil, Ughdar Carmina Gadelica', The Celtic Review, XIII (1912-13), pp. 249-51.
  • Cheape, Hugh. '"Every Treasure You Chanced On": Alexander Carmichael and Material Culture', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 115-34.
  • Cote, Meghan. 'Future Plans for the Carmichael Watson Collection', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 172-77.
  • Dòmhnallach, Dòmhnall Eàirdsidh. 'Alasdair MacGilleMhìcheil', in Ruaraidh MacThòmais (ed.), Ainmeil an Eachdraidh: Iomradh air Dusan a bha Ainmeil ann an Caochladh Sheòrsachan Eachdraidh (Glaschu: Gairm, 1997), pp. 51-64.
  • Duncan, John. 'Carmina Gadelica' in John MacDonald (ed.), Voices from the Hills/Guthan o na Beanntaibh (Glasgow: An Comunn Gàidhealach (The Highland Association), 1927), pp. 24-30.
  • Gillies, William. 'Elizabeth (Ella) Carmichael Watson (c. 1871-1928)' in (eds.) John H. Burnett et al., The University Portraits, Second Series (Edinburgh: Eyre Spottiswoode, 1986), pp. 204-6.
  • -------. 'Alexander Carmichael and Clann Mhuirich', Scottish Gaelic Studies, XX (2000), pp. 1-66.
  • -------. 'Alexander Carmichael and the Folklore of the MacMhuirich Poets', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 96-114.
  • Gowans, Linda. Am Bròn Binn: An Arthurian Ballad in Scottish Gaelic (Eastbourne: privately published, 1992).
  • Hache, Jean-Didier. 'Neil MacEachen, Marshal MacDonald, the Uists, and Alexander Carmichael', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 146-55.
  • Hull, Eleanor. 'In Memoriam: Alexander Carmichael (1832-1912), Folklore, XXII(4) (1912), pp. 499-501.
  • -------. 'Dr. Alexander Carmichael', Athenaeum, 4416 (1912), p. 677.
  • Laing, Calum, MacKillop, Isa, Johnson, Norman and Morrison, Peter, 'Memories of Families Who Gave Carmichael Material', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 179-82.
  • Low, Mary, 'The Spiritual Status of Animals in Carmina Gadelica I-II', in Wilson McLeod, James E. Fraser & Anja Gunderloch (eds.), Cànan & Cultur / Language & Culture: Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 3 (Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, 2006), pp. 235 -52.
  • -------. 'Humans and Other Animals in Alexander Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica', Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 1(3) (2007), pp. 371-94.
  • Macaulay, Cathlin. 'Uist in the School of Scottish Studies Archives', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 156-71.
  • MacCurdy, Edward, 'Carmina Gadelica', The Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, LXII (1953-59), pp. 240-56.
  • Macdonald, Murdo, 'The Visual Dimension of Carmina Gadelica', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 135-45.
  • MacEarcharn, Domhnall. 'Carmina Gadelica', in Domhnall MacEarcharn (ed.), Am Fear-Ciuil: Dain, Orain, Oraidean is Sgeulachdan (Sruighlea: Aonghas MacAoidh, 1940, 3rd ed.), pp. 167-85.
  • MacilleDhuibh, Raghnall. 'The Trouble with Carmina', West Highland Free Press, 29 May 1992.
  • -------. 'The Carmina and the Stars', West Highland Free Press, 24 June 1994.
  • -------. 'A Gaelic carol analysed', West Highland Free Press, 22 December 1995.
  • -------. 'God of the Moon, God of the Sun', West Highland Free Press, 5 January 1996.
  • -------. 'The King of Connacht and his pillow-talk', West Highland Free Press, 12 July 2002.
  • -------. 'The curse of Neist (1)', West Highland Free Press, 28 October 2005.
  • -------. 'The curse of Neist (2)', West Highland Free Press, 11 November 2005  [see also Black, Ronald].
  • MacInnes, John, 'Preface', in Alexander Carmichael (ed.), Carmina Gadelica: Hymns and Incantations: Collected in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland in the Last Century (Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1992), pp. 7-18 [reprinted as 'New Introduction to the Carmina Gadelica', in Michael Newton (ed.), Dùthchas nan Gàidheal: Selected Essays of John MacInnes (Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2006), pp. 477-91].
  • MacKinnon, Donald, 'Alexander Carmichael LL.D.', The Celtic Review, VIII (1912-13), pp. 112-15 [reprinted in Carmina Gadelica, IV, pp. xxi-xxv].
  • MacLean, Rev. Donald, 'A Celtist Honoured', The Celtic Review, V (1909), pp. 347-56.
  • MacLeod, Kenneth, 'The Late Alexander Carmichael, LL.D.', The Celtic Monthly, XX(7) (1912), p, 131.
  • -------. 'Our Interpreter', The Celtic Review, VIII (1912-13), pp. 116-29 [reprinted in Carmina Gadelica, IV, pp. xxvii-xl].
  • MacNeil, Calum. 'Carmichael in Barra', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 44-56.
  • Meek, Donald E. The Quest for Celtic Christianity (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 2000), pp. 60-78.
  • -------. 'Alexander Carmichael and "Celtic Christianity"', in Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 82-95.
  • -------. 'Faking the "True Gael"? Carmina Gadelica and the Beginning of Modern Gaelic Scholarship', Aiste: Rannsachadh air Litreachas Gàidhlig / Studies in Gaelic Literature, 1 (2007), pp. 76-106.
  • [Nicolson, Andrew]. 'Alasdair Bàn agus an Géisdeir', Tocher, 48/9 (1995), pp. 416-17.
  • Patton, Laurie L. 'Alexander Carmichael, Carmina Gadelica, and Nature of Ethnographic Representation', Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, VIII (1988), pp. 58-84.
  • -------. 'Irreducibly Curious: A Study of Alexander Carmichael, Carmina Gadelica, and the Nature of Ethnographic Representation', Chicago Anthropology Exchange, 17 (1988), pp. 69-89.
  • Roberston, Hamish. 'Studies in Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica', Scottish Gaelic Studies, XII(II) (1976), pp. 93-107.
  • Shaw, John, 'What Alexander Carmichael Did Not Print: The Cliar Sheanchain, "Clanranald's Fool" and Related Traditions', Béaloideas: The Journal of the Folklore of Ireland Society, 70 (2002), pp. 99-126.
  • -------. 'The Collectors: John Francis Campbell and Alexander Carmichael', in Iain Brown, Thomas Owen Clancy, Susan Manning and Murray Pittock (eds.), The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature, vol. 2 Enlightenment, Britain and Empire (1707-1918) (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007), pp. 347-52.
  • Stewart, Katharine. '"A Great Celtic Gentleman"', Scots Magazine, 169(2) (August, 2008), pp. 177-81.
  • Stiùbhart, Domhnall Uilleam. 'Alexander Carmichael (1832-1912), in Alexander Carmichael (coll. & ed.), Ortha nan Gàidheal: Carmina Gadelica in English and Gaelic, 6 vols. (Edinburgh: Floris Books, 2006), pp. xix-lxiii.
  • -------. '"Old Highland Matters that are Spoken of in Lorn": Dugald MacInnes' Manuscript, 1888', Historic Argyll, XII (2007), pp. 49-64.
  • -------. (ed). The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008).
  • -------. 'Alexander Carmichael and Carmina Gadelica', in idem (ed.), The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael (Port of Ness: The Islands Book Trust, 2008), pp. 1-39.
  • -------. 'Màiri Bhreac agus Gàidsear an Fhéilidh: Màiri Stiùbhart, Alasdair MacGilleMhìcheil, na thug i seachad, agus na rinn e leis', in Colm Ó Baoill & Nancy R. McGuire (eds.), Scottish Gaelic Studies [=Caindel Albann: Fèill-sgrìobhainn do Dhòmhnall E. Meek], XXIV (2008), pp. 551-71.
  • -------. 'Alasdair MacGilleMhìcheil agus Cultur Dùthchasach', in Richard A. V. Cox (ed.), Dualchas agus an Àrainneachd: sin am fearann caoin (Ostaig: Clò Ostaig, 2009), pp. 135-60.
  • -------. 'Alasdair MacGilleMhìcheil: Fear-cruinneachaidh òran ri linn nan 1860an', in Ruairí Ó hUiginn (ed.), Foinn agus Focail: Leachtaí Cholm Chille XLI (Maynooth: An Sagart, 2010), pp. 109-50.
  • -------. "'Sean neachan Caelach tha air airish ana larna": Làmh-sgrìobainn Dhùghaill MhicAonghais, 1888', in Wilson McLeod et al. (eds.), Bile ós Chrannaibh: A Festschrift for William Gillies (Bridge o Turk: Clann Tuirc, 2010), pp. 405-38.
  • Sugg, Laura S., 'Experience of God in Everyday Life in Alexander Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica' (Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1997).
  • -------. 'Summary List of Items 488 to 576 in the Carmichael-Watson Collection', Scottish Gaelic Studies, XVIII (1998), pp. 131-67.
  • Thompson, F. G. 'The Folklore Element in "Carmina Gadelica" III', An Gàidheal, LV(3) (1960), pp. 32-33.
  • -------. 'The Folklore Element in Carmina Gadelica', An Gàidheal, LV(4) (1960), pp. 44-46.
  • -------. 'The Folklore Elements in Carmina Gadelica', The Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, LXIV (1964-66), pp. 226-55.
  • Thomson, Derick S., 'Carmichael, Alexander', in idem (ed.), The Companion to Gaelic Scotland (Glasgow: Gairm Publications, 1994), p. 35.
  • -------. 'Alexander Carmichael', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, X (2004), pp. 167-68.
  • Wiseman, Andrew. 'The Kilted Exciseman: Alexander Carmichael (1832-1912), in History Scotland, 11(1) (Feb.-Jan., 2011), pp. 18-23.
  • -------. 'Folklore on Mingulay', Scottish Islands Explorer (May/June 2011).