Borrowing books and other resources

All you need to know about borrowing from the University of Edinburgh Libraries.

A guide to taking out a book from one of our Edinburgh University Libraries, including information on entitlements, facilities and regulations.

The University of Edinburgh Library has an extensive collection of orchestral sets that can be borrowed by university orchestras and musical groups. These are also available for use by community orchestras and musical ensembles based in Edinburgh. We hold over 1000 orchestral sets and some choral sets that accompany the orchestral parts.

All registered staff and students of the University of Edinburgh are automatically entitled to borrow books for free from the University's libraries. Borrowing books is also open to other categories of library users.

The High Use Books (HUB) collection, located on the Ground Floor of the Main Library, comprises the most highly used lending books. Further information about the HUB is provided on this page.

The Laptop Loan service is a student service designed to enhance the provision of computing facilities for matriculated University of Edinburgh students.