Other Scottish Writers

We hold important manuscripts by many other Scottish authors, either in small self-standing collections, or as part of our larger archival collections.

Our collections contain literary manuscripts, correspondence, and personal papers by many of Scotland's most significant writers, covering all periods of Scottish literature.

  • There are 16th-century manuscripts by, or relating to, Walter Bower, Gavin Douglas, William Dunbar, Robert Henryson, Sir David Lyndsay, and Alexander Montgomerie.
  • 17th-century documents include works by William Alexander, William Drummond and Elizabeth Melville, Scotland’s first published woman writer.
  • From the 18th century, there are poems in the hand of Alison Cockburn, Robert Burns, Robert Fergusson, Allan Ramsay, and James Thomson.
  • 19th-century writers include Joanna Baillie, Jane Welsh Carlyle, Thomas Carlyle, Anne Grant, James Hogg, Sir Walter Scott, and Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • Representatives of Scotland's 20th-century Literary Revival include Catherine Carswell, Robert Garioch, Lewis Grassic Gibbon, Neil M. Gunn, Sorley MacLean, Naomi Mitchison, Edwin Morgan, Willa Muir, Tessa Ransford, and Iain Crichton Smith.

Scottish Authors A-Z

See below for an alphabetical list of over 400 Scottish writers represented in our collections.


In addition to Edinburgh University Library’s own catalogues and finding aids, the following works were consulted when compiling this list:

  • 'Index of English Literary Manuscripts 1450-1700', ed. Peter Beal, 4 vols (London: Mansell, 1980-93)
  • 'Location Register of English Literary Manuscripts and Letters: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries', ed. David C. Sutton, 2 vols (London: British Library, 1995)

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