Edinburgh College of Art Library opening hours

Opening hours of Edinburgh College of Art Library, Evolution House, West Port, Edinburgh, EH1 2LE.

Regretfully, entry to the library is not possible for members of the public, Alumni and other external library members (with yellow cards) other than Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm. This includes visiting to collect your first library membership card.

We welcome all users into the UoE Libraries. Please note, that for some external users, the membership application process has changed. Please check up-to-date information on the Joining the Library web pages before visiting any library. 

Full details on using library and other centrally managed study spaces are available on the Study space website.


Semester opening hours from Monday 13 January  until  Friday 23 May 2025
DayOpening hours
Monday - Thursday 9am - 9:50pm
Friday 9am - 4:50pm
Saturday & Sunday12 midday - 4:50pm

Staff and students of the University of Edinburgh have full access and borrowing rights.

ECA Library location and contacts

Card Helpdesks