Duncan Glen Materials in Other EUL Collections

This page lists material of Duncan Glen interest in other EUL collections, including letters sent to Helen Cruickshank, Maurice Lindsay, Hugh MacDiarmid, and to the editors of 'Scottish International Review'.


Helen Cruickshank (Coll-81)

  • 5 letters and 1 card from Glen, 1966-67 (Gen 1929/20/1-5)
  • Letter from Glen, 7 May 1968, thanking Cruickshank for sending a copy of her volume The Ponnage Pool (Gen 1929/27/2)
  • 2 letters from Glen, 14 August and 12 December 1969 (Gen 1929/2/8-9)
  • 3 letters from Duncan Glen, 1970-71 (Gen 1966/7-9)
  • Inscribed presentation copy of Glen's A Cled Score: Poems (1974) (JA 3374)

Maurice Lindsay (Coll-56)

  • Letter from Glen, 26 September 1974 (Gen 2030/30/189)

Hugh MacDiarmid (Coll-18)

  • 162 letters from Glen to MacDiarmid, 1962-78, with 3 letters to Valda Grieve (MS 2948.9)

Glen is also mentioned in letters to MacDiarmid from, amongst others: W. R. Aitken (MS 2942.2) George Bruce (MS 2964/296-97), R. Crombie Saunders (Gen 2001*/20), Alexander Scott (MS 2960.5), Tom Scott (MS 2960.6), and Kenneth White (MS 2961.13). For letters from MacDiarmid to Glen, see:

Records of Scottish International Review (Coll-232)

  • 5 letters to Robert Tait, Editor of Scottish International, 18 September 1967, 10 January, 23 January, and 14 September 1968 (Gen 2159/2), 25 May 1968 (Gen 2159/3)
  • Letter to the Editors of Scottish International, 23 April 1969 (Gen 2159/3)
  • TS of review by Robert Garioch of Duncan Glen's Kythings and Other Poems (published under the pseudonym Ronald Eadie Munro) (1970) (Gen 2159/2)
  • TS of review by John MacQueen of Selected Essays by Hugh MacDiarmid, ed. Duncan Glen (1970) (Gen 2159/2)
  • TS of review by Robert Garioch of Duncan Glen's A Small Press and Hugh MacDiarmid and 'recent Akros publications' (1970) (Gen 2159/2)
  • TS of review by Robert Garioch of Parkland Poets Nos. 1-4 (published by Glen’s Akros imprint) (Gen. 2159/2)

Tom Scott (Coll-1077)

  • Mentioned in letters to Scott from Hugh MacDiarmid, 10 and 17 March 1965 (E2001.34)
  • Mentioned in letters to Scott from Alexander Scott, 9 and 12 October, 14 November 1967 (E95.02)

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