The range of online databases and resources provided by the Library are organised here by subject, helping you find the most relevant resources for your study and research. The majority can be accessed by logging in using your Office 365 Login. To access online library resources, you now need to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have not yet set this up, please see the information at: Academic Support LibrariansAn Academic Support Librarian is assigned to each of these subjects. She or he can advise on the databases best suited to a research topic as well as on how to get the best out of the databases you want to use:Academic Support Librarians by subjectAAfrican StudiesAgricultureAlumni E-ResourcesAnatomyAnthropology: see Social AnthropologyArchaeologyArchitecture & Landscape ArchitectureArt & Design Artificial Intelligence: see InformaticsAstronomy: see PhysicsBBiblical StudiesBibliometric and publication metricsBiological SciencesBiomedical Sciences: see MedicineBlack Studies BusinessCCanadian StudiesCeltic & Scottish StudiesChemical properties dataChemistryChinese Studies: see East Asian StudiesClassicsClinical decision toolsClinical PsychologyClinical trialsCognitive Science: see InformaticsComputer Science: see InformaticsCounselling, Psychotherapy and Applied Social ScienceDDesign: see Art & DesignDevelopment StudiesDivinityEEarly Printed BooksEast Asian StudiesEcclesiastical HistoryEconomicsEducation and Teacher TrainingEngineeringEngineering dataEnglish Language: see Linguistics & English LanguageEnglish LiteratureEnvironmental SciencesEuropean UnionFFilm StudiesFrench and Francophone Studies GGeoSciencesGender StudiesGerman StudiesGlobal Health PolicyGrey literatureHHistoryHistory of ArtIImage databasesInformaticsInternational Development International RelationsIslamic & Middle Eastern StudiesItalian StudiesLLawLibrarianship and Information ScienceLife SciencesLinguistics & English LanguageMManagement: see Business and ManagementMathematics & StatisticsMedicineMultidisciplinaryMusicNNewspapers and magazinesNursingNursing - clinical decision tools or "point of care" resourcesOOfficial PublicationsPPatentsPatents, a guidePhilosophyPoliticsPhysics & AstronomyPrimary SourcesPsychiatryPsychological instrumentsPsychologyRReligious StudiesRussian StudiesSScandinavian StudiesScience, Technology & Innovation StudiesScottish Studies: see Celtic & Scottish StudiesSocial Anthropology Social PolicySocial SciencesSocial WorkSociologySouth Asian StudiesSpanish, Portuguese and Latin American StudiesSportStandardsStandards (including Eurocodes), a guide.StatisticsTTESOL: see Linguistics & English LanguageTheatre & DramaTheology & EthicsThesesTranslation StudiesUUniversity of Edinburgh repositoriesVVeterinary MedicineVideo resourcesWWorld Christianity This article was published on 2024-08-21