Early Printed Books

Some useful resources for Early Printed Books are listed below.

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Early English Books Online - ProQuest website


Access information: Access on and off campus.

Early English Books Online (EEBO) contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700. Most books are in English (134,417), but there are also hundreds of books in other European languages including Latin (9060), French (678), Welsh (205), Ancient Greek (147), Greek (112), Italian (95), Scots (88), German (63), Spanish (32), Hebrew (12), Scottish Gaelic (8), Portuguese (7), Arabic (6), and other Roman languages (795).

Users can explore complete, digitized images of all the works listed in these key bibliographic records of English literature: The Short-Title Catalogue (Pollard & Redgrave, 1475-1640); The Short-Title Catalogue II (Wing, 1641-1700); The Thomason Tracts; and the Early English Books Tract Supplements, as well as original almanacs, pamphlets, musical scores, prayer books and other primary sources.

Cross-searchable with Early European Books on the Early Modern Books platform.

Cross searchable with Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) 65,000 texts from the British Library 19th Century collection and the UK Medical Heritage Library (UKMHL) on the JISC Historical Texts platform. The JISC Historical Texts platform does not contain any annual updates.


Coverage: 1470-1700. Approximately 200-500 new titles are added to EEBO every year (on the ProQuest platform).
Userguide: https://proquest.libguides.com/eebopqp 



Early European Books Online

Access information:Access on and off campus. 

Early European Books traces the history of printing in Europe from its origins through to the close of the seventeenth century, offering full-colour, high-resolution facsimile images of rare and hard-to-access printed sources.

Cross searchable with Early English Books Online on the Early Modern Books platform.

Early European Books is divided into 24 collections:

  • Collection 1 contains 2500 titles (P); Collection 2 contains 2700 titles(P);
  • Collection 3 contains 10,000 titles(P); Collection 4 contains 9200 titles(P);
  • Collection 5 contains 5500 titles (S);  Collection 6 contains 3500 titles(S);
  • Collection 7 contains 7400 titles (S); Collection 8 contains 5300 titles(S);
  • Collection 9 contains 3300 titles (S); Collection 10 contains 2600 titles(S);
  • Collection 11 contains 2200 titles (S); Collection 12 contains 1200 titles(S);
  • Collection 13 contains 5000 titles (S); Collection 14 contains 1100 titles(S);
  • Collection 15 contains 3000 titles (S); Collection 16 contains 1350 titles(S);
  • Collection 17 contains 1180 titles (S); Collection 18 contains 900 titles(S);
  • Collection 19 contains 1043 titles (S); Collection 20 contains 900 titles (S);
  • Collection 21 contains 5,100 titles (S); Collection 22 contains 556 titles (S).
  • Collection 23 contains 1900 titles (S); Collection 24 contains 266 titles (S)
  • Collection 25 contains 1190 titles (S)

Early European Books Online is a mix of perpetually licensed content, marked (P) above and subscribed content, marked (S) above.

Coverage:Over 77,000 e-books. The University of Edinburgh has access to Collections 1 - 25 and the Wellcome Trust collection. Further details can be found at http://proquest.libguides.com/eeb



English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) 

Access information: Access on and off campus. 

The English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) covers monograph and serial letterpress items printed before 1801; printed in the British Isles, Colonial America, United States of America (1776-1800), Canada, or territories governed by Britain, in all languages; printed in any other part of the world, wholly or partly in English or other British vernaculars; with false imprints claiming publication in London, in any language. Contains every item in Pollard and Redgrave A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-1640 (STC); in Wing A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America and of English Books Printed in Other Countries 1641-1700; in the Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (the predecessor of ESTC), including items catalogued by the American Antiquarian Society as part of the North American Imprints Program (NAIP); newspapers and other serials which began publication before 1801.

Coverage: 1473-1800.
Note: Use code "ed_itw" when following links from ESTC to ECCO.


Access information: Access on and off campus.

To mark the 400th anniversary of the publication of Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories & Tragedies in 1623 (otherwise known as the First Folio), this resource brings together dozens of digitised copies of this literary masterpiece. For the first time in history, you will be able to compare them, side by side, from the comfort of your own home.  As well as the stories told through the plays themselves, each copy offers up another narrative, depicting their unique journeys through history. Some are in prime condition, while others have received annotations, tears, or even lost pages. Many also bear printed differences – changes made by the printers as they produced each copy. 



Historical Texts

Access information: Access on and off campus. Access to Historical Texts will CEASE at the end of the current subscription period on 31 July 2024 - JISC are shutting down the service due to costs and availability elsewhere.

Historical Texts brings together four historically significant collections into a single database search platform: Early English Books Online (EEBO), Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), 65,000 texts from the British Library 19th Century Collection and the UK Medical Heritage Library collection (UKMHL). For descriptions of and alternative access to EEBO and ECCO, see their separate entries in this Database A-Z list. The British Library 19th Century Collection offers over 65,000 recently digitised editions during 1789-1914, many of which are previously rare and inaccessible titles. The UK Medical Heritage Library collection (1800-1900’s) contains the images and full text of over 66,000 19th century European medical publications. The UKMHL visualisations are available on a separate platform

Coverage: 1473 to early 1910s



Literary Print Culture : The Stationers’ Company Archive

Access information:

Access on and off campus

Description: Explore this unique archive relating to the history of printing, publishing and bookselling dating from 1554 to the 21st century. The Stationers’ Company was a key agent in the process by which the book trade was regulated and monitored and thus it is widely regarded as one of the most important sources for studying the history of the book, publishing history, the history of copyright and the workings of an early London Livery Company.