UKRI Open Access Fund

UKRI funded researchers can apply to a central fund to pay for Open Access publication costs.

UKRI announced a revised open access policy to apply to research articles submitted for publication from 1 April 2022.

A new UKRI Open Access policy has been announced, UKRI’s updated policy requires immediate open access for peer-reviewed research articles submitted for publication from 1 April 2022. It also includes a new requirement for monographs, book chapters and edited collections published from 1 January 2024 to be made open access within 12 months of publication.

As a result, the University has changed its policies on whether or not they can cover researchers’ publication costs.  For 2022-23 UKRI has allocated the University a block grant of to support researchers to comply with their Open Access policy. All original, peer-reviewed research articles, including reviews and conference papers, that are accepted for final publication in either a journal, conference proceeding with an International Standards Serial Number (ISSN) that are supported in whole, or in part, by UKRI must be published immediately open access under a Creative Commons attribution licence (CC BY). Journal embargoes are no longer permitted. 

Authors must also include the following statement on all submissions of original research to peer-reviewed journals:

'This research was funded in whole, or in part, by [Funder name] [Grant number]. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a creative commons attribution (CC BY) licence to any author accepted manuscript version arising.'

All articles should include a data access statement in the article, the statement can include links to the dataset, where applicable and appropriate and Biomedical research articles that acknowledge MRC or BBSRC must also be deposited in PubMed Central (PMC) and Europe PMC.  

How to make your article open access

  1. When you get an article accepted for publication please send a copy to your local administrator following the usual process and the publication will be deposited in Pure
  2. If your chosen journal requires payment then please submit a claim via the Journal article open access claim form to the Scholarly Communications Team, we will check details and then get back to you with your open access options. We aim to reply within 48 hours, but if you have an urgent query let us know and we'll do our best to reply sooner.
  3. Before placing an order for paid open access with the publisher please ensure that you have confirmation that funding is available, otherwise you will be liable for costs and will have to find an alternative source of funding.

Your Open Access options

Generally speaking there are three routes that are available to you to make your research open access. The default route is Green OA which you will automatically follow if you carry out step one above.  

What the block grant won't cover

From 1st April 2022 we have been advised by UKRI that the following are not eligible costs:

  • The cost of hybrid open access publishing in subscription journals unless part of Jisc-approved transitional agreement or in journals approved by Jisc as meeting the research sectors requirements for transition to OA.
  • Other charges associated with publication, including page and colour charges, and non-open access publication charges and fees.
  • Open access fees associated with monographs, book chapters and edited collections. UKRI will be making dedicated funding available once the monographs policy is live in 2024, and before then it is permissible to include these costs in grant applications.