Resource Lists

Resource Lists are online reading lists. Resource Lists provide students with easy access to key reading materials including e-books and copyright-compliant digitisations. The Library uses Resource Lists to manage the provision of materials for teaching. Course Organisers use Resource Lists to request library resources for teaching.

Go to Resource Lists  

New User Interface 

On 10 June a new Resource List user interface was launched.  All the features you expect to see are still available and the Resource Lists service will stay the same. No action is required from Course Organisers.  Watch this short video for an introduction to the new Resource Lists user interface.  Find out more about using Resource Lists on the new Guide. 

 Resource Lists Guide

The Resource Lists Guide provides information for Course Organisers and students using Resource Lists.  There are FAQS and videos for students and Course Organisers and a new guide for Course Organisers on how to set up a Resource List from scratch. There is also information on how the Library uses Resource Lists to manage the provision of material for teaching.  Find out why it's important to tag list citations, use student notes and send lists to the Library for review . 

Resource Lists Guide

Resource Lists deadlines 2024/25

  • Semester 1: Monday 1 July 2024
  • Semester 2 : Monday 21 October 2024

Course Organisers, update your Resource Lists and send them to the Library to review or to set up by the deadlines above to ensure materials for teaching are available to students for the start of each semester.

Send new list to Library

Library Learning Services

Contact details