Travelling Images (April-June)

Venetian Illustrated Books exhibition from our collections. Running from mid-April until mid-June on the 6th floor of our Main Library on George Square.

Travelling Images exhibition artwork

During the Renaissance, Venice was one most important European centres for book production and trade. Writers, scholars and artists worked there in collaboration with specialised artisans to produce perfected editions, which were often lavishly illustrated. In this small display we present three of our most interesting Venetian illustrated books and trace the paths they took in their travels from Venice, to our own institution.

Curated by Linda Borean (Universita degli Studi di Udine) and Laura Moretti (University of St Andrews), with Elizabeth Quarmby Lawrence (University of Edinburgh Centre for Research Collections). Funded by The Royal Society of Edinburgh. Supported by the School of Art History, University of St Andrews and Thinking 3D.

Cost: Free

Times: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Dates: 13 April-15 June 2018

Location: Centre for Research Collections, 6th floor, Main Library (George Square)