Requesting scans through Resource Lists

Key information for course organisers using the Resource List service.

What you do

Use your Resource List to request copyright-compliant digitisations of book chapters, extracts or articles for use in teaching.  We work with the Library's Resource List team to digitise material on your behalf and link it to your list.

Digitisation requests will be forwarded to the E-reserve Team for action. There is no need to contact us separately.

See Resource Lists LibGuide for full details:

Resource Lists LibGuide

What we do

The E-reserve service is governed by the terms of the Copyright Licensing Agency Higher Education Licence.

Each request is checked to see if a suitable e-book is available and purchased as an alternative to a scan.

If no e-book is available, we check the requests for Library ownership, copyright compliance and availability before scanning the relevant pages.

We notify you if any readings are not covered by the CLA HE Licence and no e-book is available. The E-reserve team carries out limited copyright clearance (see section below). Please be aware that we may not be able to scan everything that you have requested.

We link the digital extract to the corresponding citation on the Resource List and replace the 'Digitisation request' tag with a 'Digitisation available' tag. This tag will be visible to students, who can use it to filter their lists to easily find digitisations of key chapters/pages.

For licensing reasons E-reserve scans must not be uploaded directly to your Virtual Learning Environment. Students must only access them via the link added to the Resource List. 

Scanned extracts are made available for download by students on a specified course only and are not transferrable. A copyright notice explaining this appears at the front of each PDF file.

If you would like to use the same reading on another Resource List, make a separate digitisation request on that list using the options above.

File links are persistent and are rolled over year on year, therefore you only need to make digitisation requests for new material.


CLA HE Licence conditions and copyright clearance

The Library can make and supply digital versions of articles and chapters if the source copy is:

  • owned / subscribed to by the Library; and
  • published in certain countries; or
  • from publishers who have signed global mandates with the CLA (allowing scanning from their titles irrespective of the country of publication).

We can reproduce extracts of up to:

  • 1 chapter of a book
  • 2 journal articles per issue, or up to a whole issue if it is devoted to a particular theme
  • 1 paper of one set of conference proceedings
  • 1 report of a single case from a report of judicial proceedings
  • 1 short story or 1 poem or 1 play of not more than 10 pages in an anthology of short stories, poems or plays

Or 10% of the whole (whichever is the greater).

Any material not covered by the Licence must be cleared with the copyright holder before any digital versions can be made. The E-reserve team will pursue permission, where practical, only for readings tagged as essential:

  • where the title is covered by the Licence, but the material requested exceeds the licence limits, we will scan what is allowable and pursue clearance for 1 additional extract.
  • where the title is excluded from the licence we will pursue clearance for 1 extract.

We are not able to guarantee a positive response from rights holders, or timescales for receiving a response. Publishers can take several weeks, may not respond at all, or the fee quoted may be prohibitive.

Where a reading has been provided with the direct permission of the rights holder, this is normally only valid for the current academic year and we will contact you before the next session regarding re-use of the material.

Higher Education Licence information from the CLA

Licence document

International territories and Global mandates

Further information and help

For further information  please contact the E-reserve team.

E-reserve team

Contact details

Related Links

Resource Lists

Academic Support Librarians