Resources and guidance

Subject guides, recordings and other resources to support your studies, research and teaching

Subject Guides

Subject guides are resources developed by Academic Support Librarians that focus on a specific subject. Subject guides may include:

  • Databases relevant to the subject area
  • Links to websites, journals and magazines
  • Recommended books and ebooks
  • Career resources and professional development materials
  • Library contacts for a specific subject
  • Subject Guides are often the best place to start when beginning a new research project.

We’ve put together lots of helpful resources and guidance aimed at your subject area, all in one place:

Full list of University of Edinburgh Subject Guides

You may also find our guides on starting your dissertation and on doing a literature review helpful:

Starting your dissertation

Doing a literature review

Digital Skills and Training documentation 

We've produced a range of materials to support you with activities like using reference managers, finding theses and conducting literature reviews. You can find more information on the Digital Skills and Training repository of resources:

Documents Catalogue

Using Library and University Collections (on Media Hopper Create)

View recordings of live workshops and webinars on our Media Hopper channel, including playlists for:

Library Bitesize

Systematic Reviews

Dissertation Festival


ASL Blog

Find out about new resources, upcoming events and training, and updates on our work across the University and library sector on our Academic Support Librarian blog:

ASL blog

Email support

For individual advice, contact the Academic Support Librarian for your subject who will aim to provide advice by email:

Academic Support Librarians A-Z by subject