Print journals

Edinburgh University Library subscribes to several thousand print journals, which are housed in library sites throughout the University.

About print journals

The term "journals" refers to material which is published in separate parts and at regular intervals. Other terms used to describe this type of material are periodicals, magazines or serials. Journals are important sources of information for subject research. Frequency of publication varies from weekly to annually.

Finding print journals

Edinburgh University Library subscribes to several thousand print journals, which are housed in library sites throughout the University. Within the Main Library, back issues of print journals are located on the Fourth Floor. Information about print journal holdings and the location in which they are held can be found using DiscoverEd.

Borrowing print journals

Regulations concerning the loan of journals vary from site to site. Please ask the Library staff at each site to find out which regulations apply.


Most libraries have self-service photocopying facilities and journal articles can be copied within existing copyright agreements.

Interlibrary Loan

Journals which are unavailable in Edinburgh University Library may be obtained through the interlibrary loan service.

Interlibrary Loans


The Main Library takes a number of British and foreign newspapers, and these are located on the 4th floor.

Recommending a new journal

To recommend a journal you should contact your Academic Support Librarian in the first instance. Full contact details may be found here:

Surveys and Cancellations

We regularly review our journal subscriptions. Occasionally we will propose the cancellation of some journal titles. When this happens we advertise proposed journal cancellations and ask for comment.

Further help

For further help and information contact EdHelp.
