What is Box of Broadcasts?

Information about the Box of Broadcasts service and what you can use it for.

Screen capture image of Box of Broadcasts sign in web page
Box of Broadcasts sign in web page

BoB (Box of Broadcasts) National is provided as a subscription service by the British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC) for UK higher and further education institutions in collaboration with Bournemouth University.

The University of Edinburgh subscribes to the BoB National service which enables all staff and students to select and record any broadcast programme from over 60 TV and radio channels.

The recorded programmes are kept indefinitely and added to a growing media archive with all content shared by users across every subscribing institution.

The system allows staff and students to record and catch-up on missed programmes on and off-campus, schedule recordings in advance, edit programmes into clips, create playlists, embed clips into VLEs, share what they are watching with others and search a growing archive of material.

Signing in

Sign in to BoB by visiting learningonscreen.ac.uk/ondemand.

Use the ‘sign in’ button on the home screen and select your institution from the drop-down menu on the ‘Where Are You From?’ screen.

If asked, enter your university email address and name as the final step to accessing the service. 

BoB support

Informational and Box of Broadcasts support videos in the Learning on Screen Vimeo library

Recommended browsers

Using older or unsupported browser versions may cause playback errors. Learning on Screen recommend the following browser versions for uninterrupted playback*:

  • Internet Explorer 11 (or later)
  • Edge 12 (or later)
  • Mozilla Firefox 44 (or later)
  • Safari 8 (or later)
  • Google Chrome 48 (or later)

* from September 2017