Past Programmes

Read about our previous Arts Award programmes.

Young Artivists: An Arts Award Silver and Gold Programme

A hybrid programme where young people completed the Silver Award over Sept 2021 - May 2022 and the Gold Award from Sept 2021 - August 2022. Their art challenge projects included photography, zine-making, collages, embroidery,  making watercolour paints and more.  Their leadership projects ranged from hosting their own arts workshops to designing online exhibitions and they undertook work experience with a number of organisations including Dundee Contemporary Arts, the University of Stirling and the University of Edinburgh.

Having online meetings allowed me to participate from home, which was really great because I live quite rurally and wouldn’t have been able to make it to Stirling or Edinburgh every week. We also got to do in-person visits to exhibitions and workshops which was really great. I liked the flexibility.

Gold Arts Award Achiever

I got the chance to meet a local photographer, which inspired me to try a new method called double exposure for my arts challenge. I then did work experience, which was a great chance to experience what it would be lime to be a photographer ‘full-time'

Gold Arts Award Achiever


The Power of Public Art: An Arts Award Bronze Programme

A bee tile made from clay: the background is designed to look like honeycomb with a bee on top

Over 60 young people from around Scotland achieved a Bronze Arts Award through our Power of Public Art programme which looked at public art in all shapes and sizes, including street art, mosaics, sculptures and more. All resources for this online programme are available here, where you can also view work created by our young people.

You can also read more about the programme in this blog post, written by one of our student mentors on the programme.

Capturing Lives in Scotland's Communities: a UMIS Partnership Project

Our very first Arts Award programme ran online during the June and July 2020 and led to over 120 young people from across Scotland gaining the Explore Arts Award. Led by the University of Edinburgh, it was run in partnership with the University of Aberdeen, University of Dundee, Glasgow School of Art and the University of Stirling.

You can read more information about the programme on this blog post from the Arts Award website or this blog post from the Scottish Funding Council website.

Resources for the programme can be found here.

Examples of the young people's work can be found here.

I never expected it that we will be covering that many areas of art and I am really happy we did because I learnt so so much in these 6 weeks.

Explore Arts Award Achiever