Hamish Henderson Materials by Other Scottish Writers

The Hamish Henderson Archive contains materials on or by other major Scottish writers.


The Hamish Henderson Archive contains manuscripts or typescripts of poems, songs, or essays by many other writers, including works by the following Scottish authors:

Thurso Berwick (Morris Blythman)

  • ‘Ballad o’ Ballelone’, TS of song by Thurso Berwick and Ian Nicolson (E2013.07, Box 7, Folder 3)
  • ‘Sky-High Pantomime’, MS of song by Thurso Berwick and Ian Nicolson (E2013.07, Box 7, Folder 3)

Alan Bold

  • ‘Art and Action’, TS of essay (E2013.07, Box 7, Folder 4)
  • ‘Rachman’s Riddle: A Song’, TS of song (E2013.07, Box 7, Folder 4)
  • ‘Rachman’s Riddle: Lyrics & Music’, MS of song (E2013.07, Box 52, Folder 5)
  • The Rocket (ed. Bold), nos. 4-6 (March-June 1964) (E2013.07, Box 7, Folder 4)

Tom Buchan

  • Mediocraps’ Apocalypse', TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 52, Folder 1)

Angus Calder

  • ‘Anent the Referendum: To Hamish Henderson’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 52, Folder 6)

Joe Corrie

  • ‘Comin wi’ the Win’’, TS and MS of song (with music) (E2013.07, Box 9, Folder 2)
  • ‘The Fisher Lad o’ Aberdeen’, TS and MS of song (with music) (E2013.07, Box 9, Folder 2)
  • ‘Slumber Song’, TS and MS of song (with music) (E2013.07, Box 9, Folder 2)
  • ‘Ye Needna Knock on my Door’, TS and MS of song (with music) (E2013.07, Box 9, Folder 2)

Robin Fulton

  • ‘Weill-Met in Buchan’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 53, Folder 1)

Robert Garioch

  • ‘Kriegy Ballad’, photocopy of TS poem (E2013.07, Box 28, Folder 3)

Alexander Hutchison

  • ‘Atteraggio’,  TS of poem translated into Italian by Dante Marianacci and Peter Brand (E2013.07, Box 3, Folder 3)
  • ‘Catherine’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 14, Folder 3
  • ‘Hine Awa: Nae Howtowdie’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 51, Folder 3)
  • ‘The Rose Lintie’, TS of translation of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s poem ‘Il Lújar’ (E2013.07, Box 54, Folder 6)
  • ‘The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, translated by Edward Fitzgerald’, TS of talk, 4 pp. (E2013.07, Box 44, Folder 5)
  • ‘Swank as a Shaltie’, TS of translation of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s poem ‘Bel coma un ciaval’ (E2013.07, Box 54, Folder 6)

Alan Jackson

  • ‘Generation of the Sixties’, TS of essay (E2013.07, Box 61, Folder 4)

T. T. Kilbucho (Tom Todd)

  • ‘Death an’ the Gangril’, MS of poem (E2013.07, Box 52, Folder 4)
  • ‘A Young Plooman after Visiting the Steel-Works’, MS of poem (E2013.07, Box 14, Folder 6)

T. S. Law

  • ‘At the Ploy tae the Play’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 51, Folder 7)
  • ‘The Clearances’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 15, Folder 2)
  • ‘Memories of the Great War by Hiram Sturdy: An Appreciation of his Manuscript', TS review (E2013.07, Box 15, Folder 2)
  • ‘The Reunioun’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 15, Folder 2)
  • ‘The Sutherland Clearance’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 15, Folder 2)

Tom Leonard

  • ‘At a Poetry Reading’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 51, Folder 3)

Norman MacCaig

  • ‘Walking Home by the Canal’, MS of poem (E2013.07, Box 16, Folder 3)

Hugh MacDiarmid

  • Etika Preobrazhennavo Erosa’, MS of poem (incomplete), 4 ff. (E2013.07, Box 54, Folder 5)*
  • ‘The Seamless Garment’, MS of poem, 5 ff. (E2013.07, Box 54, Folder 5)

*Consists of part of stanza 1, all of stanza 4, parts of stanzas 5 and 6, all of stanzas 7-8.

Forbes MacGregor

  • MSS of 10 poems and songs (‘The Ballad o’ Clarty Kirstan, the Guidwife o’ Bite-aboot’, ‘The Barrier of Scottish’, ‘Fell o Eschoncan’, ‘He winna dae for me!’  ‘A Herding Song’, ‘Jock Gordon’s Revenge’, ‘Kilpallet’, ‘Moladh Bean a Ministair’,  ‘To James Connolly’, ‘Will ye come’) (E2013.07, Box 16, Folder 8)

Naomi Mitchison

  • TSS of 7 poems (‘Rain’, ‘Turn the Curse to Blessing’, ‘Warning to a Chief’, ‘Singing at Midnight’, ‘Master Races’, ‘Out of the Enemy Country’, ‘Freedom is Work is Trust is Knowledge is Courage’) (E2013.07, Box 33, Folder 3)

William Montgomerie

  • ‘Prince Hamlet’s Play-within-the-Play: A New Interpretation from the Second Quarto (1604)’, TS of essay (E2013.07, Box 44, Folder 3)

Edwin Morgan

  • ‘The Koestler Chair, 1985’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 18, Folder 5)

Tessa Ransford

  • ‘Years of the Brave Women’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 53, Folder 1)

Tom Scott

  • ‘Morningside Cemetery: Burial of Stuart MacGregor’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 22, Folder 4)

Burns Singer

  • ‘Epilogue to Another Man’s Book’, MS of poem (E2013.07, Box 23, Folder 2)

Ian Stephen

  • ‘Gaelic Singer’, MS of poem (E2013.07, Box 23, Folder 6)
  • ‘Pinouelle Ogg’, MS of poem (E2013.07, Box 23, Folder 6)

*MSS in text of undated letters.

Andrew Tannahill

  • ‘Joan Tamson’s Bairns’, TS of poem, 1 f. (E2013.07, Box 50, Folder 6)

W. (William) Price Turner

  • ‘Thistle’, TS of poem (E2013.07, Box 52, Folder 4)

Materials by Other Authors

There are also original manuscripts of verses by other British and international writers including Freddy Anderson (Box 42), Adrian Henri (Box 52), Adrian Mitchell (Box 28), and Eugenio Montale (a poem dedicated to Hamish Henderson) (Box 18).

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