Databases beginning with the letter P. To access online library resources, you now need to use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have not yet set this up, please see the information at: HTML El Pais Access Information: Access on and off campus. Off campus access requires the use of the University VPN - click for instructions on how to access to the University network via the VPN. Description: Full text of El Pais newspaper from 17/09/2018 onwards. For our subscription access to digital content, go to very bottom of the newspaper homepage and click “Comprar Ejemplar” in the newspaper cover image - this is on the left hand side of the screen. Alternatively, click here for direct access. See the user guide to locate the digital edition link. Full-text archive between the first issue 04/05/1976 until 07/02/2012 is available by clicking here. Coverage: 4th May 1976 – 7th Feb 2012; then 17th Sept 2018 onwards Note: 5 concurrent users HTML PAIS Index Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: PAIS (originally, the Public Affairs Information Service) was established in 1914. There are two databases created from the files: PAIS International and PAIS Archive. This resource covers issues in the public debate through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more. PAIS International is the current file covering 1972 to present. Topics covered include: Economic conditions, Education, Energy resources and policy, Government, Health conditions, Human rights, International Relations, Labor conditions and policy, Politics, Social conditions, Civil rights movement. PAIS Archive is a retrospective conversion of the PAIS Annual Cumulated Bulletin, volumes 1-62, published 1915-1976. HTML Papal Letters Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The electronic version of the celebrated Registres et lettres des Papes du XIIIe siecle (32 vols.; Rome, 1883- ) and the Registres et lettres des Papes du XIV e siecle (48 vols.; Rome, 1899- ). Complemented with unpublished information. More than 220,000 documents providing insights into the most varied aspects of medieval society. A valuable resource for researchers of artistic patronage, this database will be useful for History of Art, Divinity and History researchers. HTML Papers of Neville Chamberlain Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940) remains the best-known of the Chamberlain family due to his controversial policy of "appeasement" towards Hitler. The Papers of Neville Chamberlain contain political papers documenting his policies as Chancellor of the Exchequer and Prime Minister, but also highlight his personal correspondence with his family. These provide insight into the intentions behind his policies, his concerns at the development of the Second World War, as well as letters covering his life together with his wife Annie and his sisters, particularly Hilda and Ida. The correspondence of his wife with his biographer and the handling of his estates following his death can be found in this collection as well. HTML Parliament Rolls of Medieval England Access Information: Access on or off campus Description: The rolls of parliament were the official records of the meetings of the English parliament from the reign of Edward I (1272 - 1307) until the reign of Henry VII (1485 - 1509), after which they were superseded by the journals of the lords and, somewhat later, of the commons. The rolls, which amount in total to over four million words, were first edited in the eighteenth century and published in 1783 in six folio volumes entitled Rotuli Parliamentorum ( RP ) under the general editorship of the Reverend John Strachey. Coverage: 1272-1509 HTML PASCAL and FRANCIS bibliographic databases Access information: Freely available Description: The site is an archive of the PASCAL and FRANCIS bibliographic databases in exact, human and social sciences, produced by Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (INIST-CNRS). FRANCIS indexes multilingual journal articles, books, dissertations, reports, and conferences related to humanities and social sciences topics, with particular emphasis on current trends in European and world literature. According to INIST-CNRS, FRANCIS is no longer being updated so as of January 1, 2017. The online content in the FRANCIS database is from 1972 to 2015. PASCAL offers bibliographic indexing of core scientific literature, and provides multidisciplinary and multilingual coverage for science, technology, and medicine with special emphasis on European content, also is no longer being updated. The online content in the INIST-CNRS PASCAL database is from 1984 to 2015. HTML Passport (Euromonitor International)Access information:Access on and off campus. For off-campus access, select Institutional Login (Shibboleth) option. Users are required to register and agree the privacy and security policy..Description:Provides online access to business intelligence on countries, consumers and industries. It offers integrated access to statistics, market reports, company profiles and information sources, with breadth and depth of international coverage. It is especially useful for studying entry into new country markets, the launch of new products and services targeted to new consumer market segments, benchmarking companies against competitors or investigating the growth potential of specific industry sectors. Complete reports can be generated. Previously known as Passport GMID.Coverage:205 countries are researched, with extended coverage of 52. HTML Past Masters Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The Past Master Series encompasses the largest collection of full-text electronic editions in philosophy in the world, in both the original language and in English translation. Combined with powerful web-based search and reference tools, the Past Masters series provides scholars with significantly-enhanced and highly-flexible access to the classic texts. HTML Patents See the above link for a list of Patents e-resources available to the University of Edinburgh. HTML Pathologia Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Pathologia is an online curated open-educational resource covering all aspects of human pathology that integrates the cellular and molecular basis of disease with clinical medicine. It has been designed for medical undergraduates as a replacement for the PathCAL system. Individual topics will be addressed in separate CALs (Computer Assisted Learning), organised in themes within broader categories (introduction, disease processes, and organ systems). HTML Patrologia Graeca Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Electronic version of Migne's Patrologiae Graecae contains more than 160 volumes of Greek material (with Latin translations) relevant to the study of the history of the Christian Church from its beginnings through the Council of Florence in 1439. The electronic version has been created using the first edition of Patrologiae Graecae. HTML Patrologia Latina Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Electronic version of the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina, published between 1844 and 1855, and the four volumes of indexes published between 1862 and 1865. Comprising the original Latin texts of the works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216, the database also includes the prefatory material, critical apparatus, and Migne's column numbers. HTML People's Daily (From 1946-May 2012) People's Daily (June 2012-December 2016) People's Daily (current content starting from January 2021) Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Complete archives of the People's Daily (Ren min ri bao) newspaper 1946- May 2012 and current subscription from June 2012- December 2016. People's Daily is the most important official newspaper in China, recording social, economic and political life in the country. The database can be browsed by date, and is searchable by date, article title, author, and keyword in the full text. This database is in simplified Chinese. Coverage: For access to content from June 2012- December 2016, please follow the second link above. 2019 content is available from the third link above but please note this is a free (ie non-subscribed) source and is outwith the control of the Library. Note: Due to bankruptcy liquidation procedures, Apabi access will cease to exist on 15/6/23. PEP Web Archivesee Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP) Web Archive below HTML Perdita Manuscripts Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Digital facsimiles of over 230 manuscripts written or compiled by women in the British Isles during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, sourced from 15 libraries and archives in the UK and North America. These early modern women authors were otherwise little known because their writing exists only in manuscript form. Manscript content includes works of poetry, drama, religious writing, autobiographical material, cookery and medical recipes, and accounts. Contains biographical and bibliographical resources, as well as contextual essays by academics working in the field. Coverage: 16th -17th centuries. HTML Performance Design Archive Online Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: Theatre students and researchers can now truly see “behind the scenes” of the world’s greatest dramatic performances. Performance Design Archive Online is the first comprehensive, international collection that covers all aspects of theatre production design, from the 17th century through to the present day, including, scenic and set design, lighting design, sound design, costume design, makeup, and more. Performance Design Archive Online features 100,000 pages of primary and secondary resources, including sketches, photographs, technical drawings, monographs, articles, and dissertations. Primary resources include never-before-published designs and other crucial research material for diving deep into the history. Secondary material, with titles such as Making Stage Props and Starting Your Career as a Theatrical Designer, offer practical support for the business of creating designs in professional applications. The pairing of primary and secondary material allows for students at all levels to find content to suit their needs. HTML Performing Arts Periodicals Database (formerly International Index to Performing Arts Full Text) Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Performing Arts Periodicals Database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 395 international periodicals, plus full text for more than 160 of the indexed journals. The database currently includes almost a million records, the majority from the most recent ten years of each journal. Performing Arts Periodicals Database covers a broad spectrum of the arts and entertainment industry - including dance, drama, theater, stagecraft, musical theater, circus performance, opera, pantomime, puppetry, magic, performance art, film, television and more. Coverage: 1864 to present HTML Periodicals Archive Online via ProQuestAccess information:Access on and off-campus. Description:An archival databases of digitised journal backfiles in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Periodicals Archive Online covers 37 subject categories, in a number of languages, and is divided into 10 collections:Collection 1 contains 100 titles, such as: Sloan Management Review, History Today, Economic Studies and Music Journal.(P);Collection 2 contains 100 titles, such as: Philosophy Today, RUSI, and Charities Review. (P);Collection 3 contains 75 titles, such as: Harper's, Adolescence, American Jewish History. (P);Collection 4 contains 75 titles, such as: Sight and Sound, Literature & History, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.(P);Collection 5 contains 75 titles, such as: Asian Perspectives, Criticism, Journal of Individual Psychology.(P);Collection 6 contains 75 titles, such as: Philosophical Topics, Europe, and Comparative Drama. (S)Collection 7 contains 61 titles, such as: Spectator, Dickens Quarterly, Islamic Quarterly. (S)Collection 8 contains 69 titles, such as: New Statesman, Universitas, Psychiatry. (S)Collection 9. (S)Collection 10 contains 65 titles, such as: Maclean's, Queen's Quarterly, New Left Review, and Signal. (S)Periodical Archive Online is a mix of purchased content, marked (P) above and subscribed content, marked (S) above.Coverage:From journal first issue up to 2000. HTML Periodicals Index Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Periodicals Index Online is a database of millions of citations for articles published in the arts, humanities and social sciences, across more than 300 years. It enables researchers quickly and comprehensively to identify articles relevant to their field of study and reduces what could take years of research to a matter of minutes. Journals indexed span 37 key subject areas and multiple languages. Coverage: From journal first issue up to 1995. HTML PerioPath: Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: Index to academic journals published in Taiwan, and some journals published in Hong Kong and Macao since 1970. It covers approximately 4800 kinds of journals and more than 2.22 million articles. Some academic journals published before 1970 are also available. Provided by the National Central Library of Taiwan HTML Persian E-books Miras Maktoob Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: The Miras Maktoob Persian e-book collection consists of 249 volumes (189 works) originally published by the Written Heritage Research Institute (Miras Maktoob), a non-governmental organisation in Tehran. These e-books include works in both Persian and Arabic on Islamic history and culture. HTML Peru: Human Rights, Drugs and Diplomacy 1980-2000 Access: Access on and off-campus. Description: This is a detailed collection documenting U.S. foreign policy at work in Latin America, as well as a fascinating story of domestic politics in Peru. Incorporating recent U.S. government releases, virtually all previously classified, these documents, provide a compelling primary-source portrait of Peru's civil war, internal repression, and growing authoritarianism during three successive Peruvian administrations, as witnessed by the U.S. embassy in Lima, U.S. military officials, and U.S. intelligence. HTML Le Petit RobertAccess:Access on and off-campus.Description:The 2010 online edition of Paul Robert's popular French dictionary Le Nouveau Petit Robert De La Langue Francaise which was first published in 1967. The Dictionary contains 60,000 word entries with 300,000 definitions illustrated by examples. 1,240 author biographical references. It also includes idioms, homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, and hundreds of citations. Updated annually. HTML Pexels Access information: Freely available. Description: Still images which can be freely used for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It is good practice to credit the creator. Sponsored (not free) images are shown. Copyright: License information HTML The Philadelphia Inquirer Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, one of the longest surviving daily newspapers in the United States, is known for its coverage of the American Civil War that was popular with readers on both sides; its published works by Charles Dickens and Edgar Allen Poe; and its reporting of breaking news in the city, country, and around the world. From the first shots fired upon Fort Sumter and the start of the Civil War, to the assassination of civil rights advocate Octavius V. Catto over the right for Blacks to vote; from the flu pandemic of 1918 that killed 12,000 Philly residents in one month — and 675,000 in all nationwide — to the debut of a local dance show, American Bandstand in 1952, The Philadelphia Inquirer offers a regional perspective of an exceptionally unique mix of historical events as they unfolded. For researchers on a range of subjects, such as American History and culture, African American studies, literature and economics, the digitized pages of this prestigious newspaper — founded with an editorial commitment to the right of a minority to set forth its opinions, “however discordant they may be with those of the majority” — are an accessible, insightful, invaluable resource. Coverage: 1860-2001. HTML The Philadelphia Tribune Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The oldest continuously published daily black newspaper in the U.S., The Philadelphia Tribune was founded by Christopher James Perry. His paper conveyed ideas and opinions about local and national issues affecting blacks in the post-emancipation period, and today continues to serve the country’s fourth largest African-American community. The Philadelphia Tribune campaigned to appoint black citizens to the board of education, city council, and, judiciary. It actively supported the growth of the United Way fund and launched a “clean block” program, promoting the health, safety, and well-being of the city’s residents. The newspaper fought against segregation and rallied against the race riots in Chester, Pennsylvania. Coverage: 1912-2001. HTML The Philippines: U.S. Policy During the Marcos Years, 1965–1986 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Presenting a case study of U.S. policy toward a controversial Third World ally, this collection documents the often conflicting interests that arose between various U.S. administrations and President Ferdinand Marcos. Events covered include the assassination of opposition leader Benigno Aquino, Jr.; the rise of Communist and Muslim insurgencies during the 1970s and 1980s; the emergence of a small, but vocal, opposition movement in the United States; and Marcos' fall in 1986. Coverage: 1965-1986. HTML Philosopher's Index Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Contains bibliographical information and abstracts of articles in philosophy and related disciplines published in over 1600 journals world wide. Major areas covered include aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, history of philosophy, logic, metaphysics, political and social philosophy, and the philosophy of disciplines, including education, history, language, law, religion and science. Updated quartely. Coverage: From 1940 to date. HTML PhilPapers Access information: Access on and off campus. PhilPapers works best with Firefox. If you encounter an error message using Chrome, please clear your cache / browser history and try reloading the page. This should resolve the issue. Description: PhilPapers is a comprehensive index of philosophy books and articles. PhilPapers offers unique features such as real-time indexing of pre-prints, fine-grained classification by topic, email alerts, reading lists, advanced search functionality, and discussion forums. Coverage: Main areas are History of Western Philosophy, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophical Traditions, Science, Logic and Mathematics, Value Theory. HTML Physical Sciences Data-science Service (PSDS) VPN service Access information: Free at the point of access for students and academics of UK academic institutions. Personal registration may be required for some services. VPN service may be required to register from off campus. Description: A suite of chemistry databases and tools provided by the University of Southampton and the Science and Technology Facilities Council. Funded by the EPSRC. Coverage: Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), DETHERM, ACD/ILab, BIOVIA Available Chemicals Directory (ACD), FIZ Karlsruhe's Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD), CrystalWorks and SPRESIweb. Additional information: About the Physical Sciences Data-science Service (Science & Technology Facilities Services [Daresbury] hosted CrystalWorks access) HTML Picography Access information: Freely available. Description: Still images which can be freely used for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It is good practice to credit the creator. Sponsored (not free) images are shown, marked with the Shutterstock logo. Copyright information: License information HTML Picture Post Historical Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Picture Post Historical Archive comprises the complete archive of the Picture Post from its first issue in 1938 to its last in 1957, digitized from originals in full colour. Picture Post's innovative use of photojournalism brought the major social and political issues of the day into popular consciousness, providing a snapshot of everyday British life from the 1930s to the 1950s. HTML Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency Records, 1853-1999 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: During its colourful 150-year history, Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency, the oldest company of private investigators in the United States – founded by Allan Pinkerton in the 1850s – pursued some of the nation’s most notorious criminals, like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Jesse James, Alfred Brady, John Dillinger and countless others. This fascinating collection, digitized in History Vault from the Library of Congress holdings, includes files on some of the Pinkerton’s most well-known cases. It offers exciting research opportunities in criminology, sociology, the history of law enforcement and labour relations. HTML Pitchbook Access information: Access on and off campus. All currently enrolled students, faculty, or staff members are now able to open an account with Pitchbook using their University UNN and this link. Just input your University credentials in the following format: and hit login. You will be re-directed to a standard UoE login page, which will then take you through to PitchBook. Please note users signing up will be asked to read and agree to Pitchbook’s terms and conditions. These include agreeing that you will not share your account details and will only use the site for academic, educational, and scholarly use. Description: Pitchbook is a financial database platform covering private capital markets, including venture capital, private equity and M&A activity. It provides insight on deals, investors, venture backed companies and general technology trends. Access has been funded by the Data Driven Entrepreneurship Beacon Programme and delivered by Edinburgh Innovations. Interested in commercialising your research or idea? Please visit the websites of EI and the DDI and get in touch to see how we can help. Coverage: 2021-2022 Help: Pitchbook have a Help Centre available to all users of Pitchbook (authentication required), here you can find videos and tutorials to help with getting started on the platform as well as advanced navigations, our methodology and data information and popular articles. You will also find additional videos on the Pitchbook Youtube channel: Online training materials Note: PitchBook can be used as a research tool at the company/investor level and can also be used to identify wider market trends and statistics via use of the charting and pivot table functionality found in the advanced search result page. Please note however that PitchBook cannot be used for bulk downloads of raw data as individual student download limits do not allow this. HTML Pittsburgh Courier Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: One of the most nationally circulated Black newspapers, the Pittsburgh Courier reached its peak in the 1930s. A conservative voice in the African-American community, the Pittsburgh Courier challenged the misrepresentation of African-Americans in the national media and advocated social reforms to advance the cause of civil rights. Coverage: 1911-2002. HTML Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: NEARLY AS OLD as the United States itself, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette performed one of its initial acts of public service by printing the newly adopted Constitution of the United States in 1787. Then a four-page weekly produced on a wooden press, Post-Gazette was the first newspaper to make the dangerous journey by wagon over the mountains from Philadelphia. The Post-Gazette went on to offer leading coverage of the U.S. westward expansion into Ohio and the Northwest Territory, the political unrest leading to the U.S. Civil War, and the industrial revolution—from coal mining to the rise of the steel industry. Andrew Carnegie. Henry Clay Fricke. Andrew Mellon. H.J. Heinz. United States Steel Corp. The Homestead Steel Strike. The Pittsburgh Steelers. Carnegie-Mellon Library. And so much more. All covered in the pages of the historical Post-Gazette. Today, the daily publication – winner of six Pulitzer Prizes since 1938 – is the largest daily newspaper serving metropolitan Pittsburgh. Reporting news in a city that was once considered the industrial center of a nation, and now considered an education and medical hub, this newspaper offers researchers valuable regional perspectives on international, national and local news. Coverage: 1786-2003. Planning for the Post-World War II World, State Department Records of Harley A. Notter, 1939-1945Access information:Access on and off campus.Description:Many scholars regard the State Department files assembled by Dr. Harley A. Notter-a key State Department official during the war years-as one of the most important primary sources on postwar planning. The documents in the Notter records detail the foundations on which much of post-1945 U.S. foreign policy was built. The Notter collection includes research reports, official policy papers, memoranda, meeting minutes, State Department organization charts, and many other internal documents. HTML Pixabay Access information: Freely available. Description: Still and moving images which can be freely used for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It is good practice to credit the creator. Sponsored (not free) images are shown to finance Pixabay and to provide a choice of professional photos. Those images are marked with the Shutterstock logo. Copyright: License information HTML Plumb's Veterinary Drugs Access information: Off campus access requires the use of the University VPN - click for instructions on how to access to the University network via the VPN. Description: Plumb's Veterinary Drugs is a highly trusted veterinary drug resource providing access to up-to-date veterinary drug information. It includes information on dose, dosage forms, drug interactions and adverse effects. There is also information about pharmacokinetics, and storage/stability. Notes: The app is only for individual subscribers not library users. To access on a mobile device, use this link in your browser. HTML Pluto Journals Access information: Freely available. Description: Pluto Journals was launched in 2009 as an independent and international journal publisher. Pluto Journals publish journals across the social sciences and humanities. These include research in the fields of current affairs, international studies, law, political economy, disability studies, and Arab and Islamic studies. HTML Poetry and Short Story Reference Centre Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Poetry & Short Story Reference Center is a rich full-text database containing thousands of classic and contemporary poems, short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans and learning guides. It also includes high-quality videos and audio recordings from the Academy of American Poets. HTML Policing the Shanghai International Settlement, 1894-1945 Access: Access on and off campus. Description: These files represent a large portion of the archives of the British-run municipal police force based in Shanghai's former International Settlement. This self-governing area was administered not by the Chinese but by the international group of merchants and bankers who paid the taxes and controlled the municipal council. The Special Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Police was charged with providing an orderly environment for Shanghai's foreign trade and commerce. Coverage: 1894-1945 HTML Policy Commons (full suite) Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: Difficult to find publications in one place, built around a directory of over 21,000 policy organisations. Provides access to 2.4 million books, articles, working papers, reports, policy briefs, data sets, tables, charts, media, case studies, and statistical publications from organisations including inter-governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, think-tanks and other research centres. The search interface also enables searching for tables within reports. Registered users can receive alerts of material added to the database. Coverage: 11+ million grey literature documents. Individual documents are not searchable in DiscoverEd. Modules included are Global Think Tanks, North American City Reports, Public Health and Social Care, World Cities, World Governments. HTML Political Science Complete Access information Access on and off campus. Description: Political Science Complete provides nearly 340 full-text reference books and monographs and more than 44,000 full-text conference papers, which includes those from the International Political Science Association. The database also provides a subject-specific thesaurus with more than 23,500 terms to provide subject searching guidance to researchers. Subject coverage includes comparative politics, humanitarian issues, international relations, law and legislation, non-governmental organizations and political theory. Coverage: 1965 - present. HTML Practical Law Access: Available on campus and off campus via VPN. Description: Practical Law is a database of legal know-how, transactional analysis and market intelligence for lawyers. HTML Pragda Stream Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: PRAGDA STREAM is the film streaming platform from PRAGDA, a leading educational film distributor for the newest Latin American, Spanish, and Latinx cinema. PRAGDA STREAM provides access to hundreds of films, in Spanish, Portuguese, Indigenous languages, and more, representing 30+ countries, and covering over 50 important subjects. Films are provided with English subtitles and/or captions. HTML Pravda - current issues 2010-present Pravda Digital Archive 1912-2009 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This is the complete full-text and full-image archive of the most important newspaper of the Soviet era. Pravda (or "Truth") was the official voice of Soviet communism and the Central Committee of the Communist Party between 1918 and 1991. The database is in Russian. Coverage: 1912 – present. HTML Prelinger Archives Access information: Freely available Description: Almost 2,000 key titles from the film collection acquired by the US Library of Congress from the collection's founder, Rick Prelinger. The ephemeral (advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur) films from between 1927-1987 are public domain and made available under creative commons licence for free downloading and reuse. All subjects. HTML Presidential Directives on National Security, Part I: From Truman to Clinton Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Presidential Directives on National Security: From Truman to Clinton provides a unique collection of presidential decisions and orders pertaining to all aspects of U.S. national security policy – foreign, defence, intelligence, and international economic affairs and structure. The collection consists of over 2,100 documents totalling 30,855 pages and covers all administrations from Truman to Clinton. Coverage: 1945-2000. HTML Presidential Directives on National Security, Part II: From Truman to George W. Bush Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Part II of the Archive’s growing collection of presidential directives, this set contains more than 1,836 of the highest-level documents issued by presidents from Harry S. Truman to George W. Bush concerning foreign affairs, defence and arms control policy, intelligence and counterterrorist activities, and international economic policy. Thanks to a long-standing Freedom of Information Act campaign by the National Security Archive, the two parts of this collection comprise every presidential directive released to date. (All of the documents in Part II became available after the publication of Part I.) Unlike the daily stream of White House proclamations and press releases that are designed to frame official policy for the public, these directives and requests for studies reflect each president's actual, behind-the-scenes priorities, goals and decisions. Coverage: 1945-2008. HTML Presidential Recordings Digital Edition Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt through to Richard M. Nixon all secretly recorded many of their conversations in the Oval Office. The resulting 5,000 hours of telephone and meeting tape recorded during their time in the White House capture some of the most significant moments in modern American political history. From Birmingham to Berlin, from Medicare to My Lai, from Selma to SALT, and from Watts to Watergate, the presidential recordings offer a unique window into the shaping of U.S. domestic and foreign policy. This history is now accessible via the Presidential Recordings Digital Edition (PRDE), the online portal for annotated transcripts of the White House tapes published by the Presidential Recordings Program (PRP). The transcripts are presented in PRDE alongside the corresponding audio, enabling users to read and listen to these conversations simultaneously. The database currently has recordings and transcripts from Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon and the site is updated regularly. HTML The President's Daily Brief: Kennedy, Johnson, and the CIA 1961-1969 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This compilation of nearly 2,500 President’s Daily Briefs from the Kennedy and Johnson administrations details the most important security and intelligence information that the CIA prepared for the commander-in-chief. The briefings cover a wide range of topics including the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, U.S-Soviet relations, and conflicts sparked by decolonization in Indonesia, Africa, and the Middle East. Coverage: 1961-1969. HTML The President's Daily Brief: Nixon, Ford, and the CIA, 1969-1977 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Building on DNSA's earlier collection of all available CIA highest-level briefings for Kennedy and Johnson, this collection covers the Nixon and Ford presidencies. This collection Provides scholars with actual Top Secret intelligence reports provided daily to the White House on global developments during a critical period in the Cold War. Coverage: 1969-1977. HTML Progressive Era: Reform, Regulation, and Rights Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The Progressive Era, dating roughly from 1890-1920, was a reaction to the rapid industrialization and social and economic changes of the “Gilded Age” in the last two decades of the 19th century and the turn of the 20th century. Progressive Era reformers, as the name implies, believed in progress and their ability to improve society through a broad range of reforms. The efforts of these reformers created one of the great movements in American history. This module on the Progressive Era consists of 11 collections and documents a variety of the ways that the Progressive Movement attempted to improve the lives of the American people. The collections cover women’s right to vote, the Standard Oil monopoly case, the efforts of journalist Henry Demarest Lloyd, the University Settlement Society of New York City, prohibition, reform of law enforcement, the Teapot Dome bribery case regarding petroleum reserves on government lands, and regulation of food and drugs. HTML Progressive Era: Robert M. La Follette Papers Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: Congressman, Governor, and United States Senator Robert Marion La Follette is one of the pivotal figures of the Progressive Movement of the early 20th century. La Follette’s papers focus on his fight to reform corruption and injustice in Wisconsin’s political system, correspondence with Andrew Carnegie, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt and other major figures of the Progressive Era. HTML Progressive Era: Voices of Reform, 1875-1945 Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: This module joins the growing sets of records in History Vault on the Progressive Era, one of the major reform eras in American History. The collections in this module consist of the correspondence, writings, speeches, diaries and photographs of five leading members of the Progressive movement: John R. Commons, Charles R. Van Hise, Richard T. Ely, Edward A. Ross and Charles McCarthy. Individually and collectively, these men proved they were more than idealists by devising and carrying out major reforms to solve the problems caused by the growth of industrialization following the Civil War. This module offers valuable insight into both the theorizing and practical legislation of the Progressive Era. HTML Project MUSE Access information: Access on and off campus. there are currently some problems with access to Project Muse. To ensure full access, once onto the site click the Login link. Then under the Federations heading choose UK Federation (United Kingdom). Scroll through list and click on University of Edinburgh. Description: Provides access to almost 600 full text journals from 30 scholarly publishers, covering the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and many others. Note: There is no subscription to the e-books, the only e-books available are the open access titles. HTML Project Syndicate Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Project Syndicate provides commentaries by distinguished economists and policymakers. Sections include Economics, Politics, Development, Sustainability, Culture, and Innovation. Includes archive of past articles, including in-depth thematic coverage via ‘Big Picture’ HTML ProMED Access information: Freely available from International Society for Infectious Diseases Description: The Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases is a current awareness tool with a database archive, recording infectious disease outbreaks and acute human exposure to toxins. It is produced by the International Society for Infectious Diseases, and contains reports from official sources, the media, observers and others, investigated by experts before inclusion. Coverage: 1994 to present. HTML ProQuest Congressional Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: ProQuest Congressional offers a comprehensive collection of congressional documents from 1789 to the present. This primary source collection offers you an opportunity to understand the present by comparing today’s events and opinions with trends and patterns throughout our nation’s history. The Library has access to the following collections through ProQuest Congressional: Congressional Basic. Congressional Hearings Digital Collection Historical Archive, Parts A-C (1824-2010). Congressional House and Senate Unpublished Hearings, Parts A-C (1973-1992). Congressional Record Permanent Digital Collection, Parts A-D (1789-2009). Congressional Research Digital Collection Historical Archive, Parts A-B (1830-2010). Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions, 1789-2013. Executive Branch Documents, Parts 1-6 (1789-1952). Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations, 1789-Present. U.S. Serial Set 1 Digital Collection, 1789-1969. U.S. Serial Set 2 Digital Collection, Parts A-D (1970-2010). U.S. Serial Set Maps Digital Collection Complete. Coverage: 1789 - present. HTML ProQuest Criminal Justice Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. ProQuest Criminal Justice is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. As well as U.S. and international scholarly journals, it includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, crime reports, crime blogs and other material relevant for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement and related fields. Coverage: 1972 onwards. Coverage varies by individual title. HTML ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global via Web of Science Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Millions of searchable citations to worldwide dissertation and theses. Around 70,000 new dissertations and theses added annually. Coverage: Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1637. Each dissertation published since July, 1980 includes a 350-word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts. Full-text: 1997 to date, with selected coverage from earlier years. Full-text dissertations are archived as submitted by the degree-granting institution. HTML ProQuest Education Journals Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. ProQuest Education Journals gives users access to over 900 top educational publications, including more than 600 of the titles in full text. The coverage spans the literature on primary, secondary and higher education as well as special education, home schooling and adult education. Many titles are indexed in the ERIC database. Coverage: 1988 onwards. HTML ProQuest Historical Newspapers collectionAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:Full-text collections and titles from variously 18th century to current decade.Content:Includes:American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger | Atlanta Constitution | Atlanta Daily World | Calgary Herald | Chicago Defender | Chicago Tribune | Chinese Newspaper Collection | Civil War Era | Cleveland Call & Post | Communist Newspaper Collection | Dayton Daily News | Detroit Free Press | Edmonton Journal | Hartford Courant | Jerusalem Post | Jewish Exponent | Leader-Post (Regina) | Leftist Newspapers and Periodicals | Le Monde | Los Angeles Sentinel | Los Angeles Times | Louisville Courier-Journal | Michigan Chronicle | Minneapolis Star Tribune | Montreal Gazette | Nashville Tennessean | New York Amsterdam News | New York Tribune/Herald Tribune | Newsday | Ottawa Citizen | Philadelphia Inquirer | Pittsburgh Courier | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | San Francisco Chronicle | Saskatoon Star-Phoenix | South China Morning Post | St. Louis Post Dispatch | St. Petersburg/Tampa Bay Times.The American Israelite | The Arizona Republican | The Baltimore Afro-American | The Baltimore Sun | The Boston Globe | The Christian Science Monitor | The Cincinnati Enquirer | The Globe and Mail | The Guardian | The Indianapolis Star | The Irish Times and Weekly Irish Times | The Jewish Advocate | The Korea Times | The New York Times | The Norfolk Journal & Guide | The Observer | The Philadelphia Tribune | The Province (Vancouver) | The Scotsman | The Washington Post | Times of India | Toronto Star | Vancouver Sun | Victoria Times-Colonist | Windsor Star.Coverage:Title dependent but the collection as a whole, from 18th century to current decade. HTML ProQuest History VaultAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:ProQuest History Vault provides access to millions of primary source, cross-searchable, full-text/full-image documents on the most widely studied topics in 19th and 20th-century American history. The content in History Vault is suitable for researchers in history, African American studies, women’s studies, political science, social sciences, sociology, and international studies.Coverage:19th - 20th century American history.Userguide: HTML ProQuest Law Sources via Proquest Congressional Platform Proquest Law Sources via History Vault Platform Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. ProQuest enables access to historical material that legal historians will find of interest. Resources include: Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations 1789-Present - Congressional Platform Link; History Vault: African American Police League Records, 1961-1988 - History Vault link; History Vault: Law and Society since the Civil War - History Vault link; History Vault: Nazi Looted Art and Assets: Records on the Post-World War II Restitution Process, 1942-1998 - History Vault link; History Vault: Slavery and the Law - History Vault link; Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions 1789-2013 - Congressional Platform Link; Coverage: 1789 onwards. HTML ProQuest One Business Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. Content from: ABI/INFORM Collection; Accounting, Tax and Banking Collection; Asian and European Business Collection; Business Market Research Collection; Entrepreneurship Database. With global coverage in business and economics content includes, full-text journals, ebooks, dissertations, working papers, trade publications, company, industry, market and country reports, and key periodicals such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and Economist. Additional information: HTML ProQuest One Literature Access information: Access on and off campus Description: ProQuest One Literature (PQOL) has superseded its previous version Literature Online. It contains all the content from core Literature Online plus all the content from LION Premium, plus literature content pulled from other ProQuest resources that we also subscribe to, including Historic Literary Criticism and African Writers Series, as well as the most relevant literary studies content curated from ProQuest Central, Academic Video Online, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, and Academic Complete. PQOL contains 3 million literature citations from thousands of journals, monographs, dissertations, and more than 500,000 primary works – including rare and obscure texts, multiple versions, and non-traditional sources like comics, theatre performances, and author readings. Enhanced by interpretive sources such as book reviews and criticism sourced from wider, interdisciplinary publications in the fields such as humanities and history, it provides diverse, global perspectives with sources from all over the world – Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America - the majority of which are in full-text. Newspaper book reviews will added in the future. PQOL differs from LION also in its discipline-specific user experience, hand-keyed primary texts, the ABELL index, and a collection of author and literary movement pages, with more discipline user experience enhancements to come in the future as the product grows. PQOL is also a community-based literary studies tool for scholars who must engage with an exhaustive and diverse set of scholarly resources around a given literary topic for research, teaching and learning. The database can be browed by literary period, literary movement, author name or literature collections. Additional information: List of Literature Collections User guide: HTML ProQuest Political Science Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. This database gives users access to hundreds of leading political science and international relations journals, providing full-text of many core titles indexed in Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. In addition, over a thousand recent full-text doctoral dissertations on political science topics are included, together with working papers, conference proceedings, country profiles, political news and other sources. Coverage: 1985 - current HTML ProQuest Primary Sources via Proquest Platform Proquest Primary Sources via Alexander Streeet Platform Proquest Primary Sources via History Vault Platform Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. A collection of 350 ProQuest databases containing primary source content from newspapers, magazines, books, manuscripts, U.S. and UK Government Documents, and more. Resources in the collections exceed 230 million pages of material. These resources provide unique insight into disciplines like History (UK, US and World History), Humanities and Sciences and give access to first-hand materials across topics like American Politics and Society, Civil Rights, Anthropology, Popular Culture, Design, Drama and more. Full descriptions of each database are in this catalogue: Primary Sources catalogue (PDF) See individidual database entries for direct links. Coverage: 1400 onwards HTML ProQuest Social Science Database Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. This database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work and sociology. Coverage: 1911 onwards. Coverage varies by individual title. HTML ProQuest Sociology Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. This database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including culture and social structure, history and theory of sociology, social psychology, substance abuse and addiction and more. This collection provides full-text coverage of many core titles included in Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts. Coverage: 1985 - current HTML Prosecuting the Holocaust: British investigations into Nazi war crimes, 1944-1949 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Drawn from The National Archives (UK) and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, this collection contains a wealth of digitised documents regarding the British government's efforts to investigate and prosecute Nazi crimes during the period 1944-1949. The evidence gathered sheds light on almost every aspect of the Holocaust and includes victim testimonies. HTML Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: The Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit Online/Prosopography of the Middle Byzantine Period Online (PMBZ Online) is a comprehensive biographical dictionary for the Byzantine Empire in the early Medieval Period (641-1025 AD) documenting more than 21,000 persons. PMBZ Online is based on the print edition of the Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit which appeared in two parts 1998 and 2013. PMBZ Online documents all persons mentioned either by name or anonymously in the relevant Byzantine and non-Byzantine sources, and secondly all persons mentioned in the Byzantine sources both from Western Europe and from the Arabic and Slavonic areas, together with those from the Christian East. HTML PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews Access information: Freely available Description: Protocol details for systematic reviews relevant to health and social care, welfare, public health, education, crime, justice, and international development, where there is a health related outcome. Systematic review protocols on PROSPERO can include any type of any study design. Reviews of reviews and reviews of methodological issues that contain at least one outcome of direct patient or clinical relevance are also accepted. Additional information: Produced by CRD and funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). HTML Provencal Poetry Access information: Available on and off campus Description: The database is part of the ARTFL Project. It contains 38 works of French poetry from the 12th and 13th centuries. HTML The Province (Vancouver) Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. HTML PsycARTICLES (incorporated into Your Journals@OVID) PsycARTICLES via APA PsycNET Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Produced and copyrighted by the American Psychological Association, and is a database of full-text articles from 56 journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe & Huber. The database includes all material from the print journals with the exception of advertisements, editorial board lists, instructions to authors and similar material. HTML PsycINFO - Ovid interface [PsycINFO via APA PsycNET] Access information: Access on and off-campus. On Ovid interface - Accept cookies. Cookies (Ovid) Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. Description: American Psychological Association produced with citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books and technical reports, as well as citations to dissertations, all in the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines. Detailed information about PsycINFO Coverage: Journal coverage, from 1806 to the present, includes international material selected from more than 2,400 journals written in over 29 languages. Current chapter and book coverage includes worldwide English-language material from 1806 to the present. NHS Staff and other authorised users: The Knowledge Network HTML PsycTHERAPY Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Nearly 500 candid psychotherapy videos featuring known therapists. The more than 100 approaches include integrated behavioural health care, cognitive behaviour therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy. Common obstacles faced during unscripted therapy sessions are illustrated, synchronized transcripts allow searches for precise moments in therapy and playlist creation and video clip sharing is available. HTML Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP) Web Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Full-text psychoanalysis resource of: 78 journals; 100 classic psychoanalytic books; editorial notes of the 24 volumes of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud; 19 volume German Freud Standard Edition Gesammelte Werke and over 40 videos. Coverage: 1871 onwards. Access to all content on their website. HTML Psychological Experiments Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Audio and video recordings of original experiments (if available) with 45,000 pages of primary-source documents of 20th and 21st Century psychological experiments. includes notes from experiment participants, journal articles, books, field notes, letters penned by the lead psychologist, videos of modern-day replications, and modifications to the original experiments. Content: Includes: B.F. Skinner’s research with pigeons, Stanley Milgram’s research on obedience to authority, Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment, John B. Watson’s Little Albert experiment, Harry Harlow’s monkey study, Elizabeth Loftus's eyewitness testimony research, Kenneth and Mamie Clark's black and white doll experiment, Muzafer Sherif’s Robbers Cave experiments, Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment, Bibb Latane and John Darley’s study of bystander apathy. HTML Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Fifty training videos for mental health professionals. Individual titles are recorded in DiscoverEd but include series on Evidence-Based Treatment Planning, Psychotherpay Essentials, Understanding Group Psychotherapy, Assessment and Treatment of Psychological Disorders and Psychotherapy with the Experts which investigates how much therapy has to do with the style and personality of the therapist versus their theoretical model. HTML PTSDpubs (formerly PILOTS: Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress) Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: Citations to literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events. Produced by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD. Coverage: Citations from 1871 onwards. HTML Public Health Image Library (PHIL) Access information: Freely available. Description: Stills, videos and illustrations from the USA's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Copyright: For use as reference, teaching, presentation, and public health messages. Images are either "Public Domain" (free use) or "Copyright Protected" (restricted, obtain permission before use). Look directly beneath an image for this information. HTML Public Health Scotland - Publications Access Information: Freely available Description: Research, guidance and statistical publications made available through Public Health Scotland "Scotland’s lead national agency for improving and protecting the health and wellbeing of all of Scotland’s people". HTML Public Information Online Access information: Access on campus or off campus. Description: Public Information Online contains material from the UK Parliament, Scottish Parliament, Northern Ireland Assembly & Scottish Government Papers. PIO contains a Bill Tracker for the UK Parliament, Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly. This service is provided by Dandy Booksellers and is updated daily. Coverage: UK Parliament (House of Commons- Papers 1998 onwards and Bills 1919 onwards, House of Lords Papers and Bills 1901 onwards, Command Papers 1955 onwards, Public Bill and General Committee Debates 1919 onwards, House of Commons and House of Lords Hansard 1909 onwards, Public General Acts 1901 onwards), Scottish Parliament (from session 3), Northern Ireland Assembly (from 2008/09 session), National Assembly for Wales (2008 onwards), Key non Parliamentary Publications in Education, Health, Charities, Defence, Transport and the Civil Service Yearbook (1947 onwards). Additional information: Please note that House of Commons / House of Lords Hansard volumes from 1909 can be searched and viewed online on Public Information Online, but not downloaded. Please see House of Commons Parliamentary Papers and House of Lords Papers for this functionality. HTML Public Petitions to Parliament, 1833-1918 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This next collection in ProQuest’s UK Parliamentary Papers brings in the “people’s” voice and their influence on Parliament during the 19th century. The materials include Reports of the Select Committee on Public Petitions, dating back to 1833 — records of every public petition submitted and accepted by Parliament. Researchers can search on place of origin, number of signatures, petition sponsor name, and much more. Beyond the larger dynamic of Popular Constitutionalism, researchers can dive deep on religious issues, the expansion of the franchise, crime and criminals, colonies, taxation, education and many other issues of interest and importance to the populace of Britain. Coverage: 1833-1918. HTML PubMed Access information: Free service of the National Library of Medicine (U.S.A.). Description: Includes over 14 million citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950's. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central): How are they different? Additional information: Accessing full-text papers Additional information: Existing NCBI logins will stop working in June 2022, and it is no longer possible to create new NCBI accounts. If you already have a MyNCBI account with saved work, you can link your existing account to your University of Edinburgh login: Sign in directly to NCBI with your username and password. Click your username, which is located on the top right of the browser page. Click “Change” in the “Linked Account” portlet. Search for University of Edinburgh using the search bar. You will be transferred to UoE login page. Use your University login to link your NCBI account. To create a new NCBI login via your UoE login, When you are presented with 3rd party routes to sign up, click “more sign up options” Search/browse for University of Edinburgh Log in with your University login Select Create a new NCBI account and confirm. Note: PubMed online training tours, tutorials and videos. HTML PubMed Central (PMC) Access information: Access free from the US National Library of Medicine Description: The U.S. National Library of Medicine's free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central): How are they different? This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML El Pais Access Information: Access on and off campus. Off campus access requires the use of the University VPN - click for instructions on how to access to the University network via the VPN. Description: Full text of El Pais newspaper from 17/09/2018 onwards. For our subscription access to digital content, go to very bottom of the newspaper homepage and click “Comprar Ejemplar” in the newspaper cover image - this is on the left hand side of the screen. Alternatively, click here for direct access. See the user guide to locate the digital edition link. Full-text archive between the first issue 04/05/1976 until 07/02/2012 is available by clicking here. Coverage: 4th May 1976 – 7th Feb 2012; then 17th Sept 2018 onwards Note: 5 concurrent users
HTML PAIS Index Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: PAIS (originally, the Public Affairs Information Service) was established in 1914. There are two databases created from the files: PAIS International and PAIS Archive. This resource covers issues in the public debate through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more. PAIS International is the current file covering 1972 to present. Topics covered include: Economic conditions, Education, Energy resources and policy, Government, Health conditions, Human rights, International Relations, Labor conditions and policy, Politics, Social conditions, Civil rights movement. PAIS Archive is a retrospective conversion of the PAIS Annual Cumulated Bulletin, volumes 1-62, published 1915-1976.
HTML Papal Letters Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The electronic version of the celebrated Registres et lettres des Papes du XIIIe siecle (32 vols.; Rome, 1883- ) and the Registres et lettres des Papes du XIV e siecle (48 vols.; Rome, 1899- ). Complemented with unpublished information. More than 220,000 documents providing insights into the most varied aspects of medieval society. A valuable resource for researchers of artistic patronage, this database will be useful for History of Art, Divinity and History researchers.
HTML Papers of Neville Chamberlain Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940) remains the best-known of the Chamberlain family due to his controversial policy of "appeasement" towards Hitler. The Papers of Neville Chamberlain contain political papers documenting his policies as Chancellor of the Exchequer and Prime Minister, but also highlight his personal correspondence with his family. These provide insight into the intentions behind his policies, his concerns at the development of the Second World War, as well as letters covering his life together with his wife Annie and his sisters, particularly Hilda and Ida. The correspondence of his wife with his biographer and the handling of his estates following his death can be found in this collection as well.
HTML Parliament Rolls of Medieval England Access Information: Access on or off campus Description: The rolls of parliament were the official records of the meetings of the English parliament from the reign of Edward I (1272 - 1307) until the reign of Henry VII (1485 - 1509), after which they were superseded by the journals of the lords and, somewhat later, of the commons. The rolls, which amount in total to over four million words, were first edited in the eighteenth century and published in 1783 in six folio volumes entitled Rotuli Parliamentorum ( RP ) under the general editorship of the Reverend John Strachey. Coverage: 1272-1509
HTML PASCAL and FRANCIS bibliographic databases Access information: Freely available Description: The site is an archive of the PASCAL and FRANCIS bibliographic databases in exact, human and social sciences, produced by Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (INIST-CNRS). FRANCIS indexes multilingual journal articles, books, dissertations, reports, and conferences related to humanities and social sciences topics, with particular emphasis on current trends in European and world literature. According to INIST-CNRS, FRANCIS is no longer being updated so as of January 1, 2017. The online content in the FRANCIS database is from 1972 to 2015. PASCAL offers bibliographic indexing of core scientific literature, and provides multidisciplinary and multilingual coverage for science, technology, and medicine with special emphasis on European content, also is no longer being updated. The online content in the INIST-CNRS PASCAL database is from 1984 to 2015.
HTML Passport (Euromonitor International)Access information:Access on and off campus. For off-campus access, select Institutional Login (Shibboleth) option. Users are required to register and agree the privacy and security policy..Description:Provides online access to business intelligence on countries, consumers and industries. It offers integrated access to statistics, market reports, company profiles and information sources, with breadth and depth of international coverage. It is especially useful for studying entry into new country markets, the launch of new products and services targeted to new consumer market segments, benchmarking companies against competitors or investigating the growth potential of specific industry sectors. Complete reports can be generated. Previously known as Passport GMID.Coverage:205 countries are researched, with extended coverage of 52.
HTML Past Masters Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: The Past Master Series encompasses the largest collection of full-text electronic editions in philosophy in the world, in both the original language and in English translation. Combined with powerful web-based search and reference tools, the Past Masters series provides scholars with significantly-enhanced and highly-flexible access to the classic texts.
HTML Patents See the above link for a list of Patents e-resources available to the University of Edinburgh.
HTML Pathologia Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Pathologia is an online curated open-educational resource covering all aspects of human pathology that integrates the cellular and molecular basis of disease with clinical medicine. It has been designed for medical undergraduates as a replacement for the PathCAL system. Individual topics will be addressed in separate CALs (Computer Assisted Learning), organised in themes within broader categories (introduction, disease processes, and organ systems).
HTML Patrologia Graeca Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Electronic version of Migne's Patrologiae Graecae contains more than 160 volumes of Greek material (with Latin translations) relevant to the study of the history of the Christian Church from its beginnings through the Council of Florence in 1439. The electronic version has been created using the first edition of Patrologiae Graecae.
HTML Patrologia Latina Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Electronic version of the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina, published between 1844 and 1855, and the four volumes of indexes published between 1862 and 1865. Comprising the original Latin texts of the works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216, the database also includes the prefatory material, critical apparatus, and Migne's column numbers.
HTML People's Daily (From 1946-May 2012) People's Daily (June 2012-December 2016) People's Daily (current content starting from January 2021) Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Complete archives of the People's Daily (Ren min ri bao) newspaper 1946- May 2012 and current subscription from June 2012- December 2016. People's Daily is the most important official newspaper in China, recording social, economic and political life in the country. The database can be browsed by date, and is searchable by date, article title, author, and keyword in the full text. This database is in simplified Chinese. Coverage: For access to content from June 2012- December 2016, please follow the second link above. 2019 content is available from the third link above but please note this is a free (ie non-subscribed) source and is outwith the control of the Library. Note: Due to bankruptcy liquidation procedures, Apabi access will cease to exist on 15/6/23.
HTML Perdita Manuscripts Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Digital facsimiles of over 230 manuscripts written or compiled by women in the British Isles during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, sourced from 15 libraries and archives in the UK and North America. These early modern women authors were otherwise little known because their writing exists only in manuscript form. Manscript content includes works of poetry, drama, religious writing, autobiographical material, cookery and medical recipes, and accounts. Contains biographical and bibliographical resources, as well as contextual essays by academics working in the field. Coverage: 16th -17th centuries.
HTML Performance Design Archive Online Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: Theatre students and researchers can now truly see “behind the scenes” of the world’s greatest dramatic performances. Performance Design Archive Online is the first comprehensive, international collection that covers all aspects of theatre production design, from the 17th century through to the present day, including, scenic and set design, lighting design, sound design, costume design, makeup, and more. Performance Design Archive Online features 100,000 pages of primary and secondary resources, including sketches, photographs, technical drawings, monographs, articles, and dissertations. Primary resources include never-before-published designs and other crucial research material for diving deep into the history. Secondary material, with titles such as Making Stage Props and Starting Your Career as a Theatrical Designer, offer practical support for the business of creating designs in professional applications. The pairing of primary and secondary material allows for students at all levels to find content to suit their needs.
HTML Performing Arts Periodicals Database (formerly International Index to Performing Arts Full Text) Access information: Access on and off campus Description: Performing Arts Periodicals Database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 395 international periodicals, plus full text for more than 160 of the indexed journals. The database currently includes almost a million records, the majority from the most recent ten years of each journal. Performing Arts Periodicals Database covers a broad spectrum of the arts and entertainment industry - including dance, drama, theater, stagecraft, musical theater, circus performance, opera, pantomime, puppetry, magic, performance art, film, television and more. Coverage: 1864 to present
HTML Periodicals Archive Online via ProQuestAccess information:Access on and off-campus. Description:An archival databases of digitised journal backfiles in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Periodicals Archive Online covers 37 subject categories, in a number of languages, and is divided into 10 collections:Collection 1 contains 100 titles, such as: Sloan Management Review, History Today, Economic Studies and Music Journal.(P);Collection 2 contains 100 titles, such as: Philosophy Today, RUSI, and Charities Review. (P);Collection 3 contains 75 titles, such as: Harper's, Adolescence, American Jewish History. (P);Collection 4 contains 75 titles, such as: Sight and Sound, Literature & History, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.(P);Collection 5 contains 75 titles, such as: Asian Perspectives, Criticism, Journal of Individual Psychology.(P);Collection 6 contains 75 titles, such as: Philosophical Topics, Europe, and Comparative Drama. (S)Collection 7 contains 61 titles, such as: Spectator, Dickens Quarterly, Islamic Quarterly. (S)Collection 8 contains 69 titles, such as: New Statesman, Universitas, Psychiatry. (S)Collection 9. (S)Collection 10 contains 65 titles, such as: Maclean's, Queen's Quarterly, New Left Review, and Signal. (S)Periodical Archive Online is a mix of purchased content, marked (P) above and subscribed content, marked (S) above.Coverage:From journal first issue up to 2000.
HTML Periodicals Index Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Periodicals Index Online is a database of millions of citations for articles published in the arts, humanities and social sciences, across more than 300 years. It enables researchers quickly and comprehensively to identify articles relevant to their field of study and reduces what could take years of research to a matter of minutes. Journals indexed span 37 key subject areas and multiple languages. Coverage: From journal first issue up to 1995.
HTML PerioPath: Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: Index to academic journals published in Taiwan, and some journals published in Hong Kong and Macao since 1970. It covers approximately 4800 kinds of journals and more than 2.22 million articles. Some academic journals published before 1970 are also available. Provided by the National Central Library of Taiwan
HTML Persian E-books Miras Maktoob Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: The Miras Maktoob Persian e-book collection consists of 249 volumes (189 works) originally published by the Written Heritage Research Institute (Miras Maktoob), a non-governmental organisation in Tehran. These e-books include works in both Persian and Arabic on Islamic history and culture.
HTML Peru: Human Rights, Drugs and Diplomacy 1980-2000 Access: Access on and off-campus. Description: This is a detailed collection documenting U.S. foreign policy at work in Latin America, as well as a fascinating story of domestic politics in Peru. Incorporating recent U.S. government releases, virtually all previously classified, these documents, provide a compelling primary-source portrait of Peru's civil war, internal repression, and growing authoritarianism during three successive Peruvian administrations, as witnessed by the U.S. embassy in Lima, U.S. military officials, and U.S. intelligence.
HTML Le Petit RobertAccess:Access on and off-campus.Description:The 2010 online edition of Paul Robert's popular French dictionary Le Nouveau Petit Robert De La Langue Francaise which was first published in 1967. The Dictionary contains 60,000 word entries with 300,000 definitions illustrated by examples. 1,240 author biographical references. It also includes idioms, homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, and hundreds of citations. Updated annually.
HTML Pexels Access information: Freely available. Description: Still images which can be freely used for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It is good practice to credit the creator. Sponsored (not free) images are shown. Copyright: License information
HTML The Philadelphia Inquirer Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, one of the longest surviving daily newspapers in the United States, is known for its coverage of the American Civil War that was popular with readers on both sides; its published works by Charles Dickens and Edgar Allen Poe; and its reporting of breaking news in the city, country, and around the world. From the first shots fired upon Fort Sumter and the start of the Civil War, to the assassination of civil rights advocate Octavius V. Catto over the right for Blacks to vote; from the flu pandemic of 1918 that killed 12,000 Philly residents in one month — and 675,000 in all nationwide — to the debut of a local dance show, American Bandstand in 1952, The Philadelphia Inquirer offers a regional perspective of an exceptionally unique mix of historical events as they unfolded. For researchers on a range of subjects, such as American History and culture, African American studies, literature and economics, the digitized pages of this prestigious newspaper — founded with an editorial commitment to the right of a minority to set forth its opinions, “however discordant they may be with those of the majority” — are an accessible, insightful, invaluable resource. Coverage: 1860-2001.
HTML The Philadelphia Tribune Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The oldest continuously published daily black newspaper in the U.S., The Philadelphia Tribune was founded by Christopher James Perry. His paper conveyed ideas and opinions about local and national issues affecting blacks in the post-emancipation period, and today continues to serve the country’s fourth largest African-American community. The Philadelphia Tribune campaigned to appoint black citizens to the board of education, city council, and, judiciary. It actively supported the growth of the United Way fund and launched a “clean block” program, promoting the health, safety, and well-being of the city’s residents. The newspaper fought against segregation and rallied against the race riots in Chester, Pennsylvania. Coverage: 1912-2001.
HTML The Philippines: U.S. Policy During the Marcos Years, 1965–1986 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Presenting a case study of U.S. policy toward a controversial Third World ally, this collection documents the often conflicting interests that arose between various U.S. administrations and President Ferdinand Marcos. Events covered include the assassination of opposition leader Benigno Aquino, Jr.; the rise of Communist and Muslim insurgencies during the 1970s and 1980s; the emergence of a small, but vocal, opposition movement in the United States; and Marcos' fall in 1986. Coverage: 1965-1986.
HTML Philosopher's Index Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Contains bibliographical information and abstracts of articles in philosophy and related disciplines published in over 1600 journals world wide. Major areas covered include aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, history of philosophy, logic, metaphysics, political and social philosophy, and the philosophy of disciplines, including education, history, language, law, religion and science. Updated quartely. Coverage: From 1940 to date.
HTML PhilPapers Access information: Access on and off campus. PhilPapers works best with Firefox. If you encounter an error message using Chrome, please clear your cache / browser history and try reloading the page. This should resolve the issue. Description: PhilPapers is a comprehensive index of philosophy books and articles. PhilPapers offers unique features such as real-time indexing of pre-prints, fine-grained classification by topic, email alerts, reading lists, advanced search functionality, and discussion forums. Coverage: Main areas are History of Western Philosophy, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophical Traditions, Science, Logic and Mathematics, Value Theory.
HTML Physical Sciences Data-science Service (PSDS) VPN service Access information: Free at the point of access for students and academics of UK academic institutions. Personal registration may be required for some services. VPN service may be required to register from off campus. Description: A suite of chemistry databases and tools provided by the University of Southampton and the Science and Technology Facilities Council. Funded by the EPSRC. Coverage: Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), DETHERM, ACD/ILab, BIOVIA Available Chemicals Directory (ACD), FIZ Karlsruhe's Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD), CrystalWorks and SPRESIweb. Additional information: About the Physical Sciences Data-science Service (Science & Technology Facilities Services [Daresbury] hosted CrystalWorks access)
HTML Picography Access information: Freely available. Description: Still images which can be freely used for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It is good practice to credit the creator. Sponsored (not free) images are shown, marked with the Shutterstock logo. Copyright information: License information
HTML Picture Post Historical Archive Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: The Picture Post Historical Archive comprises the complete archive of the Picture Post from its first issue in 1938 to its last in 1957, digitized from originals in full colour. Picture Post's innovative use of photojournalism brought the major social and political issues of the day into popular consciousness, providing a snapshot of everyday British life from the 1930s to the 1950s.
HTML Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency Records, 1853-1999 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: During its colourful 150-year history, Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency, the oldest company of private investigators in the United States – founded by Allan Pinkerton in the 1850s – pursued some of the nation’s most notorious criminals, like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Jesse James, Alfred Brady, John Dillinger and countless others. This fascinating collection, digitized in History Vault from the Library of Congress holdings, includes files on some of the Pinkerton’s most well-known cases. It offers exciting research opportunities in criminology, sociology, the history of law enforcement and labour relations.
HTML Pitchbook Access information: Access on and off campus. All currently enrolled students, faculty, or staff members are now able to open an account with Pitchbook using their University UNN and this link. Just input your University credentials in the following format: and hit login. You will be re-directed to a standard UoE login page, which will then take you through to PitchBook. Please note users signing up will be asked to read and agree to Pitchbook’s terms and conditions. These include agreeing that you will not share your account details and will only use the site for academic, educational, and scholarly use. Description: Pitchbook is a financial database platform covering private capital markets, including venture capital, private equity and M&A activity. It provides insight on deals, investors, venture backed companies and general technology trends. Access has been funded by the Data Driven Entrepreneurship Beacon Programme and delivered by Edinburgh Innovations. Interested in commercialising your research or idea? Please visit the websites of EI and the DDI and get in touch to see how we can help. Coverage: 2021-2022 Help: Pitchbook have a Help Centre available to all users of Pitchbook (authentication required), here you can find videos and tutorials to help with getting started on the platform as well as advanced navigations, our methodology and data information and popular articles. You will also find additional videos on the Pitchbook Youtube channel: Online training materials Note: PitchBook can be used as a research tool at the company/investor level and can also be used to identify wider market trends and statistics via use of the charting and pivot table functionality found in the advanced search result page. Please note however that PitchBook cannot be used for bulk downloads of raw data as individual student download limits do not allow this.
HTML Pittsburgh Courier Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: One of the most nationally circulated Black newspapers, the Pittsburgh Courier reached its peak in the 1930s. A conservative voice in the African-American community, the Pittsburgh Courier challenged the misrepresentation of African-Americans in the national media and advocated social reforms to advance the cause of civil rights. Coverage: 1911-2002.
HTML Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: NEARLY AS OLD as the United States itself, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette performed one of its initial acts of public service by printing the newly adopted Constitution of the United States in 1787. Then a four-page weekly produced on a wooden press, Post-Gazette was the first newspaper to make the dangerous journey by wagon over the mountains from Philadelphia. The Post-Gazette went on to offer leading coverage of the U.S. westward expansion into Ohio and the Northwest Territory, the political unrest leading to the U.S. Civil War, and the industrial revolution—from coal mining to the rise of the steel industry. Andrew Carnegie. Henry Clay Fricke. Andrew Mellon. H.J. Heinz. United States Steel Corp. The Homestead Steel Strike. The Pittsburgh Steelers. Carnegie-Mellon Library. And so much more. All covered in the pages of the historical Post-Gazette. Today, the daily publication – winner of six Pulitzer Prizes since 1938 – is the largest daily newspaper serving metropolitan Pittsburgh. Reporting news in a city that was once considered the industrial center of a nation, and now considered an education and medical hub, this newspaper offers researchers valuable regional perspectives on international, national and local news. Coverage: 1786-2003.
HTML Pixabay Access information: Freely available. Description: Still and moving images which can be freely used for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It is good practice to credit the creator. Sponsored (not free) images are shown to finance Pixabay and to provide a choice of professional photos. Those images are marked with the Shutterstock logo. Copyright: License information
HTML Plumb's Veterinary Drugs Access information: Off campus access requires the use of the University VPN - click for instructions on how to access to the University network via the VPN. Description: Plumb's Veterinary Drugs is a highly trusted veterinary drug resource providing access to up-to-date veterinary drug information. It includes information on dose, dosage forms, drug interactions and adverse effects. There is also information about pharmacokinetics, and storage/stability. Notes: The app is only for individual subscribers not library users. To access on a mobile device, use this link in your browser.
HTML Pluto Journals Access information: Freely available. Description: Pluto Journals was launched in 2009 as an independent and international journal publisher. Pluto Journals publish journals across the social sciences and humanities. These include research in the fields of current affairs, international studies, law, political economy, disability studies, and Arab and Islamic studies.
HTML Poetry and Short Story Reference Centre Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Poetry & Short Story Reference Center is a rich full-text database containing thousands of classic and contemporary poems, short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans and learning guides. It also includes high-quality videos and audio recordings from the Academy of American Poets.
HTML Policing the Shanghai International Settlement, 1894-1945 Access: Access on and off campus. Description: These files represent a large portion of the archives of the British-run municipal police force based in Shanghai's former International Settlement. This self-governing area was administered not by the Chinese but by the international group of merchants and bankers who paid the taxes and controlled the municipal council. The Special Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Police was charged with providing an orderly environment for Shanghai's foreign trade and commerce. Coverage: 1894-1945
HTML Policy Commons (full suite) Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: Difficult to find publications in one place, built around a directory of over 21,000 policy organisations. Provides access to 2.4 million books, articles, working papers, reports, policy briefs, data sets, tables, charts, media, case studies, and statistical publications from organisations including inter-governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, think-tanks and other research centres. The search interface also enables searching for tables within reports. Registered users can receive alerts of material added to the database. Coverage: 11+ million grey literature documents. Individual documents are not searchable in DiscoverEd. Modules included are Global Think Tanks, North American City Reports, Public Health and Social Care, World Cities, World Governments.
HTML Political Science Complete Access information Access on and off campus. Description: Political Science Complete provides nearly 340 full-text reference books and monographs and more than 44,000 full-text conference papers, which includes those from the International Political Science Association. The database also provides a subject-specific thesaurus with more than 23,500 terms to provide subject searching guidance to researchers. Subject coverage includes comparative politics, humanitarian issues, international relations, law and legislation, non-governmental organizations and political theory. Coverage: 1965 - present.
HTML Practical Law Access: Available on campus and off campus via VPN. Description: Practical Law is a database of legal know-how, transactional analysis and market intelligence for lawyers.
HTML Pragda Stream Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: PRAGDA STREAM is the film streaming platform from PRAGDA, a leading educational film distributor for the newest Latin American, Spanish, and Latinx cinema. PRAGDA STREAM provides access to hundreds of films, in Spanish, Portuguese, Indigenous languages, and more, representing 30+ countries, and covering over 50 important subjects. Films are provided with English subtitles and/or captions.
HTML Pravda - current issues 2010-present Pravda Digital Archive 1912-2009 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This is the complete full-text and full-image archive of the most important newspaper of the Soviet era. Pravda (or "Truth") was the official voice of Soviet communism and the Central Committee of the Communist Party between 1918 and 1991. The database is in Russian. Coverage: 1912 – present.
HTML Prelinger Archives Access information: Freely available Description: Almost 2,000 key titles from the film collection acquired by the US Library of Congress from the collection's founder, Rick Prelinger. The ephemeral (advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur) films from between 1927-1987 are public domain and made available under creative commons licence for free downloading and reuse. All subjects.
HTML Presidential Directives on National Security, Part I: From Truman to Clinton Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Presidential Directives on National Security: From Truman to Clinton provides a unique collection of presidential decisions and orders pertaining to all aspects of U.S. national security policy – foreign, defence, intelligence, and international economic affairs and structure. The collection consists of over 2,100 documents totalling 30,855 pages and covers all administrations from Truman to Clinton. Coverage: 1945-2000.
HTML Presidential Directives on National Security, Part II: From Truman to George W. Bush Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Part II of the Archive’s growing collection of presidential directives, this set contains more than 1,836 of the highest-level documents issued by presidents from Harry S. Truman to George W. Bush concerning foreign affairs, defence and arms control policy, intelligence and counterterrorist activities, and international economic policy. Thanks to a long-standing Freedom of Information Act campaign by the National Security Archive, the two parts of this collection comprise every presidential directive released to date. (All of the documents in Part II became available after the publication of Part I.) Unlike the daily stream of White House proclamations and press releases that are designed to frame official policy for the public, these directives and requests for studies reflect each president's actual, behind-the-scenes priorities, goals and decisions. Coverage: 1945-2008.
HTML Presidential Recordings Digital Edition Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt through to Richard M. Nixon all secretly recorded many of their conversations in the Oval Office. The resulting 5,000 hours of telephone and meeting tape recorded during their time in the White House capture some of the most significant moments in modern American political history. From Birmingham to Berlin, from Medicare to My Lai, from Selma to SALT, and from Watts to Watergate, the presidential recordings offer a unique window into the shaping of U.S. domestic and foreign policy. This history is now accessible via the Presidential Recordings Digital Edition (PRDE), the online portal for annotated transcripts of the White House tapes published by the Presidential Recordings Program (PRP). The transcripts are presented in PRDE alongside the corresponding audio, enabling users to read and listen to these conversations simultaneously. The database currently has recordings and transcripts from Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon and the site is updated regularly.
HTML The President's Daily Brief: Kennedy, Johnson, and the CIA 1961-1969 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This compilation of nearly 2,500 President’s Daily Briefs from the Kennedy and Johnson administrations details the most important security and intelligence information that the CIA prepared for the commander-in-chief. The briefings cover a wide range of topics including the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, U.S-Soviet relations, and conflicts sparked by decolonization in Indonesia, Africa, and the Middle East. Coverage: 1961-1969.
HTML The President's Daily Brief: Nixon, Ford, and the CIA, 1969-1977 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Building on DNSA's earlier collection of all available CIA highest-level briefings for Kennedy and Johnson, this collection covers the Nixon and Ford presidencies. This collection Provides scholars with actual Top Secret intelligence reports provided daily to the White House on global developments during a critical period in the Cold War. Coverage: 1969-1977.
HTML Progressive Era: Reform, Regulation, and Rights Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: The Progressive Era, dating roughly from 1890-1920, was a reaction to the rapid industrialization and social and economic changes of the “Gilded Age” in the last two decades of the 19th century and the turn of the 20th century. Progressive Era reformers, as the name implies, believed in progress and their ability to improve society through a broad range of reforms. The efforts of these reformers created one of the great movements in American history. This module on the Progressive Era consists of 11 collections and documents a variety of the ways that the Progressive Movement attempted to improve the lives of the American people. The collections cover women’s right to vote, the Standard Oil monopoly case, the efforts of journalist Henry Demarest Lloyd, the University Settlement Society of New York City, prohibition, reform of law enforcement, the Teapot Dome bribery case regarding petroleum reserves on government lands, and regulation of food and drugs.
HTML Progressive Era: Robert M. La Follette Papers Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: Congressman, Governor, and United States Senator Robert Marion La Follette is one of the pivotal figures of the Progressive Movement of the early 20th century. La Follette’s papers focus on his fight to reform corruption and injustice in Wisconsin’s political system, correspondence with Andrew Carnegie, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt and other major figures of the Progressive Era.
HTML Progressive Era: Voices of Reform, 1875-1945 Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: This module joins the growing sets of records in History Vault on the Progressive Era, one of the major reform eras in American History. The collections in this module consist of the correspondence, writings, speeches, diaries and photographs of five leading members of the Progressive movement: John R. Commons, Charles R. Van Hise, Richard T. Ely, Edward A. Ross and Charles McCarthy. Individually and collectively, these men proved they were more than idealists by devising and carrying out major reforms to solve the problems caused by the growth of industrialization following the Civil War. This module offers valuable insight into both the theorizing and practical legislation of the Progressive Era.
HTML Project MUSE Access information: Access on and off campus. there are currently some problems with access to Project Muse. To ensure full access, once onto the site click the Login link. Then under the Federations heading choose UK Federation (United Kingdom). Scroll through list and click on University of Edinburgh. Description: Provides access to almost 600 full text journals from 30 scholarly publishers, covering the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and many others. Note: There is no subscription to the e-books, the only e-books available are the open access titles.
HTML Project Syndicate Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Project Syndicate provides commentaries by distinguished economists and policymakers. Sections include Economics, Politics, Development, Sustainability, Culture, and Innovation. Includes archive of past articles, including in-depth thematic coverage via ‘Big Picture’
HTML ProMED Access information: Freely available from International Society for Infectious Diseases Description: The Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases is a current awareness tool with a database archive, recording infectious disease outbreaks and acute human exposure to toxins. It is produced by the International Society for Infectious Diseases, and contains reports from official sources, the media, observers and others, investigated by experts before inclusion. Coverage: 1994 to present.
HTML ProQuest Congressional Access information: Access on or off campus. Description: ProQuest Congressional offers a comprehensive collection of congressional documents from 1789 to the present. This primary source collection offers you an opportunity to understand the present by comparing today’s events and opinions with trends and patterns throughout our nation’s history. The Library has access to the following collections through ProQuest Congressional: Congressional Basic. Congressional Hearings Digital Collection Historical Archive, Parts A-C (1824-2010). Congressional House and Senate Unpublished Hearings, Parts A-C (1973-1992). Congressional Record Permanent Digital Collection, Parts A-D (1789-2009). Congressional Research Digital Collection Historical Archive, Parts A-B (1830-2010). Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions, 1789-2013. Executive Branch Documents, Parts 1-6 (1789-1952). Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations, 1789-Present. U.S. Serial Set 1 Digital Collection, 1789-1969. U.S. Serial Set 2 Digital Collection, Parts A-D (1970-2010). U.S. Serial Set Maps Digital Collection Complete. Coverage: 1789 - present.
HTML ProQuest Criminal Justice Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. ProQuest Criminal Justice is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. As well as U.S. and international scholarly journals, it includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, crime reports, crime blogs and other material relevant for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement and related fields. Coverage: 1972 onwards. Coverage varies by individual title.
HTML ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global via Web of Science Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Millions of searchable citations to worldwide dissertation and theses. Around 70,000 new dissertations and theses added annually. Coverage: Simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1637. Each dissertation published since July, 1980 includes a 350-word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts. Full-text: 1997 to date, with selected coverage from earlier years. Full-text dissertations are archived as submitted by the degree-granting institution.
HTML ProQuest Education Journals Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. ProQuest Education Journals gives users access to over 900 top educational publications, including more than 600 of the titles in full text. The coverage spans the literature on primary, secondary and higher education as well as special education, home schooling and adult education. Many titles are indexed in the ERIC database. Coverage: 1988 onwards.
HTML ProQuest Historical Newspapers collectionAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:Full-text collections and titles from variously 18th century to current decade.Content:Includes:American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger | Atlanta Constitution | Atlanta Daily World | Calgary Herald | Chicago Defender | Chicago Tribune | Chinese Newspaper Collection | Civil War Era | Cleveland Call & Post | Communist Newspaper Collection | Dayton Daily News | Detroit Free Press | Edmonton Journal | Hartford Courant | Jerusalem Post | Jewish Exponent | Leader-Post (Regina) | Leftist Newspapers and Periodicals | Le Monde | Los Angeles Sentinel | Los Angeles Times | Louisville Courier-Journal | Michigan Chronicle | Minneapolis Star Tribune | Montreal Gazette | Nashville Tennessean | New York Amsterdam News | New York Tribune/Herald Tribune | Newsday | Ottawa Citizen | Philadelphia Inquirer | Pittsburgh Courier | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | San Francisco Chronicle | Saskatoon Star-Phoenix | South China Morning Post | St. Louis Post Dispatch | St. Petersburg/Tampa Bay Times.The American Israelite | The Arizona Republican | The Baltimore Afro-American | The Baltimore Sun | The Boston Globe | The Christian Science Monitor | The Cincinnati Enquirer | The Globe and Mail | The Guardian | The Indianapolis Star | The Irish Times and Weekly Irish Times | The Jewish Advocate | The Korea Times | The New York Times | The Norfolk Journal & Guide | The Observer | The Philadelphia Tribune | The Province (Vancouver) | The Scotsman | The Washington Post | Times of India | Toronto Star | Vancouver Sun | Victoria Times-Colonist | Windsor Star.Coverage:Title dependent but the collection as a whole, from 18th century to current decade.
HTML ProQuest History VaultAccess information:Access on and off campus.Description:ProQuest History Vault provides access to millions of primary source, cross-searchable, full-text/full-image documents on the most widely studied topics in 19th and 20th-century American history. The content in History Vault is suitable for researchers in history, African American studies, women’s studies, political science, social sciences, sociology, and international studies.Coverage:19th - 20th century American history.Userguide:
HTML ProQuest Law Sources via Proquest Congressional Platform Proquest Law Sources via History Vault Platform Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. ProQuest enables access to historical material that legal historians will find of interest. Resources include: Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations 1789-Present - Congressional Platform Link; History Vault: African American Police League Records, 1961-1988 - History Vault link; History Vault: Law and Society since the Civil War - History Vault link; History Vault: Nazi Looted Art and Assets: Records on the Post-World War II Restitution Process, 1942-1998 - History Vault link; History Vault: Slavery and the Law - History Vault link; Digital U.S. Bills and Resolutions 1789-2013 - Congressional Platform Link; Coverage: 1789 onwards.
HTML ProQuest One Business Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. Content from: ABI/INFORM Collection; Accounting, Tax and Banking Collection; Asian and European Business Collection; Business Market Research Collection; Entrepreneurship Database. With global coverage in business and economics content includes, full-text journals, ebooks, dissertations, working papers, trade publications, company, industry, market and country reports, and key periodicals such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and Economist. Additional information:
HTML ProQuest One Literature Access information: Access on and off campus Description: ProQuest One Literature (PQOL) has superseded its previous version Literature Online. It contains all the content from core Literature Online plus all the content from LION Premium, plus literature content pulled from other ProQuest resources that we also subscribe to, including Historic Literary Criticism and African Writers Series, as well as the most relevant literary studies content curated from ProQuest Central, Academic Video Online, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, and Academic Complete. PQOL contains 3 million literature citations from thousands of journals, monographs, dissertations, and more than 500,000 primary works – including rare and obscure texts, multiple versions, and non-traditional sources like comics, theatre performances, and author readings. Enhanced by interpretive sources such as book reviews and criticism sourced from wider, interdisciplinary publications in the fields such as humanities and history, it provides diverse, global perspectives with sources from all over the world – Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America - the majority of which are in full-text. Newspaper book reviews will added in the future. PQOL differs from LION also in its discipline-specific user experience, hand-keyed primary texts, the ABELL index, and a collection of author and literary movement pages, with more discipline user experience enhancements to come in the future as the product grows. PQOL is also a community-based literary studies tool for scholars who must engage with an exhaustive and diverse set of scholarly resources around a given literary topic for research, teaching and learning. The database can be browed by literary period, literary movement, author name or literature collections. Additional information: List of Literature Collections User guide:
HTML ProQuest Political Science Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. This database gives users access to hundreds of leading political science and international relations journals, providing full-text of many core titles indexed in Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. In addition, over a thousand recent full-text doctoral dissertations on political science topics are included, together with working papers, conference proceedings, country profiles, political news and other sources. Coverage: 1985 - current
HTML ProQuest Primary Sources via Proquest Platform Proquest Primary Sources via Alexander Streeet Platform Proquest Primary Sources via History Vault Platform Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. A collection of 350 ProQuest databases containing primary source content from newspapers, magazines, books, manuscripts, U.S. and UK Government Documents, and more. Resources in the collections exceed 230 million pages of material. These resources provide unique insight into disciplines like History (UK, US and World History), Humanities and Sciences and give access to first-hand materials across topics like American Politics and Society, Civil Rights, Anthropology, Popular Culture, Design, Drama and more. Full descriptions of each database are in this catalogue: Primary Sources catalogue (PDF) See individidual database entries for direct links. Coverage: 1400 onwards
HTML ProQuest Social Science Database Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. This database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work and sociology. Coverage: 1911 onwards. Coverage varies by individual title.
HTML ProQuest Sociology Access information. Access on and off campus. Description. This database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including culture and social structure, history and theory of sociology, social psychology, substance abuse and addiction and more. This collection provides full-text coverage of many core titles included in Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts. Coverage: 1985 - current
HTML Prosecuting the Holocaust: British investigations into Nazi war crimes, 1944-1949 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Drawn from The National Archives (UK) and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, this collection contains a wealth of digitised documents regarding the British government's efforts to investigate and prosecute Nazi crimes during the period 1944-1949. The evidence gathered sheds light on almost every aspect of the Holocaust and includes victim testimonies.
HTML Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit Access Information: Access on and off campus Description: The Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit Online/Prosopography of the Middle Byzantine Period Online (PMBZ Online) is a comprehensive biographical dictionary for the Byzantine Empire in the early Medieval Period (641-1025 AD) documenting more than 21,000 persons. PMBZ Online is based on the print edition of the Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit which appeared in two parts 1998 and 2013. PMBZ Online documents all persons mentioned either by name or anonymously in the relevant Byzantine and non-Byzantine sources, and secondly all persons mentioned in the Byzantine sources both from Western Europe and from the Arabic and Slavonic areas, together with those from the Christian East.
HTML PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews Access information: Freely available Description: Protocol details for systematic reviews relevant to health and social care, welfare, public health, education, crime, justice, and international development, where there is a health related outcome. Systematic review protocols on PROSPERO can include any type of any study design. Reviews of reviews and reviews of methodological issues that contain at least one outcome of direct patient or clinical relevance are also accepted. Additional information: Produced by CRD and funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
HTML Provencal Poetry Access information: Available on and off campus Description: The database is part of the ARTFL Project. It contains 38 works of French poetry from the 12th and 13th centuries.
HTML The Province (Vancouver) Access Information: Access on and off campus. Description: This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
HTML PsycARTICLES (incorporated into Your Journals@OVID) PsycARTICLES via APA PsycNET Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Produced and copyrighted by the American Psychological Association, and is a database of full-text articles from 56 journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe & Huber. The database includes all material from the print journals with the exception of advertisements, editorial board lists, instructions to authors and similar material.
HTML PsycINFO - Ovid interface [PsycINFO via APA PsycNET] Access information: Access on and off-campus. On Ovid interface - Accept cookies. Cookies (Ovid) Some functions, including use of the Search History, will be disabled if cookies are rejected or no selection is made. Description: American Psychological Association produced with citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books and technical reports, as well as citations to dissertations, all in the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines. Detailed information about PsycINFO Coverage: Journal coverage, from 1806 to the present, includes international material selected from more than 2,400 journals written in over 29 languages. Current chapter and book coverage includes worldwide English-language material from 1806 to the present. NHS Staff and other authorised users: The Knowledge Network
HTML PsycTHERAPY Access information: Access on and off-campus. Description: Nearly 500 candid psychotherapy videos featuring known therapists. The more than 100 approaches include integrated behavioural health care, cognitive behaviour therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy. Common obstacles faced during unscripted therapy sessions are illustrated, synchronized transcripts allow searches for precise moments in therapy and playlist creation and video clip sharing is available.
HTML Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP) Web Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Full-text psychoanalysis resource of: 78 journals; 100 classic psychoanalytic books; editorial notes of the 24 volumes of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud; 19 volume German Freud Standard Edition Gesammelte Werke and over 40 videos. Coverage: 1871 onwards. Access to all content on their website.
HTML Psychological Experiments Online Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Audio and video recordings of original experiments (if available) with 45,000 pages of primary-source documents of 20th and 21st Century psychological experiments. includes notes from experiment participants, journal articles, books, field notes, letters penned by the lead psychologist, videos of modern-day replications, and modifications to the original experiments. Content: Includes: B.F. Skinner’s research with pigeons, Stanley Milgram’s research on obedience to authority, Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment, John B. Watson’s Little Albert experiment, Harry Harlow’s monkey study, Elizabeth Loftus's eyewitness testimony research, Kenneth and Mamie Clark's black and white doll experiment, Muzafer Sherif’s Robbers Cave experiments, Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment, Bibb Latane and John Darley’s study of bystander apathy.
HTML Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: Fifty training videos for mental health professionals. Individual titles are recorded in DiscoverEd but include series on Evidence-Based Treatment Planning, Psychotherpay Essentials, Understanding Group Psychotherapy, Assessment and Treatment of Psychological Disorders and Psychotherapy with the Experts which investigates how much therapy has to do with the style and personality of the therapist versus their theoretical model.
HTML PTSDpubs (formerly PILOTS: Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress) Access information: Available on and off campus. Description: Citations to literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events. Produced by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD. Coverage: Citations from 1871 onwards.
HTML Public Health Image Library (PHIL) Access information: Freely available. Description: Stills, videos and illustrations from the USA's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Copyright: For use as reference, teaching, presentation, and public health messages. Images are either "Public Domain" (free use) or "Copyright Protected" (restricted, obtain permission before use). Look directly beneath an image for this information.
HTML Public Health Scotland - Publications Access Information: Freely available Description: Research, guidance and statistical publications made available through Public Health Scotland "Scotland’s lead national agency for improving and protecting the health and wellbeing of all of Scotland’s people".
HTML Public Information Online Access information: Access on campus or off campus. Description: Public Information Online contains material from the UK Parliament, Scottish Parliament, Northern Ireland Assembly & Scottish Government Papers. PIO contains a Bill Tracker for the UK Parliament, Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly. This service is provided by Dandy Booksellers and is updated daily. Coverage: UK Parliament (House of Commons- Papers 1998 onwards and Bills 1919 onwards, House of Lords Papers and Bills 1901 onwards, Command Papers 1955 onwards, Public Bill and General Committee Debates 1919 onwards, House of Commons and House of Lords Hansard 1909 onwards, Public General Acts 1901 onwards), Scottish Parliament (from session 3), Northern Ireland Assembly (from 2008/09 session), National Assembly for Wales (2008 onwards), Key non Parliamentary Publications in Education, Health, Charities, Defence, Transport and the Civil Service Yearbook (1947 onwards). Additional information: Please note that House of Commons / House of Lords Hansard volumes from 1909 can be searched and viewed online on Public Information Online, but not downloaded. Please see House of Commons Parliamentary Papers and House of Lords Papers for this functionality.
HTML Public Petitions to Parliament, 1833-1918 Access information: Access on and off campus. Description: This next collection in ProQuest’s UK Parliamentary Papers brings in the “people’s” voice and their influence on Parliament during the 19th century. The materials include Reports of the Select Committee on Public Petitions, dating back to 1833 — records of every public petition submitted and accepted by Parliament. Researchers can search on place of origin, number of signatures, petition sponsor name, and much more. Beyond the larger dynamic of Popular Constitutionalism, researchers can dive deep on religious issues, the expansion of the franchise, crime and criminals, colonies, taxation, education and many other issues of interest and importance to the populace of Britain. Coverage: 1833-1918.
HTML PubMed Access information: Free service of the National Library of Medicine (U.S.A.). Description: Includes over 14 million citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950's. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central): How are they different? Additional information: Accessing full-text papers Additional information: Existing NCBI logins will stop working in June 2022, and it is no longer possible to create new NCBI accounts. If you already have a MyNCBI account with saved work, you can link your existing account to your University of Edinburgh login: Sign in directly to NCBI with your username and password. Click your username, which is located on the top right of the browser page. Click “Change” in the “Linked Account” portlet. Search for University of Edinburgh using the search bar. You will be transferred to UoE login page. Use your University login to link your NCBI account. To create a new NCBI login via your UoE login, When you are presented with 3rd party routes to sign up, click “more sign up options” Search/browse for University of Edinburgh Log in with your University login Select Create a new NCBI account and confirm. Note: PubMed online training tours, tutorials and videos.
HTML PubMed Central (PMC) Access information: Access free from the US National Library of Medicine Description: The U.S. National Library of Medicine's free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature. MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central): How are they different?