Interlibrary Loans

The following pages provide full details of our Interlibrary Loans service.

The Interlibrary Loan service (ILL) is one way to obtain material which is not held by the University of Edinburgh.

A guide to using DiscoverEd for requesting and tracking Interlibrary Loan materials using your Library Account.

Details of how much it costs to use the service and how to pay for requests.

Details of how to obtain your Interlibrary Loan items, loan periods, renewals and recalls, and what to do if an item is lost.

Information on copyright restrictions and requesting Interlibrary loans for commercial purposes.

ILL services can be provided for registered Library borrowers who are not members of the University and for external institutions

Any alerts about the ILL service will appear here.

Contact the Interlibrary Loans Team for further help and advice.