About the service

E-reserve provides copyright-compliant digital extracts of course readings for academic staff, to support learning and teaching.

Copyright law does not allow unregulated digitisation of articles or book chapters still in copyright, so the E-reserve team uses a licence from the UK Copyright Licensing Agency to provide scanned extracts for courses of study.

From works covered by the CLA licence, we are able to supply:

  • 1 chapter or 10% (whichever is the greater) from books
  • 2 journal articles per issue, or up to a whole issue if it is devoted to a particular theme

For essential extracts not covered by our licence, we will pursue limited copyright clearance directly with rights holders, where practical.

Resource Lists are the University’s preferred route for Course Organisers to request copyright‐compliant scans and we work with the Library Learning Services team to digitise course readings and link them to the lists. We also accept direct requests from Course Organisers who are not using the online reading list service.

For further details on what we can provide, please visit:

Requesting scans through Resource Lists

Requesting scans direct from E-reserve

E-reserve and Scan & Deliver

Please do not request digitisations for teaching from Scan & Deliver. Scans provided by that service are for personal use only.

Scope and benefits of the service

E-reserve supports over 1,000 courses annually and provides access to around 1,500 new digital extracts every year.

Course Organisers are guaranteed:

  • Ease of access for students
  • Permanent links that can be used year on year
  • Copyright-compliant materials
  • Availability of usage data on request

Further information and help

For further information or help using the service please contact either the E-reserve team or the Academic Support Librarian for your School.

E-reserve team

Contact details

Resource Lists