Membership to University of Edinburgh Library is available to staff and students of other universities through the reciprocal access schemes mentioned below. We have certain ID requirements depending on membership (see link for relevant group and accepted ID) Reference access is available to all on production of appropriate ID and proof of current address. Borrowing rights may be available to some students and staff via the local and national reciprocal agreements and schemes such as SCONUL Access. We ask that all Visitors email us at before visiting. HTML Library Membership University of Edinburgh Libraries are fully open to all categories of external membership. If you wish to join or renew your existing membership, please e-mail us at (Please state you wish to join/renew and include in your email your name, category of visitor and existing card reference number starting ‘200..’ if applicable). We will reply to you with important information for access within a maximum of 7 days. Please wait for our reply before visiting our libraries.* *We may not be able to process your membership if you do not follow these steps.* SCONUL AccessReciprocal access agreement used by the vast majority of university libraries in the UK and Ireland. If you are a student or staff member from a UK or Irish university you should obtain your approval through the SCONUL Access website before emailing us at AccessScotland's Rural College Library (formerly Scottish Agricultural College Library)University of Edinburgh Library has a reciprocal borrowing agreement with Scotland's Rural College Library (formerly Scottish Agricultural College Library).Scotland's Rural College LibraryOpen University staff and studentsOU staff and students can join the library through the SCONUL Access scheme, additional ID may be required.Open University staff and studentsSHARESStudents and staff of participating institutions in the SHARES program can get reference access to University of Edinburgh Library with the required ID. Most UK and Ireland participating institutions now use the SCONUL Access scheme instead.SHARESSCURL Research ExtraStaff and postgraduate research students from any other SCURL institution can join University of Edinburgh Library. Most participating universities now use the SCONUL Access scheme instead.SCURL Research Extra All othersIf your university or college does not fall under any of the above reciprocal access schemes you can still join the library as a member of the public.Joining as a member of the public Services for external membersAlthough, as a University service the library is partly funded from central government, it is not a public library. The extent to which it can offer facilities to external users free of charge is limited.The library can offer some services only on payment of subscriptions or fees, which are set at realistic but reasonable levels. Income derived from these subscriptions and fees is used to maintain and develop collections and services. This article was published on 2024-08-21
HTML Library Membership University of Edinburgh Libraries are fully open to all categories of external membership. If you wish to join or renew your existing membership, please e-mail us at (Please state you wish to join/renew and include in your email your name, category of visitor and existing card reference number starting ‘200..’ if applicable). We will reply to you with important information for access within a maximum of 7 days. Please wait for our reply before visiting our libraries.* *We may not be able to process your membership if you do not follow these steps.*