Databases N

Search for a database through the search box or view databases beginning with the letter N below.


NAACP Papers: Board of Directors, Annual Conferences, Major Speeches, and National Staff Files

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: NAACP Papers: Board of Directors, Annual Conferences, Major Speeches, and National Staff Files provides a comprehensive view of the NAACP’s evolution, policies, and achievements from 1909-1970. Included are thousands of pages of minutes of directors’ meetings, monthly reports from officers to the board of directors, proceedings of the annual business meetings, significant records of the association’s annual conferences, plus voluminous special reports on a wide range of issues. The Annual Conferences served both as a major catalyst for attracting publicity and as an important avenue for grass roots participation (through branch delegations) in the affairs of the national organization. The conferences were held in a different city each year. The speeches and the resolutions passed at the annual conferences are excellent ways to study the major concerns of the NAACP on a yearly basis.



NAACP Papers: Branch Department, Branch Files and Youth Department Files

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: The NAACP branch files in this module chronicle the local heroes of the civil rights revolution via NAACP branches throughout the United States, from 1913-1972. The contributions of scores of local leaders — attorneys, community organizers, financial benefactors, students, mothers, school teachers, and other participants — are revealed in these records. The Branch Department, Branch Files, and Youth Department Files in this module of NAACP Papers will allow researchers at all levels new opportunities to explore the contributions of NAACP local leaders. The branch files also indicate how effectively the NAACP national office used the branch network to advance the NAACP national program. The Youth Department Files document how the NAACP tapped the energy and talent of college students and other young people at the state and local levels.



 NAACP Papers: Special Subjects

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: The NAACP was involved in several subjects that did not rise to the level of major campaigns but were still vital to the organization. This module contains records on those subjects, and in so doing, reveals the wide scope of NAACP activism and interest. These files cover subjects and episodes that are crucial to the NAACP's history, such as civil rights complaints and legislation, the Klan, Birth of a Nation, the Walter White-W. E. B. Du Bois controversy of 1933-1934, communism and anticommunism during the years of the "red scare," the congressional prosecution of Hollywood personalities, the prosecution of conscientious objectors during World War II, NAACP’s relations with African colonial liberation movements, NAACP fundraising and membership recruitment, urban riots, the War on Poverty, and the emergence of the Black Power Movement.



NAACP Papers: The NAACP's Major Campaigns: Education, Voting, Housing, Employment, Armed Forces

Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Major campaigns for equal access to education, voting, employment, housing and the military are covered in this module. The education files in this second module document the NAACP’s systematic assault on segregated education that culminated in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. Files from 1955-1965 focus on the NAACP’s efforts to implement the Brown decision as well as to combat de facto segregation outside of the South.



NAACP Papers: The NAACP's Major Campaigns: Legal Department Files

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This NAACP module consists of the working case files of the NAACP’s general counsel and his Legal Department staff for the period from 1956 to 1972. The files document the NAACP’s aggressive campaign to bring about desegregation throughout the United States, particularly in the South. In total, this module contains over 600 cases from 34 states and the District of Columbia. The cases in this module pertain to school desegregation, abuses of police procedure, employment discrimination, freedom of speech, privacy, freedom of association, and housing discrimination.



NAACP Papers: The NAACP's Major Campaigns: Scottsboro, Anti-Lynching, Criminal Justice, Peonage, Labor, and Segregation and Discrimination Complaints and Responses

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: One of the highlights of this NAACP module are the records on the Scottsboro case, one of the most celebrated criminal trials of the 20th century. This module also contains the key NAACP national office files on the campaign against lynching and mob violence, and NAACP efforts to fight against discrimination in the criminal justice system.



Nano nature

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Comprehensive source of nanomaterial data and literature references.

Nanomaterial data includes detailed descriptions of hundreds of thousands of nanomaterials and devices, their physical, chemical and biological properties, potential uses and the various methods by which they are prepared.

Literature references are indexed to provide nanoscience-specific filter options, which allows searching beyond title and abstract of journal articles from publishers including ACS, AAAS, Elsevier, Nature, RSC, Springer and Wiley. Nanotechnology-related patents summaries are also searchable in a standardised format with English-language translations.

Note: SpringerNature have taken the decision to close the Nano database as a standalone product and instead incorporate the data and technology into other SpringerNature resources. Access will remain live until 22nd June 2022.



National Library of Scotland: official publications

Access information: Access on and off campus.

The National Library of Scotland (NLS) holds one of the largest collections of official publications in the United Kingdom, and their Official Publications Curator is happy to help with any enquiries.

NLS: official publications




The Nashville Tennessean

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: NASHVILLE’S PRIMARY NEWSPAPER emerged during a defining period in the history of Tennessee, the same year the War of 1812 was declared on Britain and the state established its enduring political and military legacy. Tennesseans volunteered en masse (hence the nickname “The Volunteer State”) to help defend the nation’s “Lower Country” under the command of Maj. Gen. Andrew Jackson. Through to the victory at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815, the publication (then known as the Nashville Whig) provided in-depth coverage of a war close to its readers’ hearts. Nashville’s other nickname, “Music City USA” is inspired by legendary country music landmarks and attractions found there, including the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Belcourt Theatre, and Ryman Auditorium, the original home of the Grand Ole Opry. Additionally, the city is known as “The Hot Chicken Capital” after a spicy local take on fried chicken which is celebrated during the Hot Chicken Festival each year in Nashville.
Coverage: 1812-2002.


Access information: Access on and off campus
Description: “NDLTD-Taiwan“ provides over 1,000,000 abstracts and more than 420,000 full-text digital copies of theses and dissertations of colleges and universities in Taiwan from 1956 to the present, covering the disciplines of the sciences, engineering, agriculture, medicine, the humanities and social sciences and continues to promote the concept of free access to unauthorized materials. Search by traditional Chinese characters or transliteration in pinyin. To access the database, users need to register to create an individual account. Provided by the National Central Library of Taiwan. See also: China Doctoral and Masters Dissertations Full-text Database which is also in the Databases A-Z list, on the C page.


Access information: Freely available
Description: More than fifty thousand images of the National Portrait Gallery's Collections available for academic use. Low resolution images are available to copy and distribute via a Creative Commons licence and higher resolution ones via a more restrictive Academic Licence. Look at specific pictures' "Use this image" information.



National Security Agency: Operations and Organization, 1945-2009 

Access information: Access on and off campus. 

This is a comprehensive set of detailed records documenting the history, mission, intelligence collection, and analytic operations of America's largest and most secretive intelligence entity, the National Security Agency (NSA), and its predecessor organizations. Incorporating the latest materials declassified and released by the U.S. government, this set reveals for the first time primary documentation that describes the vast breadth and scope of the intelligence gathering activities of the NSA and its forerunners, and details the critically important role that NSA has played in virtually every conflict and international crisis the United States has faced since the end of World War II.

Coverage: 1945-2009.


Access information: Access on and off campus
Description: The National Social Sciences Database of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) provides free access to over 10 million articles in over two thousand academic journals in China, 80 of which are published by the CASS itself. The database covers a wide range of subjects in humanities and social sciences such as politics, law, economics, philosophy, history, etc. Charles Aylmer (Cambridge) has provided a list of these journal titles in alphabetical pinyin order on the CrossAsia platform. Clicking on a title gives direct access to the full text journal. Please note that if you access the database outside the University of Edinburgh network or without your University Login, individual registration will be necessary for downloading articles.



The National Theatre Collection

Access information:

Access on and off campus


The National Theatre Collection brings the stage to life through access to high definition streamed video of world-class theatre productions and unique archival material, offering insight into British theatre-making and performance studies. Volume 1 contains 30 video performances and Volume 2 has 12 performances. All the performance recordings include captions.  As a supplement to the filmed productions, exclusive digitised archival materials such as prompt scripts, costume designs, and more are available to provide behind-the-scenes background and contextual information. The featured 40 performances are:

Volume 1

  • Comedies: She Stoops to Conquer (2012), One Man, Two Guvnors (2011), London Assurance (2010)
  • 20th century classics: Yerma (2017), The Cherry Orchard (2011), The Deep Blue Sea (2016), Les Blancs (2016), A Streetcar Named Desire (2014), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (2018), Consent (2017), Translations (2018)
  • Shakespeare plays: Hamlet (2010), Othello (2013), King Lear (2011), Macbeth (2018), Julius Caesar (2018), Coriolanus (2014), Twelfth Night (2017), The Winter's Tale (2018), Romeo and Juliet (2017)
  • Literary adaptations: Frankenstein (2 performances, 2011), Jane Eyre (2015), Treasure Island (2015), Peter Pan (2017), (2015), Small Island (2019)
  • Greek classics: Antigone (2012), Medea (2014)
  • World historical drama: Dara (2015)

Volume 2

  • Turn of the century plays for contemporary audiences: Heda Gabler (2017), Julie (2018), The Seagull (2016), Three Sisters (2019)
  • 20th century classics: A view from the Bridge (2015), All My Sons(2019)
  • Contemporary plays: Barber Shop Chronicles (2017), This House(2013)
  • Shakespeare: Macbeth (2019)
  • Musical theatre: I want My Hat Back (2015)


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: Naver News Library is a full-text Korean newspaper article database containing the following four major newspapers: Tonga ilbo (Dong-A ilbo) 1920-1999; Kyŏnghyang sinmun (Kyunghyang Shinmun) 1946-1999; Maeil kyŏngje sinmun (Maeil Business Newspaper) 1966-1999; and Han’gyŏre (The Hankyoreh ) 1988-1999.
  The database is full text searable with three display options - original text, Han'gul version text and original images.



Naxos Music Library

Access information:Access on and off campus.

To use the Naxos Music Library mobile app:

  1. Download the app from your respective store – App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android devices.
  2. If you have a Student / Member Account, your email address and password will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.
  3. If you do not have a Student / Member Account yet, sign up on the institution playlist page. Select "Connect with your institution". The required activation key is on the Usernames and passwords page.
  4. Complete the registration process by clicking the activation link in your email.
  5. The email address and password you register with will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.

Please note that under certain rare circumstances, it can take up to 15 minutes for your Student / Member Account registration to be completed. Further, you can also access the web version with the same email address and password.

Access information:Mac users should use the VPN for off campus access
Description:A music listening service which allows you to search, browse and listen to over 2.2 million tracks of music, including classical, jazz folk, world music and pop and rock.
Note:Lecturers can create institutional playlists.  Log in to Naxos and go to the section called “Playlists” where there is a video tutorial on how to set up a playlist.


Access information.Access on and off campus.
Access information.Mac users should use the VPN for off campus access.

To use the Naxos Music Library mobile app:

  1. Download the app from your respective store – App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android devices.
  2. If you have a Student / Member Account, your email address and password will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.
  3. If you do not have a Student / Member Account yet, sign up on the institution playlist page. Select "Connect with your institution". The required activation key is on the Usernames and passwords page.
  4. Complete the registration process by clicking the activation link in your email.
  5. The email address and password you register with will act as your login credentials for the NML mobile apps.

Please note that under certain rare circumstances, it can take up to 15 minutes for your Student / Member Account registration to be completed. Further, you can also access the web version with the same email address and password.

Description.Naxos Music Library Jazz [NMLJ] offers a mix selection of jazz legends and contemporary jazz. Recordings of over 32,000 artists are represented. The recordings in Naxos Music Library Jazz come from over 200 labels, and include the catalogue of Blue Note Records, Warner Jazz, EMI, Fantasy and others. There are three search modes available: browse the library alphabetically by CD title, keyword search by name of artist, track or disc title, and advanced search by a combination of criteria. Access with iPhone or iPod Touch: The Naxos Music Library Jazz App is available through the iTunes App Store.



Nazi Looted Art and Assets: Records on the Post-World War II Restitution Process, 1942-1998

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: This module focuses on the diplomatic, legal and political maneuvering during and after World War II regarding German art looting in Europe, recovery of cultural objects dispersed during World War II, efforts by the U.S. and other Allied Powers to prevent the secreting of Axis assets, claims from victims for financial or property restitution from the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), other claims cases, and meeting minutes and background materials regarding the Tripartite Commission for the Restitution of Monetary Gold.



Neliti: Indonesia's Research Repository

Access information: Freely available.

Indexes research and data from journals and repositories across Indonesia from universities, government bodies, corporate publishers and think tanks. Includes journal articles, books, research reports, policy papers, conference papers and datasets.

Full-text available (English or bahasa Indonesia).


Access information: Freely available
Description: Some Original educational documentaries are available for one-time educational screenings.  Please click the link above to view the list and licensing conditions.



Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

Access information: Freely available.
Description: More than one million records of electronic theses and dissertations. Links to full-text may take you to the right repository which you search again for the thesis you want.


Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: The centerpiece of this module is President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Office Files. Roosevelt’s Office Files constitute the heart and soul of the administrative record of the Roosevelt White House. They highlight the domestic and foreign concerns of the President and his administration. Roosevelt's policies, responses to crises, and plans for the future were all based on both classified and nonclassified information that he received and digested from all levels of government and the public. The office files represent the materials deemed especially important by the President on the basis of content and source. Major topics covered in the files are the Great Depression, the New Deal, America's involvement in World War II, the internal workings of the Roosevelt administration, and Roosevelt's personal leadership style.


Access information: Access on and off campus.
Description: The online edition of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics contains the full text of the 8 volume print edition, the 2008 second edition of which the Library also stocks. The online Dictionary is a dynamic resource for economists containing hyperlinked cross-references within articles, and it features carefully selected and maintained links to related sites, as well as incorporating quarterly additions and updates. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online offers search and browse facilities, both full text and advanced.



The New York Academy of Sciences -Wiley Digital Archives Collection

Access information:

Access on and off campus. 


The New York Academy of Sciences mission is to drive innovative solutions to society’s challenges by advancing scientific research, education, and policy. Among the oldest scientific organizations in the United States, it is also one of the most significant organizations in the global scientific community.  Accessible through the Wiley Digital Archives platform, the New York Academy of Sciences collection contains the vast range of original sources that have shaped two centuries of scientific progress, Spanning a wide range of disciplinary research from medical research and botanical studies to climate science and zoological research, the Wiley Digital Archives: New York Academy of Sciences collection contains an extensive body of diverse and interdisciplinary original materials. 



New York Amsterdam News

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: Founded in 1909, and one of only 50 Black newspapers in the United States at that time, the New York Amsterdam News is one of the leading Black newspapers of the 20th century. This archive collection gives you access to all issues between 1922 and 1993. Issues have been scanned from cover to cover and you can search or browse the database.




New York Times (1980 onwards) via Proquest

New York Times (1985 onwards) via Gale

Access information: Access on and off-campus through ProQuest and Gale. Current content also available on campus and via the VPN through Factiva. Cookies must be enabled on your browser.
  In Factiva, use the "Search builder" option from the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click on "Source" and select from A-Z list or search for title.
Description: Full text of the New York Times, including the full archive from 1851. Some articles written by freelancers, some features and some supplements may not be available. New York Times Magazine is available to search separately from both ProQuest and Factiva. New York Times Book Review available to search separately via Gale.

Historical New York Times via ProQuest : 1851 to 2018

New York Times via ProQuest : 1st June 1980 to date

New York Times via Factiva : 1st June 1980 to date

New York Times via Gale : 1st January 1985 to date



New York Tribune (1841-1922)

Access Information: Access on and off campus
Description: This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.



News, Policy & Politics Magazine Archive

Access information:

Access on or off campus.


Offering full runs of 15 major 20th-century titles, in full-color, page-image format. News, Policy and Politics Magazine Archive makes newly available and accessible these key sources, for which the archival print issues have not consistently been retained by libraries. Titles include Newsweek, UN Chronicle, NATO Review and New Internationalist.

Coverage: 1918-2015


Access information: Access on and off campus.
  Available via LexisLibrary: Select the "News" tab and select title from the A-Z list. Cookies must be enabled on your browser.
Description: Full text of Sunday newspaper available two days after publication. Some articles by freelancers, some features and some supplements may not be available. Sunday magazine is not available. Sister paper, The Sun, also available from LexisLibrary and Factiva.
Coverage: LexisLibrary: 30 August 1998 - 10 July 2011
  Factiva: 7th January 1996 - 10 July 2011

Additional information

See entry for newspapers below.




Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: AS THE LARGEST suburban newspaper in the United States, Newsday provides a fascinating glimpse into the political, economic, cultural, and social life of the New York metropolitan area and northeastern United States during the post-World War II period. Newsday has won an incredible 19 Pulitzer Prizes in the areas of editorials, commentaries, investigative reporting, editorial cartooning, and international reporting, and has been a finalist for 20 more. The newspaper’s extensive list of special sections and daily magazines excellently serves the day-to-day need of its diverse Long Island readership. Newsday has three domestic bureaus and five foreign bureaus to bring its readers award winning international news along with specialized local, state, and national coverage.
Coverage: 1940-1989.



Newspapers (general)

Acces information:

LexisLibrary - access on and off campus;

NexisUK - access on and off campus;

Factiva - on campus and off campus and via VPN.


Use LexisLibrary, Factiva or Nexis UK for online access to the full text of the majority of UK national and regional newspapers . Factiva also provides access to full text of the world press. Many titles are archived back to the 1980s. Information on each title is included by clicking the info icon next to the title listing.

Many newspapers also have their own online archive available from their website. Some are free, with others you may have to register or pay a fee to view articles.

The library also has a subscription to the Financial Times online. See separate entry for details.

For historical newspaper content see entries for: Burney Newspaper Collection, Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers, The Historical Scotsman, Palmer's Index to the Times and Times Digital Archive.

Further information: Newspaper content



The Newsweek Archive

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: The Newsweek Archive provides digital access to the backfile of the US edition of Newsweek magazine, with coverage from its first issue in 1933 to 2012 (when the print edition originally ceased). It makes newly accessible and usable 80+ years of content from this premier publication for news, politics and international affairs, one of the highest-circulating consumer magazines of the 20/21st centuries. Page images are digitized in full color, with article-level indexing and searchable text. An indispensable source of reporting, commentary, and investigation on the major events of this period, its broader content also serves interests in many other aspects of society and culture. This title is offered both as a stand-alone collection AND is still part of the News, Policy and Politics Magazine Archive.
Coverage: 1933-2012


Access information:On and off campus.
Description:Access to over 23,000 UK and international news and business sources, financial and market reports, biographical data and thousands of legal and regulatory services. Includes Company Dossier which delivers company information on 100 million international companies and executives.

Authorised Users do not include:

(a) any employee of the Academic Institution’s internal legal department or any employee who performs an in-house legal function for the Academic Institution; 

(b) any employee or student who works or studies primarily at an institution or organisation which is not the Academic Institution.


NHS Scotland e-library

See entry for The Knowledge Network



Nicaragua:  The Making of US Policy 1978-1990 

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: The Nicaragua document collection provides an unparalleled contemporary record of the diplomatic, political, paramilitary, and economic developments which turned the small Central American nation of Nicaragua into the most controversial U.S. foreign policy issue of the 1980s. The collection consists of 3,248 cataloged primary source documents totaling approximately 17,500 pages. Coverage highlights U.S. policy toward the Nicaraguan revolution and subsequent Sandinista regime, starting with the January 1978 assassination of newspaper publisher Pedro Joaquín Chamorro, and ending with the Sandinistas' electoral defeat by the U.S.-backed UNO coalition of Violeta Chamorro on February 25, 1990.



NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) Clinical Guidelines

Access information: Access on and off-campus.
Description: NICE is an independent UK organisation responsible for providing national guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health. It provides guidance for health care professionals and the general public in the areas of public health, health technologies and clinical practice. The guidance is drawn up using evidence from NHS staff, healthcare professionals, patients and carers, industry and academia and made freely available on the web.
Help: Using NICE Guidelines




Nikkei Telecom

Access information: 2 concurrent users.  Access on and off campus.
Description: Nikkei Telecom is an essential resource for various kinds of studies such as economics, politics, sociology and Japanese language. It gives access to a great number of Nikkei newspaper articles from 1975 to the present. Full newspaper images of Nihon Keizai Shimbun from the first issue in 1876 to issues published in 1974 are also available. The database also contains hundreds of daily news articles in English published by Nikkei Inc. and Dow Jones & Company Inc. An English Archive Search is available for Nikkei Asian Review and major Nikkei newspaper articles. In addition to news articles, Nikkei Telecom offers various aspects of business information related to Japanese economy, such as profile information of major Japanese companies, personnel information of executives, Nikkei's survey data, macroeconomic statistics, etc.
Coverage: 1876 to the present

Nikkei Telecom English User guide (PDF)


Nineteenth Century British Library newspapers

see entry for British Library Newspapers, Parts I-V (1732-1950)


Access information: Access on and off campus.

This project, conceived by the Research Libraries UK (RLUK) and funded by the JISC Digitisation Programme, preserves and provides online access to the most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in UK research libraries.

Selected by RLUK, the pamphlets provide a wide focus on the political, social, and economic issues of 19th century Britain. This project has captured as much as possible from a number of smaller collections associated with individuals or families (Durham, Liverpool, Newcastle and UCL) or organizations (Manchester), and supplemented these with pamphlets drawn from larger collections (Bristol and LSE).

Coverage: 19th Century.


Access information:Access on and off campus.
Description:The British Politics and Society archive of Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) is packed with primary source documentation that enhances a greater understanding and analysis of the development of urban centers and of the major restructuring of society that took place during the Industrial Revolution. The archive is composed of a number of individual collections, drawn together from a variety of sources.



Nineteenth Century Collections Online: The Corvey Collection of European Literature, 1790-1840

Access information:Access on or off campus.
Description:As part of the Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO), this unique collection of monographs includes 7,717 works in English, 6,504 in French and 3,640 in German published in Britain and on the Continent during the Romantic period and the early Victoria era. Sourced from Castle Corvey in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, the Corvey Collection is one of the most important collections of works from the period in existence, with particular strength in especially difficult-to-find or even previously unknown works – by women writers in particular. The collection’s vast archive of materials documents the nature and scope of literary publication in England and on the Continent during the Romantic period and the early years of the Victorian era. Scholars can research and explore a range of topics, including Romantic literary genres; mutual influences of British, French and German Romanticism; literary culture; women writers of the period; the canon and Romantic aesthetics.



Nineteenth Century Index

Access information: Available on and off campus
Description: C19 Index draws on the strength of established indexes such as the Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue (NSTC), The Wellesley Index, Poole's Index, Periodicals Index Online and the Cumulative Index to Niles' Register 1811–1849 to create integrated bibliographic coverage of over 1.7 million books and official publications, 70,000 archival collections and 22.7 million articles published in over 2,500 journals, magazines and newspapers. C19 Index now provides integrated access to 13 bibliographic indexes, including more than three million records from British Periodicals Collections I and II, together with the expanded online edition of the Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism (DNCJ).



Nineteenth Century Literary Society - The John Murray Publishing Archive

Access information:

Access on and off campus


Nineteenth Century Literary Society offers unprecedented digital access to the peerless archive of the historic John Murray publishing company, and is an unparalleled resource for nineteenth century culture and the literary luminaries who shaped it.

Held by the National Library of Scotland since 2006 and added to the UNESCO Register of World Memory in 2011, the Murray collection comprises one of the world’s most important literary archives.

This digital resource enables researchers to discover the golden age of the company that published genre-defining titles including Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, Austen’s Emma, and Livingstone’s Missionary Travels

Key figures who feature in the Archive include, Jane Austen, Isabella Bird, Lord Byron, Charles Darwin, Benjamin Disraeli,  Elizabeth Eastlake, William Gladstone, David Livingstone, and Sir Walter Scott.


Access information:Access on and off campus.

This includes Series 1 and 2 of a collection of digitised versions of key 19th century UK periodicals sourced from the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, and other libraries.

Series 1: New Readerships: Women’s, Children’s, Humour and Leisure/Sport.

Series 2: Empire: Travel and Anthropology, Economics, Missionary & Colonial.


See the title lists below for full details of coverage.



Access information: Access on and off campus.

As a new American nation emerged in the 1800s, the first draft of history was written by those who experienced it and recorded it in newspaper pages from coast to coast. Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides an as-it-happened window on events, culture, and daily life in nineteenth-century America. With 1.8 million pages available, the collection features publications of all kinds, from the political party newspapers at the beginning of the nineteenth century to the mammoth dailies that shaped the nation at the century's end. Major newspapers stand alongside those published by African Americans, Native Americans, women’s rights groups, labour groups, and the Confederacy.



Access information Access on and off campus
Description This project provides complete FCO 7 and FCO 82 files from The National Archives, Kew, for the entire period of the Nixon administration, 1969-1974.



Noorlib (Noor Digital Library)

Access information:

Access on and off campus.


Noor Digital Library (Noorlib) is a full-text e-book database administered by the Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences in Iran. It contains thousands of digitised book volumes from within the humanities, mostly in Arabic and Persian, with a particular focus on Islamic Studies. 

Note: The library encourages users to opt for PDF instead of HTML download of pages.



The Norfolk Journal & Guide

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: UNDER THE LEADERSHIP of P.B. Young, the “Dean of the Negro Press,” The Norfolk Journal and Guide became one of the best researched and written newspapers of its era, with a circulation of more than 80,000 by the 1940s. It argued against restrictive covenants, rallied against lynching, encouraged blacks to vote, supported improvements to city streets and water systems, and more. In contrast to other black newspapers, such as the Chicago Defender (with which The Norfolk Journal and Guide is cross searchable), this newspaper campaigned against The Great Migration of Southern laborers to the North. It was one of only a few black newspapers to provide on-the-scene coverage of the 1930s Scottsboro trial, and helped raise legal funds for the nine young black defendants. This Southern-based newspaper had to use a factual, unemotional tone in expressing opinions on social injustice. This approach attracted advertising from local and national white-owned businesses —such as Goodrich, Pillsbury, and Ford — that other black newspapers didn’t receive.
Coverage: 1921-2003.



North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral Histories

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral Histories provides a unique and personal view of what it meant to immigrate to America and Canada. With more than 100,000 pages of personal narratives, including letters, diaries, pamphlets, autobiographies, and oral histories, the collection provides a rich source for scholars in a wide range of disciplines. Much of the material is previously unpublished. Several thousand pages of Ellis Island Oral History interviews, indexed and searchable for the first time, are included, along with thousands of political cartoons. Never before have scholars been able to search these documents easily and find answers to complex questions with just a few clicks.



North American Indian Drama, 2nd Edition

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: North American Indian Drama brings together 250+ full-text plays representing the stories and creative energies of American Indian and First Nation playwrights of the twentieth century. Many of the plays are previously unpublished or hard to find, and they represent a wealth of dramatic material that is often overlooked or inaccessible. Together, the plays demonstrate Native theatre’s diversity of tribal traditions and approaches to drama—melding conventional dramatic form with ancient storytelling and ritual performance elements, experimenting with traditional ideas of time and narrative, or challenging Western dramatic structure.



North American Indian Thought and Culture

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: North American Indian Thought and Culture brings together more than 100,000 pages, many of which are previously unpublished, rare, or hard to find. The project integrates autobiographies, biographies, Indian publications, oral histories, personal writings, photographs, drawings, and audio files for the first time. The result is a comprehensive representation of historical events as told by the individuals who lived through them. The database is an essential resource for all those interested in serious scholarly research into the history of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Peoples.



North American Women's Drama, 2nd Edition

Access information: Access on and off campus. 
Description: North American Women’s Drama brings these writings the attention they deserve, by publishing the full text of 1,500 plays written from Colonial times to the present by more than 100 women from the United States and Canada. Many of the works are rare, hard to find, or out of print. Almost a quarter of the collection consists of previously unpublished plays. Now for the first time, these plays can be studied, analyzed, and read with ease. Each play is extensively and deeply indexed, allowing both keyword and multi-fielded searching. The plays are accompanied by reference materials, significant ancillary information, a rich performance database, and associated resources. The result is an exceptionally deep and unified collection — to give voices to women, to represent women’s issues, to break stereotypes, to examine women’s views, to present women in various roles, and simply to entertain.


Access information: Available on and off campus
Description: The English North China Herald is universally acclaimed as the prime printed source in any language for the history of the foreign presence in China from around 1850 to the 1940s.
  During this so-called ‘treaty century’ (1842-1943) the Great Western Powers established a strong presence in China through their protected enclaves in the major cities. It was published in Shanghai, at the heart of China’s dealing with the Euro-American world and a city at the forefront of developments in Chinese politics, culture, education and the economy.
  As the official journal for British consular notifications, and announcements of the Shanghai Municipal Council, it is the first – and sometimes only – point of reference for information and comment on a range of foreign and Chinese activities.



Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive

Access information: Freely available from The Library at Queen’s University Belfast .

The Library at Queen’s University Belfast has been developing an online archive, known as the Northern Ireland Official Publications Archive (NIOPA).

NIOPA is fully searchable with browsing and full text functionality and, as a digital archive of Northern Ireland official publications, makes documents available to support the research community, government departments and the wider public.

For your information, NIOPA records and documents are deposited with the British Library under the Legal Deposit Libraries (Non-Print Works) Regulations 2013.



Norton Critical Editions Collection

Access information: Access on and off campus.

This is a curated collection of 49 essential classic texts (will increase to over 50 titles) in the e-book format of the traditional and authoritative Norton Critical Editions series. The titles are drawn from American Literature, 18th and 19th Century Literature, World Literature, Early Modern Drama, Short Stories and Poetry, and Religion and Epics. The texts are also accompanied with essays and other secondary readings, bibliographies and historical and contemporary analysis. All the individual titles are indexed and searchable by title or author in DiscoverEd.

Coverage: Title list from DiscoverEd.
Further Notes: You may wish to create a VitalSource Bookshelf account. To do this, follow the instructions on the initial login screen. If you do not want to create an account click the "No thanks, I'll skip this step" button and follow the on-screen instructions.