In addition to hosting webinars and workshops, the Cultural Heritage Digitisation Service publishes a blog, and participates in many outreach activities and publications in conjunction with the University of Edinburgh and external partners to increase awareness and use of the University’s research collections and digital resources. Blog Image Our blog has the latest news and articles created by the Cultural Hertiage Digitisation Service, and is a great way to keep up to date on our exciting projects.Visit the Digitisation BlogWorkshops and WebinarsAs part of our outreach services, the Cultural Heritage Digitisation Service hosts workshops and webinars about our digital resources and digitisation services for a variety of University audiences. We have also guest lectured for University courses, such as the MSc in Book History and the MScR in Collections and Curating Practices, as well as presented for wider audiences during the ERASMUS Knowledge Exchange Week. If your department is interested in booking a workshop with us, please contact us. View "Digital Library – a hidden gem to support digital learning," Learning and Teaching Conference 2020 Image Google Arts and CultureThe University of Edinburgh participates in the Google Arts and Culture program where high-resolution images and video are available displaying the cultural collections of organizations from around the world. (Launching Fall 2020) Visit the University of Edinburgh on Google Arts and CultureEuropeanaThe University of Edinburgh contributes digitised material from our collections to Europeana, a resource sharing platform for European archives, libraries, and museums.Visit the University of Edinburgh on EuropeanaDigital Wall Image The Digital Wall is a physical space within the University Main Library that showcases digital and digtised collections to build awareness of digital content and encourage user engagement. The Wall supports learning, teaching and research by providing a physical space within the library to browse, discover and interact with digital primary sources and digitised university collections. The wall comprises two stations of 3x3 high-definition monitors that allow for digitised content to be viewed in 2D and 3D and contextualized through catalogue descriptions and video documentaries. To get involved with programming content for the Digital Wall or to request special use of the Digital Wall, contact us. PublicationsMaterials from our collections have been reproduced in, and used in support of many publications from within the University, and outwith. Image ____________________Image Credit: Hortus sanitatis (CRC Inc.F.9)Image Credit: Main Library Digital Wall (0143775) This article was published on 2024-08-21