Scottish Literary Papers

Guides to literary manuscripts, correspondence, and personal papers by some of Scotland's foremost writers.

The George Mackay Brown Papers (Coll-50) include materials relating to most of Brown's major works and correspondence with other important Scottish writers.

The Papers of Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd (Coll-25) include an archive of John Buchan's correspondence as the firm's co-director and literary adviser.

The Helen Cruickshank Papers (Coll-81) include working materials for Cruickshank's major publications and correspondence with the leading lights of the Scottish Literary Renaissance.

The Duncan Glen Papers (Coll-1067) are an invaluable record of Glen's work as a publisher and champion of Hugh MacDiarmid and other 20th-century Scottish poets.

The Hamish Henderson Archive (Coll-1438) includes papers and correspondence relating to all aspects of Henderson's career as poet, songwriter, scholar, and activist.

The 'Jabberwock' Archive (Coll-1611) includes manuscript submissions and correspondence sent to this influential Edinburgh University-based journal by some of Scotland's most important post-war writers.

The Laing Collection (Coll-1) includes a wide range of Scottish literary manuscripts dating from the 16th to the 19th century.

The Maurice Lindsay Papers (Coll-56) include working materials for publications and broadcasts, and correspondence with other important Scottish writers.

The Marion Lochhead Papers (Coll-809) include working materials for most of Lochhead's major publications and an extensive archive of press-cuttings.

The Norman MacCaig Papers (Coll-69) include manuscripts of all MacCaig’s major poems and correspondence with other important Scottish writers.

The Hugh MacDiarmid Papers (Coll-18) include manuscripts of poetry, essays, journalism, short stories, and radio broadcasts. There are also letters and literary manuscripts sent to MacDiarmid by many other major writers.

The Edwin Muir Papers (Coll-445) includes manuscripts and other working materials for literary and critical works and important correspondence with leading Scottish writers.

The Records of 'Scottish International Review' (Coll-232) include manuscripts and correspondence sent to this important and controversial literary journal by some of the major Scottish writers of the 1960s and 1970s.

The Tom Scott Papers (Coll-1077) consists of ca. 170 letters to poet Tom Scott from other major twentieth-century Scottish writers.

The Sydney Goodsir Smith Papers (Coll-497) include working materials for Smith's most important poetic and dramatic works, along with letters from other major figures of the Scottish Literary Renaissance.

The William Soutar Papers (Coll-796) consist of manuscripts of English-language poems sent by Soutar to John Fraser (1929) and William Morrison, editor of the 'Scots Observer' (1934).

Edinburgh University Library’s Fred Urquhart Papers (Coll-49) include working materials for most of his major publications, many unpublished manuscripts, and correspondence with other Scottish writers.

Edinburgh University Library's Andrew Young Papers (Coll-702) include working papers for poems and broadcast scripts, together with letters to literary friends.

We hold important manuscripts by many other Scottish authors, either in small self-standing collections, or as part of our larger archival collections.