S. G. Smith Materials on Other Scottish Writers

The Sydney Goodsir Smith Papers contain materials on or by other major Scottish writers.



Robert Burns

  • Materials relating to Sydney Goodsir Smith's co-editorship of Robert Burns's The Merry Muses of Caledonia (1959), including MS notes, a proof of the title-page, and letters from Smith, James Barke, J. DeLancey Ferguson, G. (Gershon) Legman, W. N. H. Harding, C. Pearl, and R. W. (Robert William) Chapman (Gen 1773)

Robert Garioch

  • 'The Beasties of the Yirdlie Paradise', verse translation by Garioch from the Italian of Giuseppe Gioachino Belli (E2005.27/1)

Hugh MacDiarmid

  • TS of MacDiarmid's preface to the 1964 edition of Smith's Carotid Cornucopius (Gen 1761)
  • 'To Hugh MacDiarmid: On Yet Anither Buffday Occasion'(1967), MS, 2 corrected TSS, and radio script of celebratory poem by Smith (Gen 1771)

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