Summary of Records

The Records of 'Scottish International Review' fall into the following categories.

Please note that the records are unsorted and that there are only partial records for the period 1969-71.

  • Memorandum and Articles of Association (Gen. 2159/1)
  • Annual Reports and Accounts, 1968, 1971-73 (Gen. 2159/1, Gen. 2159/3)
  • Bank statements, 1969-73 (Gen. 2159/2)
  • Minutes of Annual General Meetings, 1971-72 (Gen. 2159/1)
  • Minutes of 13th-28th Meetings of the Board of Directors, 1971-74 (with related correspondence and documents) (Gen. 2159/1, Gen. 2159/3)
  • Correspondence between members of the Board of Directors, 1968, 1973-74 (Gen. 2159/1, Gen. 2159/3)
  • Correspondence between the Board of Directors and the Scottish Arts Council and Board of Directors, 1968, 1973-74 (Gen. 2159/1, Gen. 2159/3)
  • Correspondence with contributors, 1967-69, 1973 (Gen. 2159/1-3)
  • Correspondence regarding subscriptions, 1968-74 (Gen. 2159/1-3)
  • Correspondence regarding permissions, 1968-69 (Gen. 2159/1)
  • Correspondence with advertisers, 1968-69, 1970-73 (Gen. 2159/1-2)
  • Correspondence with printers, 1968, 1974 (Gen. 2159/1, Gen. 2159/3)
  • Correspondence with publishers of books reviewed, 1968-69 (Gen. 2159/1-2)
  • Correspondence with booksellers, distributors, mailing lists, and subscription agents, 1968-74 (Gen. 2159/1-3)
  • Applications for the post of editor, Scottish International, 1973 (Gen. 2159/3)
  • Submitted manuscripts and commissioned reviews (Gen. 2159/1-3)
  • General Index, 1968-1971 (Gen. 2159/3)
  • Records of Scottish International’s predecessor publication Feedback (Gen. 2159/1, Gen. 2159/3)

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