Main Library opening hours

Opening hours and staffed hours of the Main Library, George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LJ

We welcome all users into the UoE Libraries. Please note, that for some external users, the membership application process has changed. Please check up-to-date information on the Joining the Library web pages before visiting any library. 

Full details on using library and other centrally managed study spaces are available on the Study Spaces webpage.


Semester opening hours from Saturday 4 January to Thursday 5 June 2025 
Day Building EdHelp Service Desk 
Monday - Thursday 24 hour opening 9am - 7:50pm
Friday 24 hour opening 9am - 6:50pm
Saturday 24 hour opening 12 midday - 4:50pm
Sunday 24 hour opening 12 midday - 6:50pm


Opening hours for the Centre for Research Collections, including Heritage Collections.


Library Café 


Main Library Cafe opening hours 
Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 10pm
Friday8:30am - 6pm
Saturday & Sunday 10am - 6pm


The coffee cart is open on the Ground Floor Foyer of the Main Library:

 Monday – Thursday: 9am - 4pm

 Friday: 9am - 3pm



Self-service in the Main Library

Main Library location and contacts

Policy for child access to the University Library