How long can I borrow a book for?

DiscoverEd will tell you the location and loan period for a book.

Using DiscoverEd to find a book

DiscoverEd will provide information on:

  • Which Library holds the book (Location)
  • What the loan period is (Standard Loan, Short Loan, and Reserve)
  • The shelfmark of the book
  • How many copies of the book the Library holds
  • Whether or not the book is out (On loan/Available)

Lending times

Reserve items may be borrowed for 3 hours. A Reserve book may be borrowed overnight 3 hours before library Helpdesk closing. For libraries (including Main Library HUB) that are open after 7pm, Reserve books can be borrowed overnight from 4pm. Reserve books must be returned the next morning by 10:30am Monday to Friday, or by 1:30pm Saturday and Sunday. Reserve books cannot be renewed or requested.

Short Loan or HUB Short Loan books may be borrowed for 1 week *

Standard Loan books may be borrowed for:

  • 4 weeks by Undergraduates and other categories of users*
  • 12 weeks by Postgraduates, University staff*

* Please note that Short Loan and Standard Loan books can be requested back from you by other users. If another user requests a Short Loan item from you, you will be unable to renew the item beyond its due date. In the case of Standard Loan items, the loan period will be shortened to one week from when it is requested by another user. For more information on this please go to:

Requesting an item which is on loan

Renewing books

Books may be renewed if they have not been requested by another user.

  • All books (Standard Loan; Short Loan; HUB Short Loan but NOT Reserve) can be renewed for up to 36 months from the initial issue date before they need to be returned to the issuing Library.

How to renew books


If you have any queries about loan periods:

Related Links

Library Regulations