ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, and is a universal identifier which academic authors can adopt. It is a unique and persistent way for researchers and scholars to eliminate name ambiguity and accurately connect authors to their works, projects and institutional affiliations throughout their career.

Why should I get one?

ORCID helps you easily and reliably link your unique identity with your contributions such as datasets, articles, books, media stories, samples, experiments, patents, and notebooks. It is founded on interoperability and allows you to link with other identifier systems, including those maintained by funders and publishers, and exchange data freely with those research information systems.

ORCID integrated with PURE
ORCID integrated with PURE

How do I get an ORCID identifier?

Registration is free and fast for all researchers and scholars. All you have to do is visit the ORCID registration page and enter a few details about yourself. You are then issued an ORCID ID which is a 16-digit number of the form 0000-0000-1234-5678. This ID can then be used when when you submit publications, apply for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work.

Adding ORCID to your PURE record.

Once you have an ORCID ID you can link it to your PURE record. Log in to PURE as normal, then click on 'Edit Profile' to bring up a pop-up window with your profile information. Under the 'Metadata' tab (should be the default option) click the 'Add existing ORCID' or 'Create ORCID' button to proceed. If you don't have an ORCID record identifier you can follow the links in PURE to register and be allocated one.

Using your ORCID ID elsewhere

The ORCID standard is being adopted by many types of organisations, including research funders and publishers. Here are a few examples of integration:

  • Publishing: use your ORCID ID to log in to manuscript submission systems in journals such as PLoS One, Genome Biology published by BioMed Central, or any journals using the ScholarOne manuscript submission systems used by major publishers.
  • Pre-prints: link your arXiv account with ORCID.
  • Reference management software: used in EndNote, either to import references from ORCID or to populate your ORCID record.
  • Databases and citation reports: use ORCID to make sure the data held about you in databases like Web of Science, InCites, SciVal and Scopus is correct.