Information about Library news, events and service updates. HighlightsDissertation and Thesis Festival24 February to 28 February 2025 Want to boost your library research skills? Interested in finding out more about library resources for your research question? Looking for help with managing bibliographic and research data? Join us for the Library’s week-long programme of events to help you succeed with your dissertation or thesis. We’re offering a range of online sessions including EndNote for managing references, SAGE Research Methods and Literature reviews: functions, types and methods. If you prefer to attend in-person events, why not come along to our Dissertation & Thesis Festival Discovery Day on Wednesday 26 February! We’re exploring LGBTQ+ History Month with a day of LGBTQ+ themed events in the Main Library, featuring:Deep dive sessions into our digital primary sources.Stalls with information, freebies and advice on library resources.Hands on session with our unique archival resources. Discovery Day: Exploring LGBTQ+ History Dissertation and Thesis FestivalRooting: Ecology, Extraction & Environmental Emergency in the University’s Art Collection27 January to 15 November 2025 Main Library Exhibition Gallery, George Square Monday to Saturday, 10am-6pmTaking the University’s 350-year-old Art Collection as its focus, the exhibition features historic and contemporary artworks that consider environment, ecology, as well as the entangled relationship between economic and colonial legacies and the climate crisis. The display showcases a range of artforms by 30 different artists acquired by the University and currently used to support and enhance research and learning. As part of the institution’s cultural heritage, the artworks displayed in the exhibition will highlight University’s histories in relation to these topics, as well as offering reflections on the urgency for individual and collective action.Rooting is being delivered in collaboration with the University’s Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability (SRS) and will highlight ongoing activity across the University to create a more sustainable future through research, teaching, operations and people.Museums and Galleries exhibitions and eventsArt show sparks cultural climate conversations through University collection Library Updates Library events and training Find out about our Library skills training programmes, exhibitions and events.Library events and training Library updates newsletter Library Updates Newsletter Library Updates is a monthly online newsletter, sharing the latest news on library services, resources and projects.Library Updates Newsletter - Current and Archive issues Library annual report Re:Connect 2024 Re:Connect Annual Report 2024: Connecting people with their past, present, and future by sharing compelling stories from our world–class collections. Frequently Used Services Library cards and membership Library cardsYour University student card is also your library card, you will need it to access library buildings and borrow print materials. Please use the links below to find updated information on how to request and receive your card. Apply for your student cardReceiving your cardVIDEO: Apply for and receive your student card (4 minutes)Library Locations webpages for information on library sitesLibrary opening hours Visitors and External usersWe ask that all Visitors and External users email us at before visiting.If you have a question about joining the library as an External user please see the Joining the Library page. Study spaces Study spaces on a walk up basis are available across all library sites. There are also a small number of bookable study spaces on the 3rd and 5th floors of the Main Library in George Square. For more information on study spaces please use the links below.Study Spaces SeatEd webform (for bookable study spaces only)SeatEd App User Guide (for bookable study spaces only) Library Opening HoursFinding ResourcesDiscoverEdBorrowing books and other resourcesReturns, fines and noticesRequest A Book Heritage CollectionsSCONUL AccessE-Resources trials - current trials to new resources and feedback form. Library opening hours may have to change in response to adverse weather or building issues. Please check our web pages before you visit, and follow our social media feeds at @isalerts(X) @EdUniLibraries(Instagram). Help and supportCoronavirus Updates - University page with the latest news about the institution's response to the COVID-19 pandemicEdHelp - For general queries about library services or any other student supportAcademic Support Librarians - For support with finding and using resources for research, teaching or studyResource Lists - For help with accessing and using resource listsDonations - For advice about donating materials to the library This article was published on 2024-08-21