Preventive Conservation

Preventive Conservation inhibits damage to the collections through a variety of activities.

  • Handling training

    • All new staff members, including volunteers and interns, are trained on how to handle collection items correctly.
  • Rehousing
    • We rehouse our collections in folders and boxes. Bespoke storage solutions are made for unusually-shaped items
  • Surveying
    • We survey the content and condition of the collections so we are aware of the needs of the material. New acquisitions are checked for pests and mould prior to being moved into the store rooms.
  • Monitoring the environment
    • Our storage and exhibition spaces conform to PD5454:2012 standards, and are constantly monitored for any changes
  • Integrated pest management
    • We check for pest activity using sticky blunder traps and examine the collections for any damage. We reduce the risk of pest infestation through good housekeeping practices
  • Disaster planning
    • We have a comprehensive disaster response and recovery plan
Boxes before and after conservation work
Boxes housing manuscript material before (left) and after (right) rehousing