Joining the Library

Information on how to join and access the University of Edinburgh Libraries, what identification is required and services provided.

*During the exam period new Reference memberships and renewals of existing Reference memberships will not be possible at the Main Library and Law Library.

Affected dates: Tuesday 8 April till Thursday 15 May 2025 inclusive

Staff and fully matriculated students of the University of Edinburgh have full access and borrowing rights to all of our site Libraries. Some academic visitors may also have full rights at the Library.

Membership to University of Edinburgh Library is available to staff and students of other universities through the reciprocal access schemes mentioned below. We have certain ID requirements depending on membership (see link for relevant group and accepted ID) Reference access is available to all on production of appropriate ID and proof of current address. Borrowing rights may be available to some students and staff via the local and national reciprocal agreements and schemes such as SCONUL Access.

We ask that all Visitors email us at before visiting.

Students studying at the Centre for Open Learning are welcome to join Edinburgh University Library.

University of Edinburgh Library is open to all members of the public on production of appropriate proof of identity.

Alumni and 'Life' members may apply to access physical and some online library resources.

Access arrangements are also in place for certain groups and organisations.

This privacy notice explains what personal information the University holds about those joining as library members. It explains why we hold this information, what we do with it, how long we keep it for and if we share it with third parties.

Staff and fully matriculated students of the University of Edinburgh have full access and borrowing rights to all Edinburgh University library sites.

Services for external members

Although, as a University service, the Library is partly funded from central government, we are not a public library. The extent to which we can offer facilities to external users free of charge is limited.

The library can offer some services only on payment of subscriptions or fees, which are set at realistic but reasonable levels. Income derived from these subscriptions and fees is used to maintain and develop collections and services.