Fred Urquhart Materials in Other EUL Collections

There are significant materials of Urquhart interest in other EUL collections.



These include letters to Maurice Lindsay and Robert Nye, a review by Norman MacCaig, and references to Urquhart in letters to Hugh MacDiarmid from Lindsay, John MacNair Reid, and William Soutar. In his letters to MacDiarmid, Lindsay describes the 'uneasy alliance' he formed with Urquhart when co-editing the anthology Scottish Signposts.


Maurice Lindsay (Coll-56)

  • 7 letters from Urquhart to Lindsay, 1948-1976 (Gen 2030/31/251)

Norman MacCaig (Coll-69)

  • TS review of Scottish Short Stories, ed. Fred Urquhart, broadcast on Arts Review (BBC Scottish Home Service), 17 September 1957 (MS 3203/1/15)

Hugh MacDiarmid (Coll-18)

  • TS of unpublished anthology Scottish Signposts (1943-44), co-edited by Fred Urquhart and Maurice Lindsay (MS 2983)
  • 'The Red Stot', TS short story by Urquhart in above anthology (MS 2983)
  • Urquhart mentioned in 5 letters from Maurice Lindsay to Hugh MacDiarmid, 22 February, 10, 30, 31 March 1944, and 3 April 1944 (MS 2953.3/15-16, 19-21)
  • Mentioned in letters from John MacNair Reid to MacDiarmid, 21 June 1938 (MS 2958.15/12-13)
  • Mentioned in 2 letters from William Soutar to Hugh MacDiarmid, 16 February 1939 and 19 December 1940 (MS 2960.18/29, 37-38)

Robert Nye (Coll-54)

  • Letter from Urquhart to Robert Nye, 11 August 1980 (MS 2906)

Presentation Copies

There are also presentation copies, inscribed by Urquhart, of the following volumes in EUL Special Collections:

  • The Clouds Are Big with Mercy (1946), inscribed to Peter Sutcliffe, 18 August 1951 (SC 8732)
  • Time Will Knit (1988), inscribed to Herta and John Ryder, 11 December 1988 (SD 6401)
  • Full Score: Short Stories, ed. Graeme Roberts (1989), inscribed to Herta and John Ryder, 26 June 1989 (SD 6403)